Wisdom teeth.....

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Try using a bendi straw. serious - malts will take some of that swelling down - cold on swollen area.
Sorry muffntuff, no disprespect intended to you, but Adam, DO NOT use a straw! You can suck the clots out of the holes and create a dry socket. Extremely painful! Long to heal as well.

Honestly, you will feel better in a couple days. Take some long naps and enjoy the pain pills! HAHA

Hope you are back to normal soon.
Thanks guys - I found out that drinking out of a glass without being able to feel your face makes for some interesting moments (not so different than some horrible Friday nights). I also was able to eat about half a bowl of soup - again the spoon and my swollen face.

I've regained most of my senses again - at least I'm not sending random emails anymore - somehow Vicadin made things crystal clear, but only to ME!!! I'm near the end of dose one, so figured I'd type before dose two kicked in.

Thanks guys - I found out that drinking out of a glass without being able to feel your face makes for some interesting moments (not so different than some horrible Friday nights). I also was able to eat about half a bowl of soup - again the spoon and my swollen face.

I've regained most of my senses again - at least I'm not sending random emails anymore - somehow Vicadin made things crystal clear, but only to ME!!! I'm near the end of dose one, so figured I'd type before dose two kicked in.

OOOOH....quick question... How do I get this nasty bloody taste out of my mouth? I can't brush my teeth today. Can I swish water? I'm assuming that mouthwash or something along those lines wouldn't be good.
Yeah kinda....but unlike my own mother, I'm sorta listening to you....lol

How about meal ideas? I'm STARVING.........
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I dont know what you like but just stay eith soft food for a few days.

Stay away from sharp foods like chips and the sort.

How about some creamy soups, they at least feel like you are eating something. Like chicken and wild rice.

My favorite comfort food when I dont feel good is grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.


V8 juice

Ensure drinks are good if you cant eat much else, they have lots of vitamins and protein and they really taste pretty good.


Macaroni & Cheese

Melons, they are cold and you dont really have to chew them.


Any of that sound good?
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I'm trying to do the soup thing - it hurts until it's about room temperature or cooler. So far, the bowl has taken just over an hour...lol. I do like the mac and cheese and grilled cheese ideas. I bought Slim Fast shakes today and they went okay, so I'm thinking that it may be one of the staples. Geeshh.... people should write a cookbook of foods you can pour into your swollen trap!
Sorry you feel so crummy Adam.
Do be careful though, I don't know how I did it but I got dry socket and I don't recommend it at all! :DOH! I only had two teeth out but I would rather go through abdominal surgery again that have dry socket and I am not even remotely kidding! No straws dude!!! Try eating apple sauce, that worked for me, not one of my favorite foods regularly but it does the trick when you are starving lol I had to let it get room temp though, if it was too cold it hurt.

I've regained most of my senses again - at least I'm not sending random emails anymore - somehow Vicadin made things crystal clear, but only to ME!!! I'm near the end of dose one, so figured I'd type before dose two kicked in.
ha ha I had access to a phone after major surgery and made all sorts of phone calls which made total sense to me and had people thinking I had a major mental breakdown.
I didn't even remember the next day!

Feel better!!

puddings and stuff like Cream of wheat ect... nice soft but filling foods. Hope it feels better soon.
I found out my new favorite food is Sherbert. I also found out that cold oatmeal isn't too darn bad.
Actually.......the swelling is MUCH more today and that part stinks. YES, I am starving. I haven't eaten much at all since Monday - if you know me, you know I'm a grazer. I constantly have snacks and stuff around. This hasn't been much fun at all. Here is my new realization - most of my friends who had their wisdom teeth out early on in life DID NOT have so many issues. I waited and it didn't get better. I'm not sure if it's the pain medications or not, but I have noticed that my "stress headaches" are gone - I'm thinking maybe they were in part due to the pressure on my teeth.

On a better note. I found out how to use a hammer to beat the crap out of ice cubes in a bag to make crushed ice. Watch out world, I may have to invest in a tool belt.
Wish I would have thought of this last night, sorry. Prop your pillow up so your head is higher than your body when you lay down. It will help with the pressure in your mouth and reduce swelling.

Popsicles would be good too as they are cold.

About the old thing, yeah, me too. I had my tonsils out when I was 25. The neighbors boy had his out the same day and 2 days later he was out playing and riding his bike around. I was on the couch trying to get the courage up to swallow a pain pill. Young ones just bounce easier than us. Not that you are really all that old Adam, right now you probably feel like it though.
I feel like I'm 100, but my newly swollen cheeks make it look like I had a killer face-lift! Dr. 90210 here I come!
Hope things are better today Adam. Sorry about the bendi straw idea - I don't remember having issues with it, but if someone else had an really bad experience, good to heed those words of wisdom. Hopefully your swelling goes down.

The blood taste - until packing is out and you get a little coverage over the new holes back there, do like hhp says - candy or something.
Maybe a new invention of pepperment flavored Vicodin..........hmmmm any inventors out there?

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