Sounds like a great drive! Thanks for the photos and write up.
Was a blast consideringSounds like a great drive! Thanks for the photos and write up.
That was my thought. I giggled because I was like "Ok, bets are on!" I told my Mom she'll need to drive by "honking", not really to prove a point, but I DO want to know what she'd do in a situation that someone honked quite aggressively. Best thing we can do is expose them and as you said, separates the drivers from the puffsHow in the world can we take our horses out and about if we are scared of a honking horn?? I've often thought it would be a good ploy in an obstacle class to have a large cardboard dog set up along the route. (Or someone honk a horn as the horse is trotting through the cones!) That would tell the true driving horses from the arena cream puffs.
Rowdy looked askance at the big brown dog when she came up behind him, and even did a tiny bolt twice. I do think those pesky aoudads have caused most of our problems.
I think you handled your "reprimand" in a professional and constructive way.
Thank you!! I totally agree, a keyboard and a screen has allowed almost everyone to be an "expert" at criticism and pointing out everyone's flaws.Some people just like to be negative and be heard. The internet has given those types of people the perfect platform. I think you handled it wonderfully.
As for the honking being dangerous. If that were the case my horses would never stop running in their pasture. They spend the summers on one of two state highways. One has oil tankers driving up and down it day and night. In the winter they are next to a gravel pit. The heavy trucks and equipment there use honking to communicate. My horses would be more likely to be nervous if they were somewhere dead quiet.
I loved your video and thought your horse looked calm and very well under your control. I actually saw the video on the mini horse FB page and I guess I didn't read the comments... shows you how much stock I take in comments from FB![]()
The worst I've ever had Clem spook I think I posted here. We did her first parade and she had a huge team of drafts behind her and a semi-truck flatbed of hollering children in front of her. She was worked up but well behaved. Enter the dreaded drone. The announcers booth buzzed us with their drone and Clem was having none of it. She bolted forward (I was expecting it), I pulled back on the reins, she stopped her bolt, tucked her head, and pranced for a good length of the route. Like I said, worked up but not ill behaved. I was also confident in my ability to hold her back and her ability to contain herself. We know our animals and our limits and none of us want to have a wreck.