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  1. bluerogue

    Appaloosa/Pintaloosa Breeders; question

    We have two pintaloosa mares... one of which is a 4 year old maiden. I bred her this year tio my stallion for one heat cycle, but she didn't take. The other mare has 3 foals on the ground. SHe is a black pintaloosa, but her only appy markings would be considered characteristics. She has...
  2. bluerogue

    Anyone else still not have their...

    Well I shall not give up hope then. I am still awaiting mine as well. I was thinking about calling the registry and seeing if they would send me one, but if others are still waiting, I won't call just yet. I sure hope it comes today! I've been disappointed everyday for the past two weeks! I...
  3. bluerogue

    Who do you prefer better overall, and WHY?

    Well, first off, I like Ditto better. Height does play into it for me (since Royalty is 33 as a yearling, I wouldn't use him simply because I think he'd go over). Ditto's throatlatch looks thinner, although he does have a thick neck. I like his butt better (in depth... tail sets appear to be...
  4. bluerogue

    Advise reguarding boarding.

    Well, I've boarded some or all of my minis the whole time I've had them. Stallions included. I've found the most important thing is to have a good working relationship with the person who is running the boarding facility, and another is to make sure they know about horses. I've had injuries...
  5. bluerogue

    Take a look at THIS.....

    I don't even know what to say about that poor little horse. I can't even imagine the pain she (?) must go through just trying to walk around. I don't think I've ever seen anything more sad.
  6. bluerogue

    Patty Cloke driving tapes

    If I'm remembering the horses she has, he's a 7 S horse (I think that's the farm name anyway!). They are generally very pretty horses, usually taller, that have gorgeous movement. She's had a number of them in training, at one point or another.
  7. bluerogue

    "Clip Clop" What can this noise mean?

    My stallion makes the clip clop noise too. Usually I've noticed it's more pronounced when his toes are a bit long (he's a real slow toe grower, so it's one of the things that tells me when he needs to be done). I only hear it when he's on concrete, or asphalt too. And not all the time. He's...
  8. bluerogue

    Spook'tacular Event in Roseville, CA

    I'm going, and I'll even be bringing horses to it. Which reminds me, I need to get my paperwork turned in!
  9. bluerogue

    Mocko colicked - at the vet's now

    I've heard mixing some apple juice in the water can get them to drink a bit more. Have you talked to your vet about ulcers? I had a colt that was acting the same way Mocko is last year after an injury caused uclers (well, the banamine for the injury did).
  10. bluerogue

    Got a weanling I'd like a critique on

    Overall, your colt presents a nice picture. He appears to have straight shoulders to me, and a slightly lower tailset than I like. Also, I don't know if it's his head angle, but his eyes look small. His neck is on the shorter end, although not too short. All in all, I think he's a cute colt. He...
  11. bluerogue

    Training for Hunter classes

    Hi all! My stallion is a naturally talented hunter type jumper. He has exceptional form while jumping, and is athletic enough to be good at it, and last the course. I did do a little bit of jump training when he was younger (he is coming 5 now), but since he was so young, it wasn't a lot. He...
  12. bluerogue

    Share Your Embarrassing or Funny Horse Show Stories

    Here's mine... I was showing a yearling colt for a friend, and after we clipped him, we couldn't figure out what these little dots were on his chest. He was a bay, no appy breeding at all, so we were mystified. SO I'm almost late for the class, because they didn't announce it to the barn area...
  13. bluerogue

    Anyone own a horse that...

    I have a mare who loves men. She has a particular liking for my boyfriend, but really, I think she just loves men. He likes her too, so I'm sure it helps. This mare was one I thought was just plain scared... she didn't know what to expect or anything. She was my problem shild for quite some...
  14. bluerogue

    Frusterated with New AMHR Papers

    Well, I'm going to have to say I think Charlie (who is absolutely gorgeous, by the way) looks to me like he is a dark golden palomino. The picture from when he was younger screams palom,ino to me. There is always the chance he could be a very like sorrel/chestnut, but I don't think so. It just...
  15. bluerogue

    Finally have pics of colt I thought was bay...

    Yes, we do. Pangere is actually quite common, but most people do not know what it is. Or just don't recognize it. Your colt seems to have a big dose of it. I've seen some horses where it was fairly minimal, but still there, if you knew what to look for. He is very cute, though, and quite a...
  16. bluerogue

    Western States Horse Expo

    I'm going to be there on Friday.
  17. bluerogue

    Breeders Query

    The King Arthur horses are still around, down in Southern California. The farm name isn't 20th Century, though, it is Holly's or something like that. Every horse I've seen from that line has been nice though. I'm not real familiar with them, just seen some in pictures and at shows.
  18. bluerogue

    Those of you who go to W. Championship in Reno

    Sometimes there are people who have trailers for sale at the Regionals. Most times there aren't though. It just depends. I believe there is a trailer dealer in Reno, though, so that could be a possibility for you. Depending on where you're from, I know there is one right off I-80 on the way down...
  19. bluerogue

    Look up please

    I can't really helkp you with Nabila, but I have seen her daughter Snow Muffin in person, and she was a truly nice mare. Very pretty with absolutely gorgeous movement. I've seen several of Muffin's daughter's and sons too, and they are all pretty with really good movement. Very crisp, level, and...
  20. bluerogue

    Is she or isnt' see

    I can't really tell with some of them, but your little bay mare sure does look like she is, and some of the others are pretty obvious about it too! I really like your little bay mare. Something about her eyes...