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  1. mistyrose

    Question for AMHA people

    First this is the first year this has been in effect so lets not bash it too bad. Before all nominations took place at the annual meeting. The wording was changed so the choice would not be restricted if only one person came forward before the meeting. Also what if everyone who declared ahead...
  2. mistyrose

    AMHA's New Judging System

    The three judges are rotated every division not every class. As an example - So the same three would judge all the senior stallion but would change before the senior mares. Before you complain about the fourth judge setting out a division consider how you would like to work a 16 hour day 4 days...
  3. mistyrose

    AOTE Sr. Mare Class at Worlds

    What happened was that a rule change was submitted to the office by a member. The office then did the necessary paper work and sent the proposed rule change to the correct committee. The committee then recommended the proposed rule change to the board. The board then accepted the committee’s...
  4. mistyrose

    What does Parent Qualiify mean?

    If the foal is DNA at the time of the original registration, it should be automatically PQ'd. There is no additional charge to PQ the animal. I would like to see everyone start asking sellers for the horses to be PQ'd where possible. I often have to ask for papers be mailed before the DNA...
  5. mistyrose

    Whats around your barn

    There is a federal cost share through the Conservation division currently for a mud field pad to decrease run off and erosion. Crushed limestone helps but needs redone every few years. I order screenings for mud areas. We need a none muddy period to put it down however.
  6. mistyrose

    2008 Julep Cup Show (KY)

    I will look into the dates for you. Jody posted what is listed on our club website but I just noticed the 14-16 is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and I know thats wrong!
  7. mistyrose

    AMHA Hardshipping Question?

    But AMHA does contact and send forms to the director so you need to contact AMHA first.
  8. mistyrose

    AMHA Membership question

    AMHR memberships are all due at the same time. AMHA memberships go from the date you joined. ie if you join in June 2007 you would need to renew in June 2008.
  9. mistyrose

    Why don't we have reinsmanship

    The reinsmanship class will be voted on in Feb at the annual meeting. If this is something you want, let your directors know!
  10. mistyrose

    Mt. Airy Sale

    Prices were better than we saw in Indiana in June. They ranged from $125 to about $2000.00 when I was watching. I was in and out so I might have missed some above that. The lack of hay in the area had a big effect on what people were bidding. Many were selling due to inability to feed them...
  11. mistyrose

    AMHA Honor Roll, and ROM

    Homor Role is based on show points earned between Jan 1 and December 31. There is a running total of the top 10% carried on the show report page of the AMHA website. This award is automatically awarded. The ROM is based on lifetime points in a specific area. Until the new computer system takes...
  12. mistyrose

    Carl Mitz and Dental Practicioners

    Emails do not have the same affect that mailed letters do. Texans should also send a copy of their letters to their state representatives. If they get lots of mail, they too will be inquiring of the court about why they are messing with business this way.
  13. mistyrose

    2007 National Drive - lots of minis there this year

    We were a few stalls down from you with our Silver dapple stallion Misty Rose Rebels Last Stand and Buckskin mare Alliance Woody's Starlette. It was a wonderful weekend. On sunday we went on a Mimosa Drive. They bought Mimosas around to the carriages when we got to the end of the drive. It was...
  14. mistyrose

    AMHA World Show

    It was 90 in Ohio yesterday. I don't find it badhere at all aslong asyou can get out of the Sun! The problem is the temperature in the Arena. It is freezing especially when you are watching!!!!!!!!!
  15. mistyrose

    Question about driving classes at the world show

    You can make a big circle at an end. You have to watch out for the Judges and ring stewards! You can also cut across one end or the other. You can use the corners (I have been) but in this arena you tend to get lost if you do that.
  16. mistyrose

    ASPC/AMHR 2007 Convention

    What are the dates and location?
  17. mistyrose

    AMHA paperwork questions

    One trick I learned about at the last meeting was to send everything separate. If you send 5 things together and there is a problem with one all get held up because they are worked as a whole file. If you package each transaction separately, each one is treated as its own file. I put each in a...
  18. mistyrose

    AMHA Studbook Online

    The problem is that this is a work in progress and the studbook is far from being done. This is going to be much more than just a studbook. You will be able to fill out registration etc. online. It will run the shows also. The old studbook is still working and has just been updated, and yeah I...
  19. mistyrose

    Which way do you think is more accurate in estimating future heighth?

    I would use the form that worked for his sire.