OK, maybe I'm just getting less tolerant in my old age, but it seems there has been a lot of mean and rude, not to mention unnecessary comments on here lately. On the post where Liltnt felt rejected, many people said to just toughen up. Well, I hate to tell everyone, but there are more of us on here that feel that way than have come out and said it because I've had others pm me that felt that way too and I myself feel that way. When I see posts about feeding I see rude comments about how or what one feeds a horse. People will say it is never right to feed this or that and anyone doing so is hurting their horse. There are so many different ways to feed an animal and so many different regions that have access only to certain grasses/hays that I think it is very wrong to outright tell someone they are hurting their horses.
It is ok to offer kind, well intended advice, but we should all be careful how we word things. If we continue to alienate people or tell them how dangerous, stupid, cold hearted, irresponsible or whatever they are for there actions, no one will bother to ask anymore.
I know when the comments were made about spelling quite a while back, there were a few who said they couldn't believe people wouldn't take the time to look back and correct their mistakes or better yet use a spell checker. HELLO...I have went back and looked for mistakes 2 and 3 times only to post and find one I still somehow missed and as for the spell checker...I am still figuring the whole computer thing out and each new gadget I learn to use is a huge triumph for me, but I guess I'm not as far along as I thought because I never even knew there was a spell checker you can download or whatever other than in your e-mail etc. So I would be one of those who I guess you would have said was too lazy to use it...when in reality I just didn't know it existed. I just wish we'd all learn a little patience.
I really do enjoy coming here, but it is getting to the point where I almost hesitate to open anything I think could have even the least bit of controversy because people just don't seem to know how to offer CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. That would be offering your point of view without accussing, hurting, name calling etc.
I honestly hope I have always offered good points of view without making anyone feel less about themselves. I think with the exception of the PETA post I have tried to do that. If I am guilty of what I am complaining of then I apologize because I hope I never make anyone feel the way I have felt reading some of the replys lately. Just my thoughts here and sorry if it sounds mean, but imagine what the people who are on the receiving end of the name calling etc feel like. Even if you don't call the actual poster a name, you may be inadvertantly calling another reader something. On a couple of occassions I have done the things people said would be stupid, cold hearted, ignorant. You know what, everything I do with my horses, I try to think of all the bad scenarios and I have a wonderfully clean record at my vets. I know people who have spent more in vet wrap and medicines for their horses than I spend on all my vet bills including all vaccines and coggins in a year. If you ever doubt anything I do then I suggest you check with any friends, family or vet that I have and you'll see that just because it doesn't work for you does not make it wrong!
OK, I am settling down now and don't even bother with the whine comments. I am not posting this so much for me, I know how to turn off my computer and do something besides feel hurt, but for others who may be semi isolated, this forum is like a family and I just don't like to see people being mistreated. There's too much bad in the world already and this forum should be a shoulder to lean on.
Edited for spelling