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  1. mistyrose

    Graduation day

    I know how proud of him the whole family must be. Our youngest graduated on the 15th from Miami oh Ohio. I hope your other children follow his example. You got some great photos. :aktion033:
  2. mistyrose


    Why?? You brought in the present rules and they cannot be enforced!! WHY does it take so long to bring in a new rules- ,make and amendment and get that changed, straight off. I cannot see any reason whatsoever- except all the wrong reasons, for the systems to be in place that are in place...
  3. mistyrose

    Any further research on lacing pattern?

    A similar pattern can be the result of a bad fungus on the back. The difference is that lacing starts small and spreads. The pattern from fungus shows up when the hair comes back and the fungus is gone. It doesn't change. I think its strange that the yahoo group on lacing has a picture of a...
  4. mistyrose

    New shows and new circuit!

    That is really good news for your region. More people in states with no shows need to start clubs and build a show circuit. Its the only way to get shows closer to you.
  5. mistyrose


    I don't know of any equine breed that uses a wicket. I thought the call was for us to measure the same way the other equine breeds did, at the withers with a approved stick. By the way I don't want to buy something else when I have a perfectly good stick with a level on the stick and the bar. I...
  6. mistyrose


    I don't know of any breed of horse that is measured using a wicket. If you want to heasure at the withers do so with a stick like everyone else does. Why should we all have to pay to by a new measuring device. Most of us have a perfectly good stick or 2 (A + r) IN OUR BARNS. We will be starting...
  7. mistyrose

    AMHA Mail Voting

    To find your director on the AMHA web page, click on the Regional link on the right hand side of the page. I would suggest that in addition to talking to your Director or in spite of it in REO's case, Please write out your rule change on this form...
  8. mistyrose

    AMHA World Show Awards

    In the Equatation and Showmanship classes the judges are placing the exhibitor not the horse. In all other classes including Level 1 and 2 the judges are placing the horse. What you quoted basically said prize money won in classes where the judge places the horse do not count towards the $300...
  9. mistyrose

    Proposed change

    The mtg was changed to February so that the year end finacials would be available. The software is different now and it would allow the financial year to end and begin different than the calendar year. Another reason was to allow more people to attend. The people who work and do not own their...
  10. mistyrose

    AMHA World Show Awards

    I really think that getting paid for showing means getting paid for the act of taking the horse in the ring for someone and not for winning an award. If it does then AMHR amateurs who have won money in the futurity are at risk of having their cards pulled. Being paid in the horses name means...
  11. mistyrose

    AMHA World Show Awards

    There was an AOTE (Amateur Owned Trained Exhibited) sponsored premium paid in the AOTE classes that was paid to 5 places that added up to $2600 per class. The Supreme was given a large cash award of $7000.00. The money and trophy came from sponsors. I agree that the amount of awards is over...
  12. mistyrose

    AMHA Membership Question

    As of January 1st 2007, you will need to be a member to earn points toward the Honor Roll or to show at the Championship and World Shows. "Article IV, Section 3 Add to Section 3: Any person (owner or owners, amateurs, youth, trainers) that is showing at an AMHA Championship or World Show...
  13. mistyrose

    Moldy Corn Disease Warning!

    Thanks for the alert.
  14. mistyrose

    AMHA Membership Numbers and my thoughts on the little guy being heard.

    "As for the fees, it is prohibitive for some to pay the costs. hardship for a mini is 2000 dollars. this is outrageous." Hardship for a mini is not $2000.00. It is $1200 for a stallion, $600 for a mare and $500 for a gelding. To hardship a horse in should not be cheap because it only helps the...
  15. mistyrose

    For those who have had Professional Photos done

    I have recieved photos both direct and from a third party. You need to ask about rights to post on internet and use in Ads. Touch ups were done after photo was selected. There is an additional cost for this.
  16. mistyrose

    Horses that seem too fat

    Weanling sometimes go through a period like this. Often they need more feed to get rid of the big belly. Check what you are feeding in amounts with your vet and feed man
  17. mistyrose

    Charts for figuring approximately how tall they will be!!

    We have found the cannon bone x 4 plus two to be pretty accurate. We do it as close to birth as possible and with the foal standing. Measure straight down from mid knee to top of hoof. Don't follow the skin with the tape, go straight down.
  18. mistyrose

    DNA samples for minis hair

    I think there is a new person handling the DNA results at AMHA now. If you don't get it in a few weeks please call!
  19. mistyrose

    Mini horse forks

    I am going to recommend the fine tine fork also. It comes in two sizes. My husband likes the big one. I like the smaller one. He can get a whole stalls pick in one fill of the large fork. They are break resistant - if you don't use them like a shovel on frozen apples in the mud!