Hi there! It's time to let you hear from me. We are still alive!

And I'm happy to be back, I'll read this thread after I wrote this to be fully updated of what's going on.
We are veeeery busy this summer. I had a holiday and the horses enjoyed their off-time (2 weeks) too. They're back in training already and I'm working them mostly twice a day. Plus, we have a treadmill now

I hope to improve their strides and it seems it works great! Massai and Teddy are doing very well on the treadmill, Moony needed a lot of time and patience to get used to it. Finally, he's going safely on the treadmill and understood he had to walk. But no worries: my horses never walk longer than 15 minutes on the treadmill, it's just a tiny addition to their daily training!
Moony's 2nd race was on august 10. He behaved well! We found out he doesn't like the starting number boards which are fixed on the shafts. But though, he was doing very well on the racetrack. He got the eight place out from 15 starters again. I'm a very little bit disappointed because his start was very good and then, his young driver did not realize she drove on the outside border of the racetrack and the concurrents, who drove on the inside bande, were passing by... No problem, next time, she knows how to do - most importantly was, he did nor run away or bucking or something else. Just a lovely race horse on the track

His next race will be on august 25.
I will do a change in my career (hopefully, in a few years): I'm going to be a horse hoof trimmer! School start is this weekend and the education will take 3 years. I'm very looking forward!
I have to share a lot of pictures in next few days