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  1. mistyrose

    Winidows Vista

    I have new grey hairs from vista. I bought a computer only no monitor. Hey, I have a flat monitor that works great. The monitor didn't work with Vista. Big color issues, real problem I got the new PC due to memory issues with video and photoshop CS2. Color was a real issue. I now have a new...
  2. mistyrose

    We had fun at the

    Great Job Al. Glad to see the new location was nice. Hope your World goes as nicely!
  3. mistyrose

    Registration Papers AMHA & AMHR

    It is the responsiblility in AMHA of the breeder to register the foal. This is stated in the rule book. I don't know what it says for AMHR. If the breeder sold the colt as A + R registered then if the paperwork is screwed up and the colt has to be hardshipped into R, the breeder should either...
  4. mistyrose

    Does anywhere make portable stall dividers? They have stand alone portable miniature stalls. Versatility training center is using some.
  5. mistyrose

    Joining AMHA questions?

    With membership you get the Miniature Horse World at less than cost. You can email [email protected] (Alison) and tell her you see that you can get a coupon for a reduced membership fee (listed on apllication) and you can't find the place to download it. I belive they are good thru 2007. Then the...
  6. mistyrose

    AMHA 2008 National Convention

    I have a challenge for all of you in the Southeast. Someone made the comment to me from the Northwest that we were going to an area that had very few mini owners. I challenge you to turn out in force for the membership meeting on Fri and Saturday Feb 22 and 23 2008. The dates of the whole...
  7. mistyrose

    AOTE Survey

    What about allowing another amateur clip the horse as long as they receive nothing for it, in cash or trade? As for waiting a year after a trainer had the horse, How are you going to know who messed with the horse in the last year if you didn't own it. If I buy a horse in 2007 I can't show it...
  8. mistyrose

    Horse Business Software

    I also have used Horse trac for years. I like it. Only complaint is it doesn't let me copy and paste. Since I am a 1 finger typer I would really like copy and paste especially since as I get older my fingers get fatter!
  9. mistyrose

    land leased to hunters behind us :(

  10. mistyrose

    Strangles Shot

    The strangles shot is a big no no. The nasal vaccine is the one you want if you are going to use it. We started giving it the day someone stopped by and was petting my horses by the time I could make it down from the house. They proceeded to tell me about just visiting so and so who I knew had...
  11. mistyrose

    Equine Affaire

    We were there the whole time. Our farm display was across the aisle from Getia. Will try to post photos of breed demo later today. I'm afraid I might be coming down with a cold from the Sh**y weather!
  12. mistyrose

    Pics of our new girl :)

    Nice filly Kay. I love her color. Are you going to name her slowpoke? LOL They sure are taking their sweet time this year!
  13. mistyrose

    Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale -- Who's Going?

    I'm sorry to say that we are not. We have often wanted to but every year it is during the Equine Affaire and that makes it impossible. Hope it all goes well. Maybe we will have some heat by then.
  14. mistyrose

    Who carries/sells the milk test strips?

    I get the hardness stips here Hach Hardness strips 2207 Collections Center Dr Chicago IL 60693- Hach (800) 227-4224 The pool store ones never worked for me. I don't use ph I use Calcium level.
  15. mistyrose

    Miniature Breed Demo at the Equine Affaire

    The Miniature Breed Demo at the Equine Affaire will be at 1: pm on April 14th in the Cashman Bldg. It will include AMHA and AMHR. This is the same bldg that the Breed Booths are in. AMHA booth is in slots B36-37. Please come by and visit. We will have info on some free clinics etc coming up. I...
  16. mistyrose

    How old is too old to go into the show ring?

    You know Shauna Crowe's gelding she shows halter, driving and Hunter is 19 this year. I think. I think health and attitude are the important things not age.
  17. mistyrose

    AMHA temp to perm

    The ten dollar increase in fee goes entirely to the Honor roll gelding incentive. None of this fee will go to the national level. Honor roll points are all earned at the local and regional level. Earleen Roberts is chair of the gelding incentive. If you want to contact her to help with getting...
  18. mistyrose

    What do you guys think?

    Geld him and then do all the fun shows you want. If you get crazy about showing I have a registered gelding for sale that would make a great companion for him and you can do A + R shows too. LOL :bgrin Lucky-C-Acres-Minis, It not that her stallion should be gelded and not those belonging to...
  19. mistyrose

    HELP!!! Breeder Alert driving me crazy

    My breeder Alert Transmitter attaches to a regular halter. What type does not? I am having a similar problem with one that has a short in it. I have another on order finally. I find it real hard to make contact with this company. Line busy or fax not working.
  20. mistyrose

    Youth and Amateur Clinic

    This is a joint venture of the Bluegrass and Mid America Miniature Horse Clubs. We will have some of the top people in the nation in halter, driving and Hunter/Jumper. The youth will have seminars just for youth in the same topics. This is offered free to the public. A fee will be required for...