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  1. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    New "Dry" Pics to show she really is Palomino???

    That's a good question, I was noticing her mane color too!! She's a doll-baby Mona :
  2. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    First mini foal of the year

    OOO I love her Laura, she's amazing !!! :
  3. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    need a prayer

    Aww Bitsy, I'm so sorry you lost the foal , ....big hugs to you and Dreamer, I'm glad she's going to be ok.
  4. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Vanity Grove Farm is on a Hot Run

    WOW I can hardly keep up with all the new babies being born (while I impatiently wait on my own : :lol: ) CONGRATULATIONS on two beautiful babies !!!
  5. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Baby #4 Appy alert!!

    Wow! That's the kind of Appy markings I like (dark head and most of the body with a booty blanket!) :aktion033: Congratulations !!
  6. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    A beautiful package arrived in our barn this morning!

    :aktion033: gorgeous boy !! Congratulations !!
  7. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Well, sure enough, you guys were right!

    :aktion033: Congrats Mona, she's LOVELY !! :
  8. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    I need help/opinions.

    Sorry I'm the same mare you posted about in the Bute thread? Edited: I'll read better next IS this mare (with no milk). She does look less dropped in the second picture, but maybe the foal is just repositioning? I have one due any minute that changes shapes all the...
  9. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Congratulations, she's beautiful!!
  10. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Guess the color

    I'll play, I'll say blue roan appaloosa too!?
  11. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Let's see YOU!!!

    This is my husband Lonnie, my son Dakota and myself (in December of 2003). It's the most recent picture I have of us together - and probably the best picture taken of me....EVER! (sorry if it's huge!)
  12. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    An update for those that are wondering,....

    Hey Terri, That's my sign too (Cancer)...and it's a very very true horoscope as far as I'm concerned too!!
  13. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Anybody know Chesapeake Minis?

    I looked at their site (saw Banner) but didn't see a link for a foaling cam...can you give me the URL? Edited: Nevermind! I read on her guestbook that Banner is being watched on :bgrin
  14. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    An update for those that are wondering,....

    Terri, I've said it're just the kind of person I'd want my horses to go to's obvious you truly care about Foxy. I can relate to the emotional feelings - I feel the same way about mine!! (that's why I end up with way too many stallions - I hate to sell anyone.) My girls...
  15. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    The filly fairy is in WI!!!

    Congrats Tami, both girls are lovely!! I'd take a twofer like that anyday !!! :
  16. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    gestation length

    I am buying a mare who's at day 361 today (if the breeding dates on the stallion certificate are correct)....I left her where she was to foal out because she was 'technically' due March 15th.....and yep, you guessed it...she's still holding out : (if I'd tried to bring her home, she'd have...
  17. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    No self-control!!

    I thought I had some....I really did : . I was wrong :no: . In late February, I was sending off the last payment on the stallion I bought back last year...thinking "WOW for the first time in 5 years I'm 'horse payment free".... : yeah right. That lasted just long enough for me to visit a...
  18. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Another question?

    Actually I worm the mare IMMEDIATELY after the baby is born with Ivermectin...and have NEVER had a if you wait, you should be fine. Ivermectin isn't a harsh wormer at all. I had a mare that had diahhrea (I can never spell that word right and don't have time to go look it up : )...
  19. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    hey all you watchers of Venus

    WOW I missed it all !!! I've had the cam open on my desk top and then toggling back and forth between the cam and WORK....dang it! I got busy and forgot to check the cam....and I missed the hubbabaloo----- I went back and there was a wee one in the stall :new_shocked: Figures LOL...the one...
  20. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Updated pictures of our appaloosa colt ...

    Wow! Would you look at the neck on that kid?? He's gorgeous, congrats !!