Well-Known Member
Funny, but I do not use a professional photographer. So thank you for your complement, since I am the one who takes all of the pictures of my horses. Only one stallion did Liz take a photo of of mine, and he was with his breeder at the time. Never said he was doctored, or that she did. Another couple of stallions I bought and got some small shots of them from the people I bought them from, but then, I posted another picture of them that I took myself so that people could see what they look like now. Beyond their professional shot.This Topic Really P--sses me off. I usually bite my tongue but, I have had it with this topic. For you to say that all professional photos are doctored, is simply slander. That is not true. I find it funny that over the years, you, the person that started this topic, have used many professional photos of your horses on your website, taken by one of the top photographers in the industry, and sure wasn't a problem then. I am also tired of seeing one farm advertise on the sales board complaining about professional photos and professional photographers "slapping their name under the horses nose". Well guess what, a photo is property, physical and intillectual, and it is that phototographers right to place their name or copyright mark on that photo. But again, that person that complains about it on the sales board has used professional photos for years on their website. A member of that persons family has always slapped their name on the photos they took and has made a living using profession photos for add design. Sure does seem two faced to me.
It is interesting though to see so many of you get fired up because you read into what is written. I never said all professionals doctor shots, though I believe that most fix the top line of their shots and many clean up the pictures with air brushing. (If you saw before and after pictures of models in magazines you would be really surprised how different they look). I said that most of the shots I have gotten have been doctored. Some so ridicules as to make the horse look deformed.
I am not asking people to take very hairy shots of their horses. Since I lived in Minnesota for so many years, I for one, know just how impossible it is to see conformation through a Minnesota Miniature horses coat. But if one is asking for other shots in the summer and early fall and get refused, I am not going to look any further at the horse.
It is just frustrating when one has a limited budget and can not take the time to "fly out" to see a horse. I live alone and I would have to hire someone to take care of the farm. I would rather put the money into the stallion I am looking for, than farm sitting, hotels and airline tickets. A video would be great, but many people will not do that. I get the response that the professional shots will be all I get to see.
I do not mind driving to see a horse if I can do it in a day. But how many of us have to rely on pictures when we buy horses? How many of us can afford to fly to see one? I have bought horses for as much as $15,000 to $20,000 on a photo, in the past, when the economy was good. Have I been disappointed, heck yes. That is why I want some other shots to see if the throat latch is really that thin. or if the top line is really that flat, tail set that high. I want to see bites, front and rear leg shots, heck even shots of two testicles.

So, all of you who were quick to attack me, get off your high horses. I would love to be able to afford professional shots, but I would also be willing to take shots of them myself. They may not be as great as the professional shots, but one can still see the bite, front and back legs, throat latch, top line and high tail set..