[SIZE=12pt]We are doing GREAT!! [/SIZE]
Zack is nursing lke a champ and we all are getting used to being a larger, so happy, family. Mia is with her Dad this weekend, I'm sure driving him nuts wanting to be home, and we are looking forward to her getting home tomorrow (Sunday). Steve LOVES being a a Daddy and has just settled right in with no bumps...well, changing his first meconium diaper was a little bumpy, but he did it with style
: I'm remembering how little newborns sleep for people who seem to sleep all of the time~LOL
All in all, we are a happy, tired, very loved, complete family
Zack & Daddy today (30 hours old)
Sleepy boy
Last night (14 hours old)
Zack is nursing lke a champ and we all are getting used to being a larger, so happy, family. Mia is with her Dad this weekend, I'm sure driving him nuts wanting to be home, and we are looking forward to her getting home tomorrow (Sunday). Steve LOVES being a a Daddy and has just settled right in with no bumps...well, changing his first meconium diaper was a little bumpy, but he did it with style

All in all, we are a happy, tired, very loved, complete family

Zack & Daddy today (30 hours old)

Sleepy boy

Last night (14 hours old)