Who had the horse featured in an advert?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2006
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Quite some time ago there was a post on a horse that was featured in an advert looking rather magical with a curly mane and tail. I 'think' it was a bridal advert? Sorry, I can't remember the finer details and I have done a search but for the life of me I can't find anything regarding it!

Can someone remember?
The horse was Tomas, and he belongs to Jenifer who posts here as Millstone. He's quite an accomplished model!

Yes, it was Tomas, aka What a Folly's Tomahawk. a few of the photos from that shoot are below.

He should be appearing any day now in some Victoria's Secret ads...


and getting ready...

I always loved that ad -- can't wait to see him in the Victoria Secret's ad
Is that really his hair? Or has it been - um - augmented? I couldn't imagine doing that to horsehair!

He is one beautiful little guy, and looks like such a sweetie!
Some of those curls are hair extensions, some of them are his own hair. It took a good 90 minutes of primping to get him looking that way. (the stylists tend to reuse those hair extensions, imagine the "lucky" model who gets to reuse Tomas'!!)

Tomas actually liked this model - he usually has no use for them, as he hates to share the limelight. He's been known to wait until the photographer is just about to snap photos and shove the unsuspecting models and send them flying!

Here is a photo of Tomas' first job. He was just 11 months old and was a real pro. All of these curls are his own:

George was so embarrassed when Tara did that.
George's curls look more like what I had expected mane hair to look like when curled (cute job, and handsome horse, BTW!) I've seen some silky manes before, but I didn't think mane hair could be quite as glossy as Tomas' looks in that first photo. He must really love attention to put up with 90 minutes of primping! My girls get fidgety after about 10!

I'm sure Tomas was squeaky clean before the shoot, but I suppose those extensions probably had a touch of "horsiness" clinging to them when they were done. Although with all the hairspray and whatnot, I doubt anyone would notice (and I'm sure the stylists wouldn't tell!)
I'm curious. How is it done??? Is it all done by curling iron or do they put hot rollers in their hair?? I think it would be absolutely cute to do it with a little girl dressed as a princess.
Maybe I can talk my neice into playing along!

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