Obama's skin color has NOTHING AT ALL to do with why I do not like Obama. It is his VIEWS - what he stands for, etc.
The reason I chose Jill's quote because - If you sit down and seriously think about it would you go, church or conventions or to any type of SPEAKERS for 20 years if you did NOT BELIEVE in what they were preaching. Let's not forget he raised his CHILDREN listening to this man.
My opinion the Preacher ( well, in my eye's he is NOT ONE) - said this because he did NOT think it would hurt Obama's Campaign because he knew Obama felt the same way.
Like I said in the above quote that is only ONE reason I do not like Obama. Obama scares me! I think he is too weak for a President - I do not trust what he says, etc.
Skin color has absolutely NOTHING to do with it in my eyes.
Oh, and by the way if you knew some of my family you would know why!