What is up with all the mean attitudes lately

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I think alot of times its because typeing something you dont really know how somebody means it. I know alot of people are turned off by my posts. However when you meet and actually talk to me, I dont really come off that way. Im just very very bad at typeing things out how I mean them.

SO that also must be taken in to consideration. The way one types something to mean, and how the other takes it could be totally different.
I have felt the same way.

Whenever I would post pictures. I only get at the most four responses. Another time, when I ask advice, and I post an update, Im afraid to because maybe you guys will not approve of it. I am a youth, I am still learning.

Is it because a dwarf was born here? Or is it because I haven't been to any AMHR or AMHA shows this year (Next time I am). Give people a chance.

MiniSeasons said:
I have felt the same way.
Whenever I would post pictures. I only get at the most four responses. Another time, when I ask advice, and I post an update, Im afraid to because maybe you guys will not approve of it. I am a youth, I am still learning.

Is it because a dwarf was born here? Or is it because I haven't been to any AMHR or AMHA shows this year (Next time I am). Give people a chance.



Jessica... no one is purposefully snubbing you. Any forum moves at different speeds... and is busy at different times.

As far as a dwarf being born there - if you have paid attention to many other posts - you will note that the Special Ones are not treated as pariahs here... and we cherish them - and help them deal with a life they may not be well suited for.

Post updates... chat away... and simply enjoy yourself without looking for conspiracies or "reasons" behind things. They simply are not there... ((HUG))


BUT - there is indeed an interesting "clique" here... as I discovered in a recent thread. A sort of a We Know Everything And What We Say Is Correct and We Are The Experts On Everything Etc. Just Ask Us few... a thread got ugly - and the "few" high-fived each other and chortled and slammed and bashed others... and they were adults. *sigh*

That's okay...you have to roll with the punches. But when I see knowledgeable people on this forum getting plowed over by others... and newbies following along... well - it makes me a bit sad.

But then - it takes all sorts of different types to make a message board interesting - just like Real Life!
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This is my first post. I have been reading this Forum for a little over two years now. I have no agenda or am I about of any click. I will just say how I see it.

JS1Arab, I think you have some valid points. I see certain individuals coming on the Forum and implying there way is the only way. The feed example that you gave is a good one. Once somebody posts something like that, I understand where other people just do not want to post. As you said there is no right way.

Now in my personal opinion, from reading all this time I find only about a half a dozen posters offensive. I understand that the Forum monitors can not ban everyone for an ocassional rude comment but I do feel that this board would be better off without of few of them.

I also find that some on here who complain the loudest are also the biggest offenders.

I see people playing the numbers game. How many posts can I rack up. Numbers are just not important. It's what you have to say. Personally, if the big thing in your life and what makes you important, is how many posts you can rack up on a Forum, it's pretty sad. No I am not talking about the people who have many posts because they have been posting for five years.

I also see where people are taking some of the things that happen on here way to personally. I do not think people are snubbed intentionally nor do I think that people who show are better liked than those who don't.

I have no idea how this whole "whole people that show are the only ones that matter" thing got started. Personally I think its people just feeling inferior. That is there own problem to deal with.

TriggyNBlueandDaiseytoo made a great comment......

<<Sometimes there is "history" behind some of the unpleasantness so yes I do take it all for and against with a grain of salt.>>

I do see the history on this Forum and some people don't understand that it is the way of all Forums. You cannot take it personally. Some of you need to go visit other Forums. This place is mild.

Fran, I do not see where people find any questions ignorant and when a thread does not get answered I do not again think anyone is snubbing you. You have to realize that some topics just get posted so much it sometimes gets tiresome. Just do a search and go from there. Sometimes people just do not have an answer at that time.

As for fighting? Yes, I have seen topics posted by certain individuals just to start a fight. They post and then they are no where to been seen.

Yes, there are also topics, one recently, that there was a big to do for about three days and then another poster, who I know saw the other thread started the same thing all over again. Sorry! That is just trouble in the making.

