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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2004
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Cedar City, Ut
Ok everyone first off thanks for all the replies to my other thread. Second, I really don't like going to see the doctor, but I did because everyone said it would be best. I agree and I'm glad I went even though the doc gave me a clean bill, at least now I know for sure. However, now I have another question for everyone. If you send me back to the doctor I will go, but I'd really rather not
. Any way my question is, should I tire easily? My head has been fine, not really even sore to the touch. My back is sore to the touch, but not unreasonably so. I have been out riding and doing chores and such so not taking it as easy as I should, but golly I have trouble staying still
. I just get tired very easy now for some reason. I don't feel bad while I'm out, but I can only get about half of the things done in a day that I usually can and then I just feel beat. Everyone had to go to work for a few days so I need to take care of things here. Not a big deal if all I do is chores, but this morning I was looking at one of the horses and he really needed reshod so I decided to do it. Well, I get done with the front feet and I've just had it. Had to go sit down for a while before I could finish, I've never had this happen to me before. Usually I can ride all the colts, shoe two or three horses, do the chores, work the minis, and other various things and still be bouncing like a ball at the end of the day, but after my little deal I just wear out easily. Is this kind of normal after getting hurt or do I need the doctor to take another look? Like I said I really don't hurt, I'm just tired. So what do you all think I need to do?
Just asking if they did anything to check your kidneys. If they are not working right you can start getting tired easily, but considering the fall you had and the horse landing on you I would say it is still your body trying to recover.

Well, I'm not good with doctor terms and tests, but he did do several things and told me I had mild bruising in my back, but nothing wrong with my kidneys. As far as I can tell they seem to be working fine

I don't know if this will help any as I am just an old lady farrier, but any time I

have crashed and burned its taken me a while to get my stamina back. I'm

talking not just now but in my younger stupider days [some things don't change.]

I also hate going to the doctors and avoid it when I can, but I will tell you when

that @#&$@* mare kicked me in the back it took me a week to feel normal.

Linda B
Your body is using some of it's reserves to repair itself. It's spending more energy in areas it normally doesn't have to so you get tired easier/faster. I'm having the same issues now with my back problems. Used to be able to unload 50 bales, clean all the stalls, clean the house, cook and clean up. Now I'm lucky if I can even get the stalls cleaned.
Sounds like me every day!

You were a very naughty young lady.

I told you to rest and have a nice hot cup of tea and you didn't.
Awww C'mon Marty
I went to the doctor like you said. Do you think I could possibly sit still? It might hurt me worse to be good than to go out and do things
OK, I promise I'll behave for a couple days. Thanks everyone
Holy cow, you can Shoe too? I am so jealous.

Yeah, I am with eveyone else on this one here. When I crash and burn That bad, it usually takes pansy me about a month to get up to full speed, and I don't do near the work you do. (Hence not as fit either

This may sound kinda gross, but keep an eye on your urine. It starts changing colors or that process is somehow different in any way, well back to the Doc.

But it sound like your just plain beat up.

How's your mare doing>? Any relapses? When you are feeling better I am sure we would All love to see some pic's of you just plain riding her, you don't even have to be chasing something.

Marty, as usual, is right. Go drink some tea, and loaf; and eating lots of red meat may help your body rebuild some of what you lost. Just think, if a horse had gotten something happen to them the equlivent of what happened to you, you would still be just toddling along with them.
My mare is doing good and I will try to get Mom out for some pictures the first of next week. She has been fine ever since, and I'm glad because if I can't ride her sound she'd probably really trash me while I'm sore
. Yes, I can shoe. Dad did everything for my brother and I while we were young, taught us everything and then told us when we got older that we had to start doing it ourselves. Now I'm paying back, shoeing all of mine and his, dang that growing up is a pain sometimes
. I've been watching professionals shoe since well, forever, and shoeing myself for over 6 years. Ok I'll try to behave for a day or two, but hopefully I'll have some pictures up next week. I just hate to sit in the house, makes me feel like such a baby
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Sitting in the house and resting is going to help your body heal. No use taxing it when it needs to recover. Sit in a hot tub or jacuzzi if possible and before you know it you will be back in the saddle again!

