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  1. S

    Show grooming the foundation shetland?

    Yes you can show her in the classic color class. The only classes you can't cross over say Open Classic 2yr old halter and than show her again in Foundation Shetland 2yr old at the same show.
  2. S

    what to do in showmanship and halter

    Yeah it will probably be easier to go see a show first. However I say just go out and do it. Try to learn all you can before hand, and you should be fine. You can always watch a couple of classes before hand. Halter and Showmanship isn't that hard to get a hang of, unlike some performance...
  3. S

    Hunter class question

    Yes you must keep your horse at an even pace at all times, weather its trot or canter. Thats why you see very few horses canter the whole course. If your horse is an awsome jumper and has fantastic style you really don't want to trot them cause more than likely he will break his pace, so alot of...
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    AMHR Shows

    Showing a broodmare and a foal will be ALOT of hassle for you. They just aren't that fun to show lol. I would wait until next year to show her. She will be ALOT calmer for you and you might actually enjoy it.
  5. S

    Anything i can hardship this guy into?

    Yes they have a show pony registry.
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    LAST TIME........Updated Pics.........Reflected Image FMF

    He is very nice. How tall is he? He doesn't look very big, or it could be the picture angle :lol:
  7. S

    Anything i can hardship this guy into?

    Yeah WCMHR is the only registry that I know of or is atleast well known to put him in. The only way you could do NSPR is if he had one parent registered AMHR or ASPC.
  8. S

    Youth and Stallions

    Now yes youth can't show stallions, HOWEVER, they can always show them in open. I would ask greatly if they are experienced with showing, especially in halter, has she handled stallions before, give her an interview? I know some youth that can handle stallions really well, but most of the...
  9. S

    What IS the difference between Country Pleasure

    Very good decriptions on the difference of a country vs pleasure driving horse. Good example of a country pleasure horse in the pic too : IMO Country pleasure horse is a joy to drive with limited knee action, the action judges should be looking for is the one in the pic IMO. A pleasure horse...
  10. S

    Uw, hey, a question just occurred to me.

    Rulebook where I saw I couldn't find saying you can use this or not that. BUT I'm agreeing with the others I defintelly wouldn't use a bit in a jumping or hunter class. If you want your horse to be handled better use a stud chain. Get him use to that in jumping and say ok its time to work now.
  11. S

    Who was the person who advertised customized roadster silks?

    I forgot to save the addres of the person who was advertising custom made roadster silks on the saleboard. Who was she and anybody got a website? Thanks
  12. S

    Is this show cart acceptable for roadster classes?

    I looked in the rule book and it says closed wheel/arch. So does the arch possibly mean the bar going over the wheel? Thats what I picture when they say arch. I would ask AMHR and see but I'm with Lyn I don't think its acceptable, and if that horse didn't pin they probably just avoided that...
  13. S

    show halters and clothes colors

    I think there is a color wheel in state line tack magazine that explains it pretty well about what colors to wear with the color of the horse.
  14. S

    Best kind of hay mix??

    Alfalfa/Timothy is good for broodmares that are about to foal IMO. Its rich in fat, protein, and calcium levels. For my other horses its either straight orchard grass or orchard/alfalfa mixed hay.
  15. S

    when do you start your mare stare?

    I seperate my broodmares on their last trimester, and thats when I start watching them closely if their are any signs of udder development and you can see clearly the changes that are happening.
  16. S

    What is your idea of good communication from a Transporter??

    I think good communications is: First of all call and let you know that they got the horse, second I think a call half way or overnight calls is decent of them, and finially a call like 30 min. before they deliver is good IMO. I would want them to focous on their jobs than be worrying about...
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    Hughes Designs contact info?

    I was looking for Hughes Designs website and it looks like they didn't renewal their domain name. So was wondering if anyone knew their email address? Thanks!
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    Any horse, not just stallions can have a mean temper. I think also it just depends how the stallion has grown up, if people who own him are very friendly natured than he will more than likely be also. IMO stallions are so emotional, more than mares and geldings they act like more of their...
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    How tall?

    He will probably get to around 33" to 34" tall at maturity. However horses grow differently but thats my guess.
  20. S

    Nutrina Compete...or Purina Complete?

    We give Purina, but not the complete sorry can't help you there. Remeber that a complete feed doesn't need much hay. I recommend that a horse gets some roughage in its diet, like if they are on dry lots I say still give them some hay.