Mary, I think you were the one that made a comment about people being tired of the same stuff. Sorry but when the same stuff just happened 2 days prior the people commenting were just over it and had every right to say so. I understand your point if the topic had just not been brought up, but that was not the case.

I also saw the flashing butt comment you made. You need to go back and pull up that thread again. All that was was a few people trying to lighten up the thread by the fact that their butts were fat. It was funny! You really took the entire thing in the wrong way and now that it's past maybe rereading will verify this as most everyone on that particular thread was saying that things are a matter of choice. (just like you)

Again, sorry, but to many
taking things way to personally.

Tagalong I also think you made some valid points.

<<you have to roll with the punches. But when I see knowledgeable people on this forum getting plowed over by others... and newbies following along... well - it makes me a bit sad.>>

It makes me sad reading some of this too. I see where so many very knowledgeable people won't even post anymore or post only when they are very passionate about something. It's sad because they have so much great input.

And I will end this with the fact that one of the biggest problems it that too many on here really do not read someones post throughly and really try to take time to decipher the meaning before that hit that post button and reply to something that wasn't even there!

This Forum is filled with such a wide variety of people. Certainly there are going to be some clashes and yes, there are going to be clicks but that is totally normal. The clicks I do see many times disagree with eachother. No big deal! Overall this is a pretty good place.

I dont even know you but boy i wish you would post more often that was very well said and thought out and appreciated!
Lisa, thank you, I just sat back long enough and felt that this topic really needed an outsiders opinion.

I have to say that I admire you also. You have been on the Forum a very long time. You state your opinion and you don't care if people like it or not. You do not seem to be here to win a popularity contest yet people seem to like you and you don't get your panties in a wad if someone disagrees.

And, btw, you are one that joked about that fat butt. LOL..........Sometimes people need to see the humourous side of things!

Rai (who will post a bit more!)
I agree, you said that very well outdoorchic!

I've learned in real life that sometimes, no matter how nicely some people express themselves, someone gets offended by what is said. This forum is exactly the same. It's common enough for someone to post their opinion/observation, and they do so nicely. But, because their view doesn't agree with someone else's, someone else takes offense & calls the poster rude.

Other times someone is just being blunt, calling a spade a spade, speaking in general terms...only someone else takes it as a personal jab & gets offended. I've seen that twice just in the past couple, 3 days--once just earlier today on another thread.

The one that disillusioned me the most, though, was a couple weeks ago, maybe a bit more. It was (I thought) a pretty good discussion going on, until one person slammed another for misspelling a word....one letter was "wrong". We're not talking "u" in place of "you" or anything hard to read like that (spelling mistakes don't much bother me, but this abbreviated text messaging type lingo isn't just about spelling & can get a bit out there for some of us old folks!) Anyway, this was one letter in the middle of a word, and this person jumped on it. Came across to me that the poster felt like she was on the losing end of a slanging match (though really it was supposed to be just a discussion) and so when all else failed, she had to throw a big rock about this one letter. I'd really thought better of the poster, so that really disappointed me. At the time I was very disgusted and just about quit coming here at all. Then I thought no, there are many people here that I do enjoy--why should I leave because of a few that I really don't like?

It doesn't pay to be too sensitive....such is life!
Well, I am glad I did post this topic. I debated for quite a while (actually a few months) before doing so. It has been really interesting to see everyone's thoughts and views. I see both sides to this post. There are a few who get way too sensitive, but there are still those who feel the need to get the one- upmanship even if it means being hurtful. I just wanted to state my observations as I was sure others were feeling a bit the same. There have been so many good posts here that I would love to have pm'd several of you individuals. Unfortunately, I am busy having a fight with my website(it isn't wanting to publish my new pics!) and running my kids to sporting events so I have not done so, but please note that there were some excellent points of view here and incredibly, all were stated nonconfrontationally (is that really a word
) Thanks again to all who took the time to post and outdoorchic -please quit hiding and come visit more often, you sound like a good voice of reason

Oh by the way Marty - Sorry to tell you, but if you dig a hole, you'd be wrong
If you did that, who would snuggle that new little love bug of yours and who would keep those boys of yours from picking up things they shouldn't
outdoorchic said:
.  You have been on the Forum a very long time.  You state your opinion and you don't care if people like it or not.  You do not seem to be here to win a popularity contest yet people seem to like you and you don't get your panties in a wad if someone disagrees.
And, btw, you are one that joked about that fat butt.  LOL..........Sometimes people need to see the humourous side of things!

