Always keep looking, Marsha
The last two we have found have been very lucky finds that were just a result of windowshopping. Dakota has the mind of an old soul and Pebbles loves her job. Your little driver is out there, just keep looking! It sounds like you found a lovely home for Rowdy, I imagine it'll be hard for everyone
I love that little plum, Clem! What gorgeous views too! Glad you got to enjoy a Mother's Day ride!
We planned on having a Cook-Out for my Mom so we went over early to enjoy the Mini's. It had rained almost all weekend and Sunday finally cleared up to enjoy them. I hooked up Hubby's new mare up and let him drive again. The two of them get along so well and she's a smart little rugrat. Coal was a little off and wasn't too happy about being driven. I kept it short because he seemed so off about it, technically I'm not supposed to be driving anyway. Wasn't sore or lame, he just wasn't feeling it. I think the asphalt reminds him of his less enjoyable days, his mood is entirely different on the trail.
I dug out the harness I used on Magic Man, it's not my favorite as it allows the shafts to float (for a wagon moreso than a cart) and standing is not something Coal likes to do, but after the Nokesville incident I'm doing my best to work with him every time. No wrap-straps that actually hold the shafts. He backs into cart, cart shafts lift up, he steps forward, cart comes back down. Vicious circle, so that'll be my next investment for him. Excuse his excessively dirty/dull bum, he needs a bath, but it's darn near impossible to keep him clean lol.
Geared Dakota up and worked on our ground driving. He's doing so well, but I am looking forward to gelding him, the boy burns through calories like no one's business and gelding will be so beneficial on many levels. I hooked up to the cart (solo) and he did amazingly well. He is learning to walk out without me at his jaw, but has a hard time going out alone if I'm not there. So we work on starting off at his jaw and I progressively walk back to the cart and command from there. Trying to do a very large circle is confusing for him too. He yields so nicely with his body he's just flabbergasted when I try and turn him in shafts as they create conflicting pressure points. Smart boy though!

I love that little plum, Clem! What gorgeous views too! Glad you got to enjoy a Mother's Day ride!
We planned on having a Cook-Out for my Mom so we went over early to enjoy the Mini's. It had rained almost all weekend and Sunday finally cleared up to enjoy them. I hooked up Hubby's new mare up and let him drive again. The two of them get along so well and she's a smart little rugrat. Coal was a little off and wasn't too happy about being driven. I kept it short because he seemed so off about it, technically I'm not supposed to be driving anyway. Wasn't sore or lame, he just wasn't feeling it. I think the asphalt reminds him of his less enjoyable days, his mood is entirely different on the trail.

I dug out the harness I used on Magic Man, it's not my favorite as it allows the shafts to float (for a wagon moreso than a cart) and standing is not something Coal likes to do, but after the Nokesville incident I'm doing my best to work with him every time. No wrap-straps that actually hold the shafts. He backs into cart, cart shafts lift up, he steps forward, cart comes back down. Vicious circle, so that'll be my next investment for him. Excuse his excessively dirty/dull bum, he needs a bath, but it's darn near impossible to keep him clean lol.

Geared Dakota up and worked on our ground driving. He's doing so well, but I am looking forward to gelding him, the boy burns through calories like no one's business and gelding will be so beneficial on many levels. I hooked up to the cart (solo) and he did amazingly well. He is learning to walk out without me at his jaw, but has a hard time going out alone if I'm not there. So we work on starting off at his jaw and I progressively walk back to the cart and command from there. Trying to do a very large circle is confusing for him too. He yields so nicely with his body he's just flabbergasted when I try and turn him in shafts as they create conflicting pressure points. Smart boy though!