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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
Well, I just went back to the doctor to have my blood checked again for my sugar levels etc., and all was good. She asked me how I felt, and she had told me that when she gets her "spells" it is about 3 hours after she eats something that triggers her drop. I told her that is not me, that I feel it almost immediately, like within minutes. She told me to come in and borrow a glucose monitor. She even got me a free prescription for the lancets and test strips by putting it down as "for teaching". She said I need to test at least twice a day, and whenever I felt that woozy feeling. I was at the clinic around 2:00 to pick up the test kit, and I felt woozy then, so the gal that had to show me how it worked, did the first reading then. It was normal, at 5.8. Then at 4:00 I felt that way again. I tested then, and I was at 4.8. Then tonight at 7:45, I felt that way again, and I tested in at 6.0. All were good readings, so I got to thinking. I know I feel this way each morning when I have my coffee. I use artificial sweetner and cream. I also reallize I get this way when I drink Pepsi(which I had had 2 large glassfulls at lunch right before I went to the clinic), and again now after drinking coffee again. My guess is that I am havng a reaction to CAFFEINE and not poor sugar levels!! WOOHOOO!!!! It makes sense, as that is when I noticed feeling like this before...when I ate several pieces of chocolate fudge, or several unbaked chocolate cookies, and cake that I used cocoa in to make the icing!! I am betting since caffeine is in the pop, cocoa and coffee, that THAT is the culprit!!!

Yes, I still have to do the exercise, weight loss, and watch what I am eating for the Hyperinsulinemia, but I think these woozy feelings I have are attributed to the caffeine!!! I feel like a weight has been lifted! I will still keep this monitor for awhile...probably a week to keep on testing twice daily, but I think it will all be OK!
: :aktion033:
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Brilliant deduction. I think you are on to something.

Keep it up and keep a log and let's see what happens.

My testing came back fine too so now I am also doing a process of elimanation to find out what the heck I am eating that is practically putting me to sleep in a coma.
That's great news Mona. Way to go figuring it all out.
What a relief for you to have figured it out. I don't have a problem with caffeine but sure do with artificial sweetners....and I get such cravings for wild cherry diet Pepsi! Hope the eliminating caffiene will stop the

wooziness. Take care, Mary
The real STRANGE thing about this, is that I have been a Pepsi-holic, choco-holic and drank coffee with caffeine in it for years, and years and years!!! Why woulod it just start to affect me now I wonder?? I HOPE that is all it is anyway!

Marty, that could be your problem too, since you also love your Pepsi, and probably chocolate too??
Boy you certainly have done your homework!!!
: That is a lot of trouble shooting to figure that out! Glad you did tho. It's been many years since I left caffine behind....the kind in the soda and coffee...I could put fences up at 10:00 at night and keep on going right into the morning the way I used to take it in!!
: So I'm on the bland stuff.....I found this new Root Beer that I just's called "Mug"....on a hot day you can just chug-a-lug!!! :472: (For some reason I LIKE this smiley!!!)
That is good news!!!!

Even I, who loves caffiene way too much, knows that cutting that out is easier than trying to balance your blood sugar.

I'm happy for you that you are not having any kind of diabetic issues. It can be a real pita some days.
Mona, I too have had caffeine by the truck loads for most of my life. However, over the last year, I have had to cut WAY back. I think my body metabolism has changed for how I process the caffeine or I have become more sensitive to it.

You can develop "allergic" type reactions to anything at any time in life. You can eat peanutbutter for years, then one day, boom, you have a problem with it. I don't think "allergic" really says it correctly,but maybe more "sensitive" to the effects describes it better.

I cut my caffeine back to 2 cups of morning coffee and drink water all day long now. No Pepsi, tea, etc. I find it makes a ton of difference. I don't get the afternoon "drop" anymore. I used to have to have something at 4 pm- candy, coffee, Pepsi-- to get me through. With water only I seem to hold a steady level now.

Sometimes it is all trial and error. Doctors can only diagnose what they can confirm. You know your body best I say.
That is great you found out what is causing the problem!

I do get the same problem when I drink anything with caffeine. Once I cut that out of my life... never happened again.

Food or should say any allergies of any kind can be a royal pain... and happen any time in a persons life.
That is SUPER -- hope it does turn out to be the problem.

Well, I should have known better than to get too excited thinking I had it all figured out! :no: Today I deliberately did NOT have coffee or chocolate or anything with caffeine and I still had those bad feeling all through the day, so I guess it was not that. DRATS! Back to the drawing board.

Also, what are "normal" glucose meter readings. Mine were for the most part in the 4's, but I still had those woozy feelings no matter if I was in the 4's or even as high as 7.2. So I think these woozy episodes must be being caused by something other than sugar levels.
Aw Mona

I was hoping you had figured out how to feel better. Are you sure it isn't your inner ear? (dizziness)

I hope you find out what is causing it and feel better!

I some times feel dizzy and the edges of my sight get dim. I've had hypoglycemia for years but I think I'm beyond that now. I have not felt well in several years but I'm not feeling as bad as I was last year.

After I eat BAM I can't stay awake and it feels like my blood is rushing. Just a regular meal. I'd like to get a meter to check stuff too.

Good luck Mona {{{hugs}}}

Does the brown cow have caffiene in her? Capt doesn't. You better make the switch here too.
: Just lookin' out for ya.
Well, I should have known better than to get too excited thinking I had it all figured out! :no: Today I deliberately did NOT have coffee or chocolate or anything with caffeine and I still had those bad feeling all through the day, so I guess it was not that. DRATS! Back to the drawing board.

Also, what are "normal" glucose meter readings. Mine were for the most part in the 4's, but I still had those woozy feelings no matter if I was in the 4's or even as high as 7.2. So I think these woozy episodes must be being caused by something other than sugar levels.
It might take a day or two or longer for the caffeine to completely leave your system, so you may want to try going without for several days before you rule out caffeine.

Does the brown cow have caffiene in her? Capt doesn't. You better make the switch here too.
: Just lookin' out for ya.

Well, I am not 100% sure, but I THINK she likely does!
: As for me changing over the the Captain... :no:...I think NOT!! :nono:

Robin, you REALLY need to get to the doctor for this. You can buy the testers and they can write you a prescription for the other parts you need, but I bet they would check you first, or give you a tester to take home like they did for me?? This is serious, and you should not be fooling around that way! :no:

I don't get "dizzy" really, more just kind of lightheaded and suddenly very tired.

Chanda, since my "spells" come and go, and it seemed like they came when I had caffeine, I thought that was it, but since it is not a constant feeling, I thought it safe to rule out the caffeine after I went without and it still came and went.
Mona --

Vs. the caffiene, I wonder if you are senstive / reacting to the artificial sweetners? I think that some people do.

Mona, I had no idea you were having these spells..I am sorry to hear it!!!! :no:

I am thinking maybe something to do with blood pressure...have you checked that??

Just sitting here reading your posts I have to wonder if maybe BP drops are causing you trouble?? That would tie in with caffeine a little since caffeine is a stimulant and maybe its making your heart go a little fast then it drops off to where you get the fuzzy feelings???? Just guessing here...
Sounds like someone i know. Probably not related at all but just in case let me tell you her story,i will keep it short.

She has diabetes and takes pills. She has been having dizzy spells and unable to work. I took her to a couple clinic appointments. They changed her diabetes medicine a little. Her BP was high for a diabetic, but i can't remember what it was...146 over something. Started her on BP medicine at 1/2 dose for the first week. She was having these lightheaded spells many times a day. Did a c-scan. Nothing out of the ordinary. Blood tests, did a test for 1 form of vertigo. Came back normal. She couldn't even drive herself very far. Told her to get her glucose down (sorry i can't spell today). Anyway to shorten the story...she was light headed when she was standing/walking. That is when her BP would drop because the blood ran to her legs and feet. Therefore she would get lightheaded. She was awfully tired too. They told her to drink lots of water. Lots of it! When she stands to cross her legs....kinda hard to do and looks silly....or get those stockings that push the blood back up to the brain and heart. So, after 3 weeks of this she started drinking a lot of water 3 days ago and today for the first time she only had 2 spells. Didn't try the stockings yet. But she is going to continue the heavy water drinking. I have no idea what that has to do with anything but like i said she had a good day today for the first time in 3 weeks. Only thing is you need to stay close to a potty
Wouldn't it be something if it was something simple? Anyway i thought i would add my 2 cents. This was at the Mayo Clinic. Good luck Mona. The one thing they stated was that at different times in your life your body reacts to stress and the dealings of life differently. And your body process differently from other people too. Oh and it is menopause time for her too. Never did tell her if that would have anything to do with this.

Forgot to add that her respiration is always fast too.
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I'm sure you've already been tested for these as these are the first they check (at least up here) but just thought I'd double check. Have you been tested for low blood pressure, low iron (or low iron stores), low B12 and your thyroid?

Also, keep in mind caffeine is a drug and probably stays in your system about three days. I don't know how long it actually stays in the system for though.

It's very scary how much caffeine people drink/eat, even just on this forum. I for one get very ill (to my stomach) if i have caffiene, simply because I very rarely have it. In our house the only fizzy drinks we have (and it's been like this since I was born and will stay that way forever) is ginger ale. That is kept in the garage for a special treat, or if we're feeling ill. Other than my one glass of orange juice a day the only liquid I drink is water. I wouldn't even drink the orange juice if it wasn't for the fact that one of my "medicines" is orange flavoured powder so mixing it with the orange juice makes it delicious. I probably drink about 3Ls of water as a bare minimum everyday. We are meant to be drinking a minimum of 2-2.5L's of water per day. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that sixty percent of the US population and a similar number of the Canadian population is overweight or obese. With those numbers rising it's a very, very scary situation. It just seems like nobody cares (or understands/has the knowledge) about being healthy anymore.
Ok, I dont know how old you are but have you had your hormone levels checked? That can be a symptom of hormone imbalance.

Also, even if you are not diabetic, you can still have horrible ups and downs and 'crash' depending on what you are eating during the day. Pick up the book, or check it out at the library- the Insulin Resistance Diet. It is the correct way to eat without having the ups and downs during the day that go with it.

I quit all sodas or caffeine drinks a little over a year ago and feel so much better, on top of losing about 12 pounds from no longer drinking sodas.

Also, has anyone been checked for sleep apnea? This affects a lot more than you know with your health, not just making people tired. It can be a deadly issue.

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