Rai  (who will post a bit more!)


well thanks.. i have been here a long time and learned so much along the way and sometimes this place truly has saved a life of a horse or foal with what I have learned i try to focus on that. Sometimes i am wrong, sometimes i get heated when i need to walk away. sometimes i am just a flat out sea hag for no reason (other then hormonal) and sometimes others are the same way but at the end of the day... this place is great and we are a family that pulls togther just that sometimes we all take turns being the black sheep
Well I don't know who you are since I don't see a name but whoever you are certainly didn't need to get personal. You have every right to your opinion but not everyone has the same perspective. Perhaps a time will come when you will have someone flash their butts at you and throw flames and then we will see how you like it. I personally did not see where it lightened up the topic one bit, [where does flaming ever do that?] in fact there were some that only got more upset with the childness of it all. Many people found it very rude because I heard from them in pm. I suppose the "crawling out from under the rock was very funny to you also...well not all seen it that way. You don't have to take anything personally but there are people who are not like you and do take things personally. There is no need for the rudness and cut ups and I won't change my mind one bit about that fact. Perhaps it has been easy for you to sit back and just take count of who you think does right and who you think doesn't, and then pop up to give your opinion about them. Why aren't you adding something worthwhile instead of telling others what they have done wrong? If we all sat back and didn't contribute anything except critcism to those you think are doing wrong. what kind of forum would this be? Do you have anything to contribute,other than finding fault with what others do, which you think is wrong, and if so why haven't we seen it? Must be easy to sit and critize and not let others know you might have some faults of your own. Just be decent enough to acknowledge that not everyone sees things the same as you. Maybe you think people just make contributions to a thread to make themselves look important [another put down to them from you] Well do you know why you made the post other than to make yourself look important?

My posting the article from the saleboard was taken by many to be old stuff...but I have gone back time and again and never have I seen where any one brought up the article. Had I known any one person would take that post and turn it into hurting people with their words I would never done it. But when it came down to certain ones flaming and flashing butts at the poster, I thought it was just too much for decent people. And you know what, if you don't like what I post, there is no law that says you have to read it. It certainly isn't posted for you to sit behind your computer and judge me, nor citicize me....I didn't ask for an evaluation from you and I think it was unnecessary for you to give a rundown name by name of those you found fault with. If you have any more to say about me or to me, please pm me so the nice people don't have to be subjected to this. Mary

outdoorchic said:
This is my first post.  I have been reading this Forum for a little over two years now.  I have no agenda or am I about of any click.  I will just say how I see it.
JS1Arab, I think you have some valid points.  I see certain individuals coming on the Forum and implying there way is the only way.  The feed example that you gave is a good one.  Once somebody posts something like that, I understand where other people just do not want to post.  As you said there is no right way.

Now in my personal opinion, from reading all this time I find only about a half a dozen posters offensive.  I understand that the Forum monitors can not ban everyone for an ocassional rude comment but I do feel that this board would be better off without of few of them. 

I also find that some on here who complain the loudest are also the biggest offenders.

I see people playing the numbers game.  How many posts can I rack up.  Numbers are just not important.  It's what you have to say.  Personally, if the big thing in your life and what makes you important, is how many posts you can rack up on a Forum, it's pretty sad.  No I am not talking about the people who have many posts because they have been posting for five years.

I also see where people are taking some of the things that happen on here way to personally.  I do not think people are snubbed intentionally nor do I think that people who show are better liked than those who don't.

I have no idea how this whole "whole people that show are the only ones that matter" thing got started.  Personally I think its people just feeling inferior.  That is there own problem to deal with.

TriggyNBlueandDaiseytoo made a great comment......

