I believe that NM has the same issues with the non-DVM administering sedation--and I actually agree with this policy. There was a young man several years ago who set himself up as an equine dentist, was said to be quite good--a friend had him to her house, to do a couple of Fjords--when he used the same needle to administer sedation to both of her horses, the 'bloom was off the rose' quickly!! I dropped my plans to try him, and she never had him back!
The current area 'dental specialist' IS a DVM. I like her personally, but she uses only power equipment, is through in nothing flat, has been known to 'overdo' it (as in, flattening the tooth surfaces TOO much), has no cooling to accompany that high speed equipment(I have read more than once how careful one must be when using power dental equipment on equines; in watching her work, don't feel I've seen that kind of care...and teeth CAN be permanently damaged!) I am lucky to have a very experienced 'regular' vet who will take the time and make the effort to do a good job, and will use 'standard' equipment(non-power); he also has and uses power equipement, but will accede to the owner's wishes. He sedates those that need it, but not 'automatically'. Because I live well out of the city, I hauled two 'trailerloads' down into Albuq. to him--less expensive than the trip fees(and my time is my own). I feel fortunate to have him!!