Who do you prefer better overall, and WHY?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
I have 2 stallions here that I would like opinions on. I would like your opinions as to which one YOU prefer, and please explain in detail your reasons WHY, and what you DO like, and what you DON'T like about each. Please do this without reading other people's comments first. Please totally disregard the color of each, as it is conformation comments that I am seeking. Please also do not judge on the one photo posted here alone, but instead go to the link provided to view each horse from various angles. Thank you.

"Ditto" is a 5 year old 33" stallion.


"Royalty" is a 1 year old(foaled 04/30/06) 33" stallion.

Well i have the advantage of "knowing" ditto and seeing him in person but just judging from those pictures on your web site..

I prefer him over the yearling. I think that while ditto is smaller then I prefer and a bit more coarse then I prefer he is overall a pretty well balanced little horse with a nice hip and a pretty head. His neck is a bit thick but nothing i would truly fault a Sr stallion for.

on the yearling I dont like his hind end and find his shoulder way to straight for my liking which in turn throws off his neck tie in and the over all appearence I find his throatlatch and neck a bit to thick for his age which can only mean it will get thicker

Like I said overall from the pictures you posted and the ones on there pages I would hands down take Ditto over the yearling colt.
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Ok Mona, you know I love you right....

The first horse to me looks like the front half and the back half belong to two different horses and he is long backed. I like his cute little ears and head but he is just generally too thick all over for me. His neck is thick all the way down and ties in low. The angle of his leg away from us on this pic looks sickle hocked to me. probably the angle of the picture but I am just saying it from the pic. He is heavy front ended.

The second one I like much better.Je is shorter backed. His refinement overall, his pretty head with big dark eyes on a better set neck, although from this angle his neck looks a little upside down where it looks like it may dip in front of the withers. His shoulder looks a bit too upright but again I think it is the angle of the picture. He looks to have a better rear end and is more balanced over all than the first horse. The only things that bother me is the dip in front of the withers and the steep shoulder.

If you have to have one for a stallion I would pick the second.

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Seems like a toss up on what you prefer. Ditto looks a little more refined and the other one has a better hip with maybe a little bit better balance. Hard to tell about the neck with the age difference and Ditto probably breeding. Both look real nice.
Ok Mona, you know I love you right....

The first horse to me looks like the front half and the back half belong to two different horses and he is long backed. I like his cute little ears and head but he is just generally too thick all over for me. His neck is thick all the way down and ties in low. The angle of his leg away from us on this pic looks sickle hocked to me. probably the angle of the picture but I am just saying it from the pic. He is heavy front ended.

The second one I like much better.Je is shorter backed. His refinement overall, his pretty head with big dark eyes on a better set neck, although from this angle his neck looks a little upside down where it looks like it may dip in front of the withers. His shoulder looks a bit too upright but again I think it is the angle of the picture. He looks to have a better rear end and is more balanced over all than the first horse. The only things that bother me is the dip in front of the withers and the steep shoulder.

If you have to have one for a stallion I would pick the second.

Lyn, it sounds as though you were making your assessment from the one photo only...I asked that you please look at their respective pages through the link provided, to see them from many angles. Then add anything else you have to say after that. Thanks.
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Well, first off, I like Ditto better. Height does play into it for me (since Royalty is 33 as a yearling, I wouldn't use him simply because I think he'd go over). Ditto's throatlatch looks thinner, although he does have a thick neck. I like his butt better (in depth... tail sets appear to be roughly equal). Ditto has a nice laid back shoulder, where Royalty is more straight.

I think their heads might be equal, but since Royalty is still a yearling that may change.

Can't say anything about movement, since there were no movement shots.

Royalty does appear to have a "look at me" attitude more than Ditto does. Ditto looks easy to handle, where Royalty looks like he may require someone with more experience (I greatly prefer stallions who are easy... I've been spoiled, plus have some physical limitations which would make handling "high" stallions slightly on the dangerous side. I refuse to deal with stallions who are difficult).

In any case, I like Ditto better.
oops Mona sorry, but I still like Royalty better, the dip isnt as noticeable on the other pictures and his should looks better on those and not as upright. I still feel that Ditto looks front end heavy, at least for my taste. I see that even in his show condition pix and , in spite of all his wins I still feel for me personally he is longer bodied and heavier in the front than what I like. I still say that Royalty is the more refined horse with more balance leg to body.

I first couldnt figure out to click on the names to get the rest of the pix....lol technologically impaired , thats me.

Looking at the pictures here, and on their individual websites... I can say I like them both BUT I think once mature, Royalty will be quite a lot like Ditto, only taller. To my eyes and trying to project forward after Royalty is all done maturing, I think they will be very similar to one another, just that Royalty will taller (but of comparable build and beauty to Ditto).
Two things first off: I don't usually do "critique" type things as I don't have enough experience and its hard to compare a yearling to a mature horse (at least for me).

