@Marsha Cassada I like to see photos of Tereon and DD! It's great that he works well at his new owners. I think it was the right for him. Hoping the new owner would adjust his harness correctly soon, so it might be perfect!
We still have under 30 degrees at night and almost 60 during the days, but the glazed ice on the roads in the forest disappeares veeeery slowly...

Driving is still difficult, but I tried to hitch the boys on the weekend and they did great. Teddy was on the sulky yesterday and loved it. We had a colic issue with our oldest pony who is 37 on Sunday (after the vet gave him a sedation to treat his foreskin that was inflamed on Friday). I thought he will die now, but the vet don't wanted to give him up and treated him. The next day, he was almost normal.
Massais leg is recovered, but I wanted to wait a few days before we start again with driving. He's very bored about doing walks only; he wants to work! I took him out on the bicycle last weekend and he was so pleased about. Hopefully I can drive him week!
... and finally, I had two incidents with Moony last week. Once as he broke away on a run early in the morning as a dog came out of the forest suddenly and Moony was scared. I wasn't able to keep him and he run away, but stopped after 100 m and waited for me. I was very surprised! The next morning, a hunter shot in the forest very close to us exactly at that moment we passed, and not only Moony was shocked!

and the same: Moony broke away and run, but stopped after a few metres and waited for me... This is such a great pony!