@Marsha Cassada well why wouldn't he be admiring himself? He's such a handsome fella!

Glad your encounter with the porcupines didn't result in injury!! They are animals to be treated with a lot of respect for sure!!
We had a busy day yesterday at the long-ears show. They run an open show along with the donkey and mule classes, so we took both our little ones out. They have in-hand, under saddle and driving classes, as well as some games at the end of the day. Ali (my daughter) won her showmanship with Jasmine out of 5 in her age division. I won my age division showmanship, with Phillippe, as well (out of 11). When it's an open class, they present a first-place ribbon to the "top long ears" of the class. We placed second in donkey and mule halter, Ali placed second with Jasmine in the junior horse halter. In ground driving, I took first of three, Ali placed second. She beat me in the pleasure driving though!!! And I was pleased to lose to her! But I won the driving pattern class, she took second.
My niece is 5 and came for her very first lead-line class. Prescious thing! Sorry (not sorry) to my sister that her youngest is becoming infected with the equestrian bug!!! Aunty will do everything she can to encourage that as well!
All in all, I think we spent about an hour each with Jasmine and Phillippe driving yesterday.
I'd also driven Phillippe on Friday for an hour and a half. We had some training responses that we needed to discuss... donkey!
Ali told me on Saturday that she wanted to try just the pleasure driving class at the show with Jasmine. But she really wanted to take my big easy entry (pony cart, not mini) and that was fine by me. If it meant that she would drive, she could use the big cart. I borrowed my friend's mini easy entry and did well regardless. Although boy my legs felt cramped!!!
I've located a beautiful K-bike with basket locally and am in the process of purchasing it. I can't wait to have two quality carts for our littles.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!! Remember, in Canada, first place ribbons are red and blue is second. I didn't keep the ribbons. I never do unless it's championship or reserve. But I sure do take pictures!!