I am Commercial Parts Pro at Advance Auto Parts- ASE certified- until the 16th of this month-been there 4 years. Was previosly a daycare teacher with a 2 year associates degree. I am 27 years old, have had cancer, hip surgery, I am trying to avoid surgery on my feet and legs. Not to mention a mommy to a 2 year old "lil man" and about 600 critters.
I am going to take it easy at home with the animals starting this month and see how long it lasts on one income. We raise pigs, goats, minis, rabbits, chickens and sell our meat, eggs, piglets etc. I do take in foster animals....I have a meat handlers liscense, and we eat what we grow....it is all raised organic and USDA. I am also an artist, I do wood burning, pet portraits, and paint cars to make ends meet.... My husband owns a tire/mechanic shop. My life is my animals, I couldnt live without them...
We are frugal- no TV for the past 5 years ( no time to watch it) and we do have internet and cell phones. we pay cash on the best we can afford to not go into debt and we live off the land. The way times are- you have to be cautious, and do as much as you can for yourself. I am a health nut when it comes to eating steriod pumped foods...thats why we started a farm with all organic grass fed animals. visit
www.eatwild.com to see what I mean on that- i could go on all day!!