That said, color isn't an issue as I love both colors. I like both stallions, but love how long Royalty's legs look. [Could be a yearling thing and as he matures and fills out his legs don't look quite so long, but right now, WOW.]
I am no expert for sure, but I like the yearling the best.
Aloughh I like refiened horses, the first horse has better conformation. I really like his hip and tailset for his back end. His neck is really thick and i think it ties in a little too low. His head is nothing special, but it is not terrible. For the second horse, I think his biggest prob. is that he is a little out of proportion. JMO
I personally like the yearling better. Its hard comparing a youngen to a senior horse but i will try.

I dont like the senior horse because he is way to thick for my liking, and personally I think when you have a thick horse it tends to be passed on. His head catches my eye, but something about it I dont like. I cant pin point what exactly just dont know. Hes also a bit to long for my likeing.

Now the yearling. I dont like how his neck seems to run right into the chest. He seems to have a longer neck and i think his body length goes better with his height. Its hard to say what he would mature into however.

I like his head as well. I cant say much on legs and the pics are hard to tell on some, but thats because you had no help with them, so wont judge there.

I like Royalty the best. I don't think he will go over 34", though size does not matter to me as alot of my mares are AMHR only. My first stallion was 32" as a yearling and matured at 32.5" as a 3 year old and at 4 he was still 32.5". Royalty has a pretty head, nice tail set, his neck isn't to thick once you look at all the pictures. He has nice movement from what I can see on his page. He seems to be very refined, more than the older stallion. The older stallion I think is nice too but I prefer the yearling. You can send him to me if you don't want him.
Mona, IMHO, I choose Ditto , mainly because I really like the muscular, strong, proud look for a stallion. He looked thick-necked in the original shot, but as I looked at the other photos, his neck looked not as thick. He is beautiful in my opinion and carries good bloodlines. His body seems perfectly proportioned. I saw no faults with Royalty either. I'm sure some things will change as he matures, but as a yearling, he looks very well-balanced and is actually what people strive for these days in a stallion; more refinement. I would be very proud to have either of these boys in my pasture

P.S. very nice photos!
I REALLY like Royalty. He looks like Royalty !!

I love his neck set, his gorgeous head, and I thing he is more refined than the other guy. Just my opinion..... I have always like Royality

Also he is high headed and alert looking - I love that !

Ditto is also very nice - GOOD LUCK : )
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heres my humble opinion


I do like the size of his head and his big expressive eye. Would like a little more refinement in the muzzle area. Throat latch is a little wide. Ears look good. Neck is a good length. In some pictures it looks to tie in low and in others it does not. I think its more of a weight/condition issue and probably ties in well if he was in shape. Neck is thick but he is a sr stallion. Chest looks good and muscled and not narrow. (i hate narrow chests!) A bit too long in the back but very much a trait of this bloodline. Nice big hip. Good topline (although a tad long) and underline. Shoulders are really hard to pic out in a photo and I just cant see his well enough to comment. The little bit of his pasturn I can see looks a little too upright which would make me think his shoulder is also a little too upright. Legs look good and straight.


Like to see a little bigger more expressive eye. Like ditto hes not very refined in the muzzle. Throatlatch looks good I think from what little i can see. He seems to flex it well (as hes always looking into the camera LOL) Neck is a good length but ties a little low. chest looks good especially for a young horse. His shoulder looks very straight but again hard to know from photographs and I really cant see his pasturns. Back is too long for my taste. tail set looks good. Legs looks straight from what i can. Not showing as good as balance as Ditto
Both are very nice Mona but I personally would go with Ditto.

And with the yearling I would fear he would go over 34".


Joyce L
not that i really know enough to critique, but here it goes.

I like Ditto better, for a few reasons. He has a better head at least i think, big expressive eyes, higher tail set, cute little ears, strong hip. The only bad things i noticed was his neck (which looks pretty thick in that pic, but in others on his webbie it looks better), and somewhat short legs. not terribly, but they could be longer.

Royalty, has longer legs, not as thick of a neck, good movement. I don't like his head as much, looks a little longer in the back, and i don't like the angle his neck comes out, or how it dips a bit in the top.

both very pretty boys though!!
Thank you to everyone that has answered so far. I just wanted to make a couple of comments...the first, is that Royalty in my opinion, WILL go over the 34" mark. I hope I am wrong, but I am sure he will.
That said however, as much as I want an under 34" double reg'd stallion, I would be open to using him for breeding anyway, even if he ends up AMHR only, and over 34", as my mares are all on the taller side, measuring 33"-35.5" in height.

My next comment is....GEE, you guys are NO HELP AT ALL!! LOL!!!! You are all just as bad as me!
I just cannot decide which one I like better, because I like different things in each of them. And I guess looks can be decieving, because BOTH Ditto and Royalty are SWEET, SWEET easy to handle boys, that LOVE being loved on and come right up to be scratched and visit! That is probably what is making it so hard for me to decide which I like better, as they are both little loves.

Keep those comments coming, I appreciate all of your posts thus far and I am trying to soak it all in, as I too, am still learning!
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