Well-Known Member
Ok everyone first off thanks for all the replies to my other thread. Second, I really don't like going to see the doctor, but I did because everyone said it would be best. I agree and I'm glad I went even though the doc gave me a clean bill, at least now I know for sure. However, now I have another question for everyone. If you send me back to the doctor I will go, but I'd really rather not
. Any way my question is, should I tire easily? My head has been fine, not really even sore to the touch. My back is sore to the touch, but not unreasonably so. I have been out riding and doing chores and such so not taking it as easy as I should, but golly I have trouble staying still
. I just get tired very easy now for some reason. I don't feel bad while I'm out, but I can only get about half of the things done in a day that I usually can and then I just feel beat. Everyone had to go to work for a few days so I need to take care of things here. Not a big deal if all I do is chores, but this morning I was looking at one of the horses and he really needed reshod so I decided to do it. Well, I get done with the front feet and I've just had it. Had to go sit down for a while before I could finish, I've never had this happen to me before. Usually I can ride all the colts, shoe two or three horses, do the chores, work the minis, and other various things and still be bouncing like a ball at the end of the day, but after my little deal I just wear out easily. Is this kind of normal after getting hurt or do I need the doctor to take another look? Like I said I really don't hurt, I'm just tired. So what do you all think I need to do?