<<Sometimes there is "history" behind some of the unpleasantness so yes I do take it all for and against with a grain of salt.>>

I do see the history on this Forum and some people don't understand that it is the way of all Forums.  You cannot take it personally.  Some of you need to go visit other Forums.  This place is mild.

Fran, I do not see where people find any questions ignorant and when a thread does not get answered I do not again think anyone is snubbing you.  You have to realize that some topics just get posted so much it sometimes gets tiresome.  Just do a search and go from there.  Sometimes people just do not have an answer at that time.

As for fighting?  Yes, I have seen topics posted by certain individuals just to start a fight.  They post and then they are no where to been seen. 

Yes, there are also topics, one recently, that there was a big to do for about three days and then another poster, who I know saw the other thread started the same thing all over again.  Sorry!  That is just trouble in the making. 

Mary, I think you were the one that made a comment about people being tired of the same stuff.  Sorry but when the same stuff just happened 2 days prior the people commenting were just over it and had every right to say so. I understand your point if the topic had just not been brought up, but that was not the case.

I also saw the flashing butt comment you made.  You need to go back and pull up that thread again.  All that was was a few people trying to lighten up the thread by the fact that their butts were fat.  It was funny!  You really took the entire thing in the wrong way and now that it's past maybe rereading will verify this as most everyone on that particular thread was saying that things are a matter of choice. (just like you)

Again, sorry, but to many 
taking things way to personally.

Tagalong I also think you made some valid points.

<<you have to roll with the punches. But when I see knowledgeable people on this forum getting plowed over by others... and newbies following along... well - it makes me a bit sad.>>

It makes me sad reading some of this too.  I see where so many very knowledgeable people won't even post anymore or post only when they are very passionate about something.  It's sad because they have so much great input.

And I will end this with the fact that one of the biggest problems it that too many on here really do not read someones post throughly and really try to take time to decipher the meaning  before that hit that post button and reply to something that wasn't even there!

This Forum is filled with such a wide variety of people.  Certainly there are going to be some clashes and yes, there are going to be clicks but that is totally normal.  The clicks I do see many times disagree with eachother.  No big deal!  Overall this is a pretty good place.


First of all, thanks Geese! I feel the same way about your posts.

Oh Mary! Relax GAL! You have blown this way out of proportion. Nobody attacked you but you sure know how to attack. I was merely stating my point of view. Too bad if you don't like it but that is all part of a public Forum ! Did you bother going back and reading that thread? Did "fat butts" have anything to do with you? I think not.

You took so much offense to that I found it comical. So many things to get upset about and that certainly wasn't one of them. (mountain out of molehill)

Again, go back and read. Flaming and flashing butt posters (or whatever) again had nothing to do with you or your article. You really need to get a grip. And as far as a moonie smilie being decent? Oh brother! Your funny! Last time I checked it was 2005 and this isn't a church grouop. If you are going to post on a public Forum, people are going to disagree with you and you are going to see DISGUSTING things like moonie smilies too. As far as I see it you are the only one getting your nose out of joint.

Actually I should be! But what the heck! Life if to short to go nuts over a post or a moonie!

And it is my perrogative to "pop in" and post whateve I like! Are you suggesting that just because you have more posts than me that you are better? That is one of the things people are sensitive about here, yet you assume that just because it's my first post I cannot speak my mind.

And my name is right there. Just forgot it in my first post. Sorry. Off with my head!

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Jessica dont feel that way

If you want to post pictures do it because you enjoy shareing not becuase of the number of replies you do or dont get! I always look at the number of views when any one posts pictures, just because you only get a reply or two doesnt mean people arent enjoying what you have shared there is only so many times some one can say "Beautiful pictures" so it becomes a every other time you post thing (Or so Ive noticed) Although there is nothing better then reading compliments on your horse and getting replies to your topic dont get me wrong. My favorite thing on this forum is shareing my pictures as well as seeing other pictures and updates! I post TONS of pictures and updates and there are always a lot of views so I am sure many forum members enjoy it even if they dont always reply - Do you get what I mean? I for one would love to see some one else post as many pictures and updates as I do, So start updateing and stop worrying!


