i can't say that i have had a "worst" accident, i have been very very lucky. but here is my most interesting:
back when we first started riding, i was on our old gelding Applejack riding with my oldest daughter on her horse and a friend on her horse. we went to a field near our house that was divided in sections with big dirt berms (sp?). we were using one section like it was an arena, practicing barrels etc. with abandoned shopping carts and a broken stroller someone had dumped. we were about ready to go home and my daughter said mom, try the spurs, they will make Jack go faster. well, i didn't really want to go faster, so i said no, but she kept begging me, so finally i said ok, i will do it one time around. so i put the spurs on and he sure did go faster! being the wise woman i am, i thought to myself since we are going faster i had better turn a little sooner and a little tighter, or we are going to hit that berm... well, i guess we were going a lot more faster than i thought we were, and i should have turned a lot sooner and a lot tighter, because we DID hit that berm. poor Jack sunk into the dirt up to his knees, made one lunge trying to pull out but couldn't, and flipped a** over teakettle, landing upside down with all four legs straight up in the air, me on one side of him with one leg underneath, and the saddle twisted to the other side. (don't ask me how, i sure wish i had a video!) well let me tell you that was some great horse, he tried ONCE to roll AWAY from me to get up, and couldn't, so he just layed there with all 4 legs in the air until the other two came to help us. he never once tried to roll TOWARDS me, and did not kick or thrash trying to get up - it was as if he KNEW that he could hurt me really bad or kill me, so he just held still. and it was a good five minutes, i know because i felt every second of it! and we all know that upside down is NOT how a horse wants to be! of all the horses i have owned i believe there is only one other that would have done that, the rest would have kept trying to get up and eventually hurt me badly if not killed me. as for myself i was terrified that i had caused him to break his legs and that's why he couldn't get up, i couldn't see much from my position and i couldn't move because i had 1200 pounds on my leg. when my daughter and our friend got to us, they tried once to help him roll away from me, so for the second time my leg felt like a pie crust under a 1200 pound rolling pin - AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! well my daughter realized the problem was that he could not roll over with the saddle, as the horn was braced against the ground. so i suggested that they unbuckle everything they could reach and then see if he could get up without the saddle, and thank God that worked. i am still amazed that we both did not suffer broken leg(s) at the least, and if he had not been the good horse he was, i could have easily suffered fractured hip(s), rib(s), and gotten kicked in the head... we both walked home, he with "road rash" (abrasions) on his chest and nose, and me with multiple and huge bruises especially on my leg, but we were very lucky!!!
since then i have been kicked twice by another horse while riding my own, once got a goose egg on my shin so big and bad that it took weeks of physical therapy and electrical stimulation to break it down, and the second time through the stirrup and my boot my foot was broken. was trying to pony a balky horse across a creek and my horse got ticked off and reared, fell over backwards but luckily i fell to the side and he did not land on me.
my youngest has been kicked in the face by a horse 3 different times... the first at age 6 was the worst, broke her nose, split her forehead open and she looked like a raccoon for weeks. her dad (we are divorced) threatened to come over and shoot the horse, but i told him you'd better talk to your daughter first, and she told him it was her fault, she broke the rules, they had been told a million times if they were told once, do NOT go in the pen without mom, and do NOT go behind the horses... well they were out there chasing them around, and he just did a little "shoo-fly" kick in annoyance. the doctor said she could have easily been killed, if he had seriously kicked it would have broken her little neck... luckily the other two times were not serious at all... (when i heard that my other daughter flipped her quad while riding with dad, i just had to tell them to tell him that i was going to come over and shoot that quad!!)
my middle got bucked off and went flying, had a helmet on but did a perfect ONE-point landing on her CHIN... i stood there watching from too far away to do anything, and all i could think was great, fractured jaw for sure... she did have gravel stuck in chin and still has the scars, but no other injuries. :aktion033:
and my oldest was ponying a 2-year-old she was training for a friend, doing very well, except her horse was a little annoyed at being bumped into from time to time... they went down into a wash, all fine, started back up the other side and the youngster decided she was NOT going up the hill, stopped dead and jerked my daughter backwards over the saddle and sliding down her own horse's rump, he thought it was the other horse and it was just the last straw and he kicked out, hitting her in the knee. both horses then took off into the open desert, out of sight in seconds, and my daughter laying on the ground clutching her leg... some of the folks with us took off after the horses and one was a nurse who got to my daughter almost as fast as i did... and all my daughter could say was mom PLEASE go get my horse, you know he won't let anyone else catch him (he was abused before and did not trust men at all, and i was riding his best horse buddy). so hard as it was to leave her laying in the dirt, i did as she asked and went after her horse. (there was a nurse with her remember, and she did not appear to be hurt badly - but it was still hard to do what she asked even though i KNEW she was right about her horse). they had easily caught the youngster but no luck with Smoke until he spotted my mare and I and then he came to us. neither horse was hurt and after an ER visit my daughter was cleared of injury, bruising only, i think what hurt her the worst was when she got the bill! :new_shocked:
so my middle is the only one in our family that has not been put in the ER by a horse... even my husband got his finger broke, holding a halter of a horse that flipped out... but that's yet another story... and i could go on forever if i told you about the accidents i have seen or that happened to friends, but the long and the short of it is, even with all the trauma and injury, there are many, many more times that we ride without incident and we love it so much!
: i wouldn't have my life any other way