Thanks y'all!
The vet was a really nice lady, about 35ish. She said that he has a major heart murmor so he more than likely couldn't even go through with the surgery. First thing he did was rub on her shoulder and give kisses, and she just loved him. She said all we can do is hope that the meds will make him want to walk. She unwrapped his foot, and said the canker isn't a good sign either. She said if we can help that and get him walking he'll be fine for now , but it's a BIG if, and she said he can't go through with surgeries so all we can do is hope
She asked if I have bandages and she would use mine so she wouldn't have to charge for it. She walked around the place and had to pet every mini. She said only one thing. Anything I need with the miniatures that I've "rescued" she would do for free, and everything here is so happy. I was crying.
She gave me another bottle of pills(antibotics) , and said 40 a day. I asked for the bill and she charged me 35 dollars for the pills.
She said I gave enough to other vets that she'll give me a break, and she'll come out here to redo a floating for a mini Saturdat on one that I rescued. The other vet was out 2 months ago and left a major sharp point that she felt
Here is a OLD picture of us two. Hopefully everything will be alright, I wish we were out of the clear tho