Zorro and I went camping with our friends Molly and Gracie and then Molly switched Gracie out for Goldie on Saturday. We went to a large lake that is about 2 1/2 hours from my house and just 25 minutes from Molly's, Canyon Ferry. My dad has a lake house up there as well.
We went around looking for good driving trails and found a beautiful trail on the first day, but we weren't sure if we were trespassing so we didn't repeat that one. Though I would have loved to because Zorro lost a boot there! Eeeek! We did back track but couldn't find the boot. Good thing 4 new boots for him arrived at my house while I was gone!
This video is Friday afternoon and the first trail:
Then on Saturday we braved the highway for about 3/4 of a mile and drove the ponies over to my dad's house! There we played on the beach and went in the lake with the ponies for about an hour and then drove back to our camp site. Molly has a Sacco dog cart that she can put behind her hyperbike and then her toddler can ride with us! Of course he did NOT ride on the Sacco on the highway, only once we got on the quiet lake road. Molly's hubby followed us on the highway with his flashers on because we had to climb a long steep incline that was also curvy and I was worried people would come around the corners going 55 and not see us until the last minute. People following were polite when they passed us but of course the vehicles coming towards us didn't slow down. It was harrowing for sure!
Then on Sunday we went exploring up what looked like a promising trail that swiftly turned into a nightmare. But me being me, kept wondering if the trail would get better. It did not. So we had to turn around and go back down. Something we were all dreading! The ponies kept trying to dive off the trail, thinking the grassy steep hill was better. It was not. Driving with me can be scary I'll admit! Of course we were out hiking at this point. The ponies could never have pulled us up this incline.
After we survived this, were thoroughly sweaty and stinky, we chose to drive around the nice little lake side subdivision roads. Again we ended up off roadin' some, bouncing around the rocks and bunch grass and the cactus. Sigh. Next time we will stick to the roads and start earlier in the day! We all got too hot and tired on this drive. When we got back to camp we packed up and headed home! No videos or photos from this part as I was just too tired after the climb shared above.
On Friday this week Molly and I will be heading to Great Falls Montana to pick up my new Shetland baby, Oliver. I am so excited!!! I'll bring Zorro along so the baby doesn't have to ride home alone. Zorro's an old hand at trailering and I'm hoping they will bond some in the trailer on the way home