Prayers needed for Hershey from Runaway Ranch

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:new_shocked: OMG! That is sickening. Hershey's wounds remind me an awful lot of Laura's colt's wounds in the hind end. I hope and pray your little guy pulls through. He looks sooo sad. HUGS to him and all of you.. Keep us posted...we'll be praying for him.
Ouch! Poor guy, how awful!

I would guess the culprit was of canine origin. Feline tend to go for the spine I believe. I dont' know if you have bear in your area. Hope he gets better soon!

sending very very very positive thought your way for a speedy and full recovery
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Im so sorry. That poor colt. I will deffinently keep Hershey in my thoughts.

I also have to agree that it probably isnt a cat. Cats usually go for the throat & choke their prey.

I hope you find the animal that did this. :no:

Hoping Hershey manages to survive his terrible experience... and sending out white light/warm fuzzies to help...
Oh that's heart breaking! You have our prayers! It could be as similar situation to the folks who have a large cat in their area of some sort - it is illegal in many areas to own wild cats - (puma, cougar, panther, etc.) But there is a huge trade in kittens. People buy them thinking that if the kit is hand raised it will be tame and then when the cat gets full sized they either let it go or the fencing doesn't hold and the owner doesn't do anything because it is illegal to have them. Bright lights at night should keep anything away unless it is human raised. Keep all cat or dog food stored away. Report the attack to your local animal control in case it is a pit bull dog or some big dog. And get a gun. Sorry but you need to protect yourself, your family and your animals.
:new_shocked: OMG.......That poor poor little guy!

Maybe the predator can be better identified from the scratches on the other horse????

Absolutely heartbreaking... :no: I will keep Hershey in my thoughts...

Liz R.
I am 99% sure that is a dog attack............... it is NOT a wild cat at all.

Do they have dogs there? If the donkey was hollering and they have dogs but the dogs were not barking, I would point to them as the guilty party. Otherwise, I would guess someone's dogs have come in.
Thanks everyone for your kind words and prayers. I just talked to Lisa and the Hospital called her and said that little Hershey did not make it. She is of course devastated and asked me to let you know.

I know when she can, she will read all of your messages and I know (from past experience) that it will mean a great deal to her to know how much you have all cared.

I know I have said it before but I will say it again. Thank goodness for all the wonderful LB Forum people, they are just the BEST!!! It seems that we are always there for each other through the good and the bad and lending support when needed.
I am so sorry to hear that, but he must have been in GREAT pain. I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is awful. I hope he pulls through for them. Looks so painful and he must have been terrified, poor baby.

My thoughts are with them.

Liz M.
I'm so sorry that he didn't make it.
: I could see how badly he was hurting. Poor baby. Hugs go out to Lisa and all who loved Hershey. Bless his little heart.
Prayers for Hershey for sure. That is terrible. I would say dogs or a coyote but I'm no expert. Thank goodness I'm able to barn all my minis at night year round. Wouldn't dare leave them outside at night.

Keep us posted and hope he will be ok.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your little guy. I am sure they did all they could. But now he is pain free. Our thoughts are still with your family.
Lisa please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers for the loss of your little man.

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How horrible. I'm so sorry for their loss. I'm sure they're worried about their remaining animals too.....I would be! The animal(s) that did this will most likely be back. They need to contact animal control and see if they'll help. My heart goes out to Hershey's family.

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