Yet another Pitt Bull attack...on a toddler!

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I want to add something here. Everyone jumping on the pitbull band many of you can actually tell the difference between a pitbull, and american bulldog, a cane corso, a boxer mix, and about 20 other bullterrier type crosses? AC officers have almost no training in breed recognition and many times a dog has been dubbed a pitbull only because it has a square jaw structure and head. Bull terriers are another bully breed but their head structure is anything but square ....... I have seen purebred labs with very square heads and jaws that could be mistaken easily for a pitbull cross. My neighbors have two annoying pitbull type dogs I actually believe the one is more american bulldog in type good looking dog ill mannered free roaming pain in the butt.

For those who have never actually seen an american staffordshire terrier please go to a local dog show and meet one these are happy small dogs yet they are frequently called pitbulls.

If you ban pitbulls you will also be banning every other bully breed and numerous non bully crossbreds out there because officials cannot tell the difference.

I hope the owner of the dog is prosecuted for negligence leaving a 3 yr old unattended in the yard with any dog is just asking for trouble.
The problem is that people assume Pitbulls are aggressive.

Define "aggression"??

JRTs are bred to kill vermin and I very much doubt that a working JRT could be asked to discriminate between a nest of rats and a nest of kittens- yet killing one will bring praise and killing the other will get the dog dubbed "nasty"

By the rule that Pitbulls are aggressive- how do you judge Rottweilers, GSDs and my breed Dobes??

ALL bred to be capable of aggression specifically to humans- which Pitbulls are not and never have been.

If Great Aunt Jemima gets a sweet little JRT and then the little terror rips up her mink stole just who is to blame??

Well, I think we would all agree it is G>A Jemima- and we would laugh about it.

When it is a child it becomes far more serious.

The baby here just at Christmas was killed by two Rottweilers- that belonged to the babies grandparents- so, do we ban Rottweilers as they are obviously dangerous dogs, or do we ask what on EARTH was a baby doing anywhere near two Rottweilers used solely to guard a Pub and KNOWN to not be "nice" dogs (but not vicious) let alone anywhere near those same dogs unattended??

Well, I can tell you the police are taking a dim view of it and the adults involved have been charged with criminal negligence.

THIS is what should happen- there is NO point in arguing about whether or not Pitbulls are "dangerous"- I don't believe they are any more dangerous than any other breed of dog, but some people do- that argument will only get in the way of actually getting anything done to stop DOG attacks- the breed being irrelevant.
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It is the deed that shoud be punsihed not the breed and owners need to be held responsible for their dogs actions.

KanoasDestiny to say a pit bulls jaws are different to other breeds is wrong. Their jaws are the same, they dont lock they dont have something weird and different about them. However they do not snap and bite and growl the same as a lot of other breeds they grab and hold and shake like a terrier.

If you go to the pit bull rescue site you can read many articles about the breed that also clears up the myths about them.

Most Pit bulls are wonderful dogs, great family pets and loving companions. I dont discount the fact that some of these dogs are walking time bombs due to bad breeding, so do many other breeds as well have vicious dogs due to bad breeding, but a piece in the newspapers about a poodle mauling someone isnt as noteworthy as a pit bull attack, for which the media is partly responsible for the general pit bull panic.

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