Voodoo said:
My mare is doing good and I will try to get Mom out for some pictures the first of next week.  She has been fine ever since, and I'm glad because if I can't ride her sound she'd probably really trash me while I'm sore 
.  Yes, I can shoe.  Dad did everything for my brother and I while we were young, taught us everything and then told us when we got older that we had to start doing it ourselves.  Now I'm paying back, shoeing all of mine and his, dang that growing up is a pain sometimes 
.  I've been watching professionals shoe since well, forever, and shoeing myself for over 6 years.  Ok I'll try to behave for a day or two, but hopefully I'll have some pictures up next week.  I just hate to sit in the house, makes me feel like such a baby 

You need to listen to what your body is telling you! If it says you need to rest do it.......quit being so stubborn! Take Marty's advice and rest up some. Your body will let you know when it has recovered. I just read my reply and it looks awful bossy....but I'm an old ER nurse and just can't help it!

Okay, I need to add an addendum.......you should be feeling a little better everyday, if you should start feeling worse or have additional symptoms occur you definately need to go back to your doctor. There, I feel better now and can go to bed!
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OK Young Lady, time for tough love. Stop being a stubborn idiot. You are tired because your poor body is SCREAMING at yo to STOP. WHOA, slow down.....if you were a horse you would be looking after you really well, because it's YOUR body you think you have a right to FORCE it to do as it's told. You just slow down this minute, you are in SHOCK and your body is asking for time to heal. Give it to it or Marty and I are coming up there to sit on you. (Marty I need your help on this one as I only weigh 90 pounds so she's have me hogtied and in a sack in two seconds!!
Listen to what us old foggies are telling you LOL I know, its DARN sure hard to do when you have things to do, but you need to rest. Coming from experience I can tell you that if you really overdo it and drain yourself to a very low point, it is possible to awaken latent or dormant things, such as MS, Fibro and Lyme, to name a few. Though it is rare, that can happen, so make sure you get good food, and even better rest. Do not play the brave soldier and tough it out, that can only end badly
So behave and go rest. Thats an order missy
Sounds like you are one fit young lady......your tired because your body is trying to heal.......here are my helpful hints.......drink lots of water more than usual......eat bananas and yogurt everyday if possible........take a good vitamin/mineral supplement every day.....make sure you eat extra healthy (limit sugar) ....and get a good nights sleep.......you don't have to stop everything just do maybe one or two less chores a day until you are healed.........I've had two concussions combined with busted shoulders thanks to horses exploding and it takes time to heal......if you want to be competition ready just take extra good care of your body and it will co-operate
Congratulations!!!!!! You have just learned a life lesson without too much injury to your body. In our 20's we think we are immortal and nothing can touch us. Not so as you have found out by having a horse take salsa lessons all over your back.

I will let you in on another life lesson; if it hurts, don't do it. And along with that is listening to your body and when it says it's tired, believe it and rest.

Unfortunately I learned these lessons the hard way and will be one of those people sliding into the pearly gates with the body that's used and abused going "What a ride!"
Hard to believe, but this old hag used to be a body builder.

One thing I know, muscles need just as much rest as actual training in order to grow and develop. When one lifts weights or participates in a strenuous sport, you also have to consume enough calories to repair the muscles that are torn down during regular workouts. That said, be sure to EAT and consume lots of fluids so your body can repair itself.

Please listen to your body.....for many reasons. When I sustained a head injury, I was easily exhausted for quite some time. Your positive stubborness is commendable, but please listen to your body. If not, then you'll end up like some of us oldies who look back and wished we did what we suggest to you.

Take care.....learn to relax with a cup of tea!


Oh Rabbit, I'm not going to hogtie you and throw you in a sack
Thanks everyone, I was good today and feel much better. I'll keep it slow for a while just to be sure.
It's not just your back. It doesn't matter if your skull was not cracked, the fact is, your head took a blow. When there is a blow, the brain gets sloshed and slams against the sides. Your brain does get bruised and needs to heal too!

Not the same thing but a show on TV showed how a lady died. (This is for info) A wreck in her car and she was wearing seat belts, but her head whipping forward and back from the crash, tore her main artery.

Brains don't like to be sloshed around. Maybe yours was bruised and extra blood is at the site to help it repair, making you tired.

You'll heal up very fast!

Slow down or I'LL come sit on you!
Glad to hear you are feeling better.......the body is a smart tool, people need to learn to listen to what their bodies are trying to tell them......we may not always like what they have to say to us, but we do need to atleast try to listen.

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