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  1. Tammie-C_Spots

    If you owned this horse woudl you geld him?

    Nice boy! If I had the room and needed a stallion I'd wait on gelding Tammie
  2. Tammie-C_Spots

    who here breeds TINIES and pintos?

    This is 26" 4 yr old stallion Squitter. He's a Rabicano (black with roaning). He's very sweet and wonderful with the mares and foals. I wanted to get a bit smaller height on my babies so I bought him for that but having two stallions and only 3 mares makes for some tough decisions! My web addy...
  3. Tammie-C_Spots

    Is anyone else still breeding?

    I am keeping fingers crossed that the mares I bred are in foal. None of them has come back in heat and they would have twice since breeding. Had some suprises this year though... my leopard mare Saga decided she did not want to breed to my appy stallion Justin and just would not show at all with...
  4. Tammie-C_Spots

    HELP!!! Have a problem with a mare

    If she has not been bred before it could be the hymen being opened. It should stop bleeding. If not I'd have a vet check her but I've seen this often with young mares. Tammie
  5. Tammie-C_Spots

    Hand breeding tips

    I generally will take the stallion into the mare's paddock with the stallion on the halter and the mare loose. I have a 10' lead I use and since both my stallions are very inexperienced I teach them how to approach the mares quietly at the shoulder and tease them and be nice. If it goes well and...
  6. Tammie-C_Spots

    We had 2 foals by 9am and 1 is a super WOW!!!!!!!

    Beautiful! Congrats! Tammie
  7. Tammie-C_Spots

    Those WONDERFUL Mothers...

    I just love mares like that- makes it so easy! This is Amore Misty Eve with my daughter. Not only is Misty a good mom but she's so gentle any of the kids can fool with her. Her babies get her same temperment- here is Cody (aka C Spots Lakota Mist). Love that marking on your foals ear...
  8. Tammie-C_Spots

    Thank you's and updated

    I'm so sorry Lisa What a awful time you've been having. Sorry Tammie
  9. Tammie-C_Spots

    Appy alert at Lost Spoke Ranch

    Congrats on your colorful colt Dawn! Love that picture of the mom leaning over the baby! Tammie
  10. Tammie-C_Spots

    My stud head clipped. Still don't know what color

    My first thought was silver bay- handsome boy! Tammie
  11. Tammie-C_Spots

    Prayers needed for Hershey from Runaway Ranch

    Ouch! Poor guy, how awful! I would guess the culprit was of canine origin. Feline tend to go for the spine I believe. I dont' know if you have bear in your area. Hope he gets better soon! Tammie
  12. Tammie-C_Spots

    Filly Fairy Found Illinois!!

    Congrats! Can't wait to see some pix. Blanket apps are my favorite! Tammie
  13. Tammie-C_Spots

    Does this scare anyone else?

    I wouldn't expect to start DNA so soon- few years? Usually we get some notice from the registries when big changes like that are coming up. If I remember correctly when we do DNA with AMHA it states that the results are thiers- am I incorrect? I doubt AMHA would "share" that info so that we...
  14. Tammie-C_Spots

    Graying out?

    Interesting! I have to agree it looks like sabino type roaning Tammie
  15. Tammie-C_Spots

    Does this scare anyone else?

    I'm for pictures and in the end I think DNA will help the breed but I must say I'm tired of dishing out all the $$ I have to just to keep all the registries paperwork up to date! My guess is that of the Jan 2007 date from then on pictures will be required of new registrations and probably on...
  16. Tammie-C_Spots

    An unexpected surprize!

    Beautiful! Congrats! Tammie
  17. Tammie-C_Spots

    Our new colt

    Congrats! I just love his little hip blanket! Tammie
  18. Tammie-C_Spots

    Another Color Question spots on "privates"...

    I'd guess he's a minimal overo. Sometimes they have some white on the underline of thier bellies and multicolor privates. Tammie
  19. Tammie-C_Spots

    Help on my filly with appy pattern

    lovely color and such huge spots! I'd say she's a silver black spotted blanket Tammie
  20. Tammie-C_Spots

    What Color is She? LOOK AGAIN NOW

    I'd guess her to be a brown or smokey black. I think one of the "chestnut"s was probably a silver bay. I had a mare this exact color that was the same as yours at different times of year. She had a buttermilk buckskin sired by a black so that proved my mare was a black buckskin or smokey black...