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  1. Cathy_H

    Back in Mardh 08 McCain was making predictions of his own

    Or Powell was coerced by concerned people into joining Obama due to Obama's lack of experience. :DOH! Our leaders have to convince the World that the office of the president is strong even though our president may not be! Remember Powell went along before with something else he did not approve...
  2. Cathy_H

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    I disagree with that statement! Things have not been cleared up on several things. Some of us are NOT following the pied piper's music! We are not ignoring the warning signs just because Obama has a "charming personality". And the reason is - lets see if I can guess, " because Obama has NOT...
  3. Cathy_H

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    double post
  4. Cathy_H

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    You forgot the third reason Opponent has provided lots of material to cover. Obama has supplied the other side with LOTS of ammo. It does take time to talk about all of the things Obama is not being up front with us about. Don't blame the messenger! And why is it mudslinging if you don't...
  5. Cathy_H

    Back in Mardh 08 McCain was making predictions of his own

    I can see that happening short term........ Their ultimate goal though is to destroy the United States long term. That can best be done through weak leadership, someone who has no experience & that would be Obama! Move McCain out of the way so the target will be easier to hit! For the sake of...
  6. Cathy_H

    I think I know what Biden/Powell are talking about

    I just happened upon some other forums while doing some research.... This reason you posted was mentioned there by a few people along with several other reasons............ I won't list those reasons here but it does give you cause to pause & think about all the possibilities............ Just...
  7. Cathy_H

    Colin Powells' disturbing comments

    I'm carrying this over from the other post. Christine asked One of Powell's VERY troubling paragraphs! "Talk to the American people. Talk to the World and convey a new image of American leadership. A new image of America's role in the World. The problems will always be there. There is going to...
  8. Cathy_H

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    Edited to add that I transferred this over to a new thread. One of Powell's VERY troubling paragraphs! "Talk to the American people. Talk to the World and convey a new image of American leadership. A new image of America's role in the World. The problems will always be there. There is going...
  9. Cathy_H

    No Matter What You Think About The War......

    That sure brings back a lot of memories! I was one of the lucky ones! I don't think we let them know often enough and I sure wish we could make the burden easier for them to bare!
  10. Cathy_H

    Announcement this AM

    Apparently our dedicated military do not agree with the above statement. For those of you that look at polls here's one polling military people only. McCain - 68%. Obama - 23% I'd venture to say that they realize the need for military force in todays terroristic world. I pray they don't...
  11. Cathy_H

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    Does it say anything about Obama admitting that he used cocaine? Hmmmmmmmm - Which drug would you rather your oval office selection be using! Through his book, Obama has become the first potential presidential contender to admit trying cocaine.
  12. Cathy_H

    Heya MaryLou..

    So THAT is what his "change" is going to be!
  13. Cathy_H

    Something to think about.

    Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin, But things aren't switched around. If McCain were black & Obama were white I still would not vote for Obama. TOO many questionable situations & acquaintances about Obama. Also all that he is promising and not being realistic in how it is going to be financed. His...
  14. Cathy_H

    Question about Ky incentive fund

    Nathan, I do not know the details. Call Earleen if you want to know more.
  15. Cathy_H


    Should make it required reading for Obama & Biden!
  16. Cathy_H

    "Share the Wealth"

    Where are those refunds coming from? We hard working people.
  17. Cathy_H

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    ..... If Biden's only experience