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  1. Ms THE

    Anyone ever buy a car over seas??

    When we sold the cars, the one that went to Germany sold for approx $4000, for payment on that, they wired the money to our account. We used an account that only had $50 in it (we don't use it anymore and just hadn't closed it). That way if they were to try to steal anything by having our...
  2. Ms THE

    Anyone ever buy a car over seas??

    SCAM :new_shocked: We have not bought cars from overseas, but have sold a couple on eBay that went overseas (one to Germany and one to France). I know that it is a lot of paperwork and cost a few thousand dollars to ship. I don't know the exact amount as that was the buyers responsibility...
  3. Ms THE

    Hall of Fame

    I never recieved mine, I guess I should call them and see :
  4. Ms THE

    Need help OTTB

    I am not Lisa, but I am from a hunter backround too. Safechoice is made by Nutrena, I like it too, but for the hard keepers, they make a top dress called Empower. I feed it to my old TB mare who is a hard keeper and my percheron mare who is on more of a EPSM diet and requires added fat without...
  5. Ms THE

    Anyone in SE PA needing a free computer?

    If they don't sell at the garage sale, I'll take them if he is going to throw them out. I really don't need one but. I am about 45 minutes from West Chester, what a small world.
  6. Ms THE

    Is anyone going to the Greencastle, PA mini auction

    Do you know what the prices usually go for? I was thinking of taking a couple geldings and a stallion.
  7. Ms THE

    Just read about another dog attacking a Mini

    I want to again say that I do believe that the dogs that did this should in fact be humanely destroyed. It is not the dogs fault, they were just doing what they were probably tought, to be aggressive. But not all pitbulls are aggressive. A chihuahua is a much nastier dog by nature, but it is...
  8. Ms THE

    Just read about another dog attacking a Mini

    I STRONGLY disagree with the statemant "The only good pitbull is a dead pitbull". I have 5 dogs, a pitbull, a pitbull american bulldog mix, a doberman and 2 jack russells. They would never hurt a horse, they run as a pack while I feed my horses in the field. The only thing they go after is...
  9. Ms THE

    Some Ideas for AMHR

    I had the gate shut on my under model gelding (the first class of the day) they didn't call my horse or look for him, my trainer ran and got to the gate before that last horse had even gotten to line and they wouldn't let her in :no: I was P----D!!!!!!! Later that day the gate was long closed...
  10. Ms THE

    For those coming to my farm to see Marty

    I hope both you and her are OK.
  11. Ms THE

    Which horse impressed you the most at Nationals?

    Fred is awesome and I couldn't be happier for Linda and the girls! For under halter there is nothing that is going to top Mountain Meadows Special Express! Just standing there in the warm up area he was breath taking! Lonnie and Denise's over gelding was pretty awesome too. :aktion033:
  12. Ms THE

    So, so, SO excited about Nationals,,,,,

    We leave late Sunday night, can't wait (but I still have a ton of packing to do). Between Eileen (My Dream Farm) and I (Little Secrets Miniatures) we are taking 9. We have 3 stallions (2 sr A and 1 jr B), 3 geldings (1 jr 1 sr A and 1 jr B) and 3 mares (1 jr A 1 sr A and 1 jr B). We are...
  13. Ms THE

    Palomino right?

    I think she is a light palomino pinto. By her parents color I don't think she could be silver buckskin pinto. I do have a filly that looks just like her though that is a silver buckskin pinto. She was born darker than your filly (like a buttermilk) but she shed out almost white with dirty ear...
  14. Ms THE

    Purina Increases Feed Prices

    I was feeding Strategy and Ultium. I switched my horses to Nutrena Safechoice due to delivery problems with the supplier I was using, but also the price had gone up to $9.75 a bag for Strategy. Some of my horses are still on Ultium, for $14.50-$15 per bag. The Safechoice is $8.90 a bag. :
  15. Ms THE

    Prayors quick! My brother

    My boyfriend (commonlaw husband I guess after 10 years LOL), had the same thing happen to him. He is a workaholic too. He works 7 days a week and worries about everything. At the time it happened his asthma had been bothering him. He is the type that won't go to the Dr or hospital for any...
  16. Ms THE

    Question about Sweepstakes class at Nationals

    That is a shame, are they going to be bringing it back?
  17. Ms THE

    Question about Sweepstakes class at Nationals

    I have been looking for information on entering a stallion in the Sweepstakes Auction at Nationals. Does anyone know how much it cost, when the deadline is etc? I think this is a great class, but it is not promoted enough.
  18. Ms THE

    so sad

    It makes me sick the way people dispose of animals like garbage. We have become a throw away society. I could not imagine getting rid of one of my babies. Growing up we had 2 dogs, both were dumped at my fathers shop (his shop was across from a feed store). We also always had at least 5...
  19. Ms THE

    We recieved this email back..

    They are scammers, I thought eBay shut them down. I had contacted them a few weeks ago about a trailer, but it was a trailer that I had been watching owned by someone in Texas. I contacted the real owner and aBay and I thought they were shut down. Contact eBay, I told them my father was on...
  20. Ms THE

    Orphan Foal-Help please!!!!

    Where are you located?