BTW If some one has a problem with the fact you had a dwarf born (And you didnt try for it) they need a life
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Again, go back and read. Flaming and flashing butt posters (or whatever) again had nothing to do with you or your article. You really need to get a grip. And as far as a moonie smilie being decent?
Well isn't that just dandy....I missed it again
back in the day before we had all the login requirements I missed about a week of reading and that was the week of porn posting
missed that too

ok so where is butt flashing...moonie smilie

and like Lisa I agree there is more good than bad here and the forum seems to have cycles..hmmm wonder if the forum will hit the age of menopause
...... and this is my water cooler ...since I work with a bunch of people that I have little in common with we don't often have much to chat about
Welcome Outdoorchic! And you are right. This is not a numbers game. Your post was honestly refreshing and new viewpoint is always welcomed........like any new poster is welcomed!

Now, that was MY little moonies that this fuss is over. Good Grief....like I haven't got better things to do! Here it is.........and Mary just because your name was part of a quote (and I did check), it does not mean that anyone was flaming you. I guarantee that this had nothing to do with you personally. Believe me........if it was personal I have no qualms about saying so. It was a joke between the three people below.

If you didn't like the humor oh well. Again, part of a public Forum.

I also monitor this Forum. I assure you that there is NO rule against using that smiley and if you think it's in bad taste you can report ME to ME at VerticalLimitNC@aol.com. I will give myself 30 lashes.

Funny, I don't get all those PM's about the poor Moonie!

I really can't believe how ridiculous this is

#1. Lacey posts that it would burn her butt for anyone to tell her what to do with her horses.

#2 I post it would burn my butt too and it was a big butt to burn. I added some moonie smilies.....................

#2 Lisa posts to add her somewhat untiny butt to the list.

That was it. Now you need to get over it because it is much to do about nothing.

As for the rest of the thread, i am glad to see the nice civil way that this has been discussed. Good job! I hope everyone has learned a little something and that maybe we can be a little kinder to each other.

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Carol, Thank you for clearing that up.
When a persons name is used and flaming and butt flashing is used in the same post, what is a person to think? It is just my opinion that it was rude but here again there are always differences of opinions when on a forum and no one has to agree that an opinion is right or wrong. I do wish it had been kept between the three of you instead of having my name on the post...would have saved my feelings...but then what the heck, feelings don't have to be considered on forums...according to certain posters. Guess I will just have to toughen up and take it or leave. I really didn't see any humor to it but then I suppose that makes me wrong. Oh well. Isn't the first time and won't be the last.
I just hope I am given the same consideration if I happen to post something that isn't liked and then I state "just part of a public forum" or "if you don't like it, Oh well." Yes that is being a little "kinder."
Hope those who feel that way don't feel badly when it comes back to them.
Thanks again for your input ...and letting me know what your opinion is.


Vertical Limit Minis said:
Welcome Outdoorchic!  And you are right.  This is not a numbers game.  Your post was honestly refreshing and new viewpoint  is always welcomed........like any new poster is welcomed!
Now, that was MY little moonies that this fuss is over.  Good Grief....like I haven't got better things to do!  Here it is.........and Mary just because your name was part of a quote (and I did check), it does not mean that anyone was flaming you.  I guarantee that this had nothing to do with you personally. Believe me........if it was personal I have no qualms about saying so.  It was a joke between the three people below.

If you didn't like the humor oh well.  Again, part of a public Forum.

I also monitor this Forum.  I assure you that there is NO rule against using that smiley and if you think it's in bad taste you can report ME to ME at VerticalLimitNC@aol.com.  I will give myself 30 lashes.

  Funny, I don't get all those PM's about the poor Moonie!

I really can't believe how ridiculous this is

#1.  Lacey posts that it would burn her butt for anyone to tell her what to do with her horses.

#2  I post it would burn my butt too and it was a big butt to burn.  I added some moonie smilies.....................

#2  Lisa posts to add her somewhat untiny butt to the list.

That was it.  Now you need to get over it because it is much to do about nothing.

As for the rest of the thread, i am glad to see the nice civil way that this has been discussed.  Good job!  I hope everyone has learned a little something and that maybe we can be a little kinder to each other.



Buckskin gal said:Carol, Thank you for clearing that up. 
When a persons name is used and flaming and butt flashing is used in the same post, what is a person to think
Well, Mary, I am glad this cleared it up for you. If you thought for one minute this had something to do with you.......it truly did not.

And yes, I will be honest and say that a certain "toughening up" as you said is sometimes necessary even though the majority of posters really do not mean any harm. We all tend to race thru reading posts and really can take things quite wrong sometimes. I am guilty of it myself and I make sure to go back and REALLY READ what was said. Nine out of Ten times it clears things up.

And I meant no disrespect by telling you to take it or leave it. That is just the way it is. No matter what one person has to say, and no matter how nice they try to be, there is always someone out there that is going to be offended.

What is that old saying......You can please some of the people some of the time........Well, the rest eludes me
I am tired! But you catch my drift!

And yes, that being kinder has nothing to do with taking or leaving an absolute innocent

Sorry, I couldn't resist! So we have a difference in opinion when it comes to humor. Not so bad. Mary, one thing for certain. You will never have to second guess what is on my mind. I will tell you up front. There is no hidden meanings or agendas with me. You are just as important as the next. We are all just different.

Again, I am glad this issue is laid to rest. If you have the need to discuss this further I am always available and I am always willing to discuss things that bother people.


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I am one that was glad to see this topic also.

First off I don't post very much due to the fact I'm fairly new and no I guess I'm just not that tough to take all the flaming yet - hopefully it will come in time. As I've thought of posting on some topics then I see how some can get torn apart. So no I sit back - read - and think about what I would like to post - but then think I would probably be one getting flamed. even though my thoughts are not against or flaming anyone or anything and pertain to the topic. I have learned alot by just reading though. And if there is a post that gets too heated - I usually just quit reading it - as it usually gets pretty much off the topic by everyone flaming everyone towards the end. And what I figured would help me was pretty much at the beginning anyway - I don't need to read about everyone attacking each other - so on to the next topic to see what knowledge I can gain there.

Second off I do see that newcomers usually do receive less responses than someone that has been around here for awhile. I don't let this upset me as when I have a problem or question - I POST IT - and get some responses. Usually what I need I get, so am satisfied with that - USUALLY.

I see where everyone is coming from - yes I admit I am not tough enough to take alot of heat - so I don't post on some topics. This and the fact I work 40 hours a week, have 3 kids at home yet and a husband, plus all the critters outside that need to be tended to before I come on the forum. Lots of times am to tired to come on - so have do catch up - and some of the things are old news to all by the time I read them.

But I do have to say that I have been helped tremendously on here and sometimes I haven't (thinking this is because of my being fairly new and that I don't post on every topic). I do enjoy reading the posts though and the responses for the most part.
Mary - I am glad things got straightened out and you understood that you were mistaken - but it is posts like your upset one near the top of this page that tend to fan the flames and "get in people's faces"....

We all need to take a step back - and read what we have written before we hit Add Reply. Read it twice. Three times. The Edit button is your friend if you do tend to fire things off too quickly.

In other words - post to others as you would want them to post to you....
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I'm confused!!!! Guess I am still to new!

I read more than I post. But find things interesting and do find some answers.

I also look for a friendly ear sometimes.

I don't want all the craziness just nice, helpful talk.

I personally say I'm sorry if I was every out of line.

E-mail me when I am! There is always the personal e-mail way.

I know sometimes with my schedule I can not read or post for several days.

So please excuse me if I am late

God Bless you all,

Joyce of Sunseri Farms

quote=tag-along,Sep 19 2005, 04:13 PM]

Mary - I am glad things got straightened out and you understood that you were mistaken - but it is posts like your upset one near the top of this page that tend to fan the flames and "get in people's faces"....

We all need to take a step back - and read what we have written before we hit Add Reply. Read it twice. Three times. The Edit button is your friend if you do tend to fire things off too quickly.

In other words - post to others as you would want them to post to you....



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