Well-Known Member
Well, I just went back to the doctor to have my blood checked again for my sugar levels etc., and all was good. She asked me how I felt, and she had told me that when she gets her "spells" it is about 3 hours after she eats something that triggers her drop. I told her that is not me, that I feel it almost immediately, like within minutes. She told me to come in and borrow a glucose monitor. She even got me a free prescription for the lancets and test strips by putting it down as "for teaching". She said I need to test at least twice a day, and whenever I felt that woozy feeling. I was at the clinic around 2:00 to pick up the test kit, and I felt woozy then, so the gal that had to show me how it worked, did the first reading then. It was normal, at 5.8. Then at 4:00 I felt that way again. I tested then, and I was at 4.8. Then tonight at 7:45, I felt that way again, and I tested in at 6.0. All were good readings, so I got to thinking. I know I feel this way each morning when I have my coffee. I use artificial sweetner and cream. I also reallize I get this way when I drink Pepsi(which I had had 2 large glassfulls at lunch right before I went to the clinic), and again now after drinking coffee again. My guess is that I am havng a reaction to CAFFEINE and not poor sugar levels!! WOOHOOO!!!! It makes sense, as that is when I noticed feeling like this before...when I ate several pieces of chocolate fudge, or several unbaked chocolate cookies, and cake that I used cocoa in to make the icing!! I am betting since caffeine is in the pop, cocoa and coffee, that THAT is the culprit!!!
Yes, I still have to do the exercise, weight loss, and watch what I am eating for the Hyperinsulinemia, but I think these woozy feelings I have are attributed to the caffeine!!! I feel like a weight has been lifted! I will still keep this monitor for awhile...probably a week to keep on testing twice daily, but I think it will all be OK!
: :aktion033:
Yes, I still have to do the exercise, weight loss, and watch what I am eating for the Hyperinsulinemia, but I think these woozy feelings I have are attributed to the caffeine!!! I feel like a weight has been lifted! I will still keep this monitor for awhile...probably a week to keep on testing twice daily, but I think it will all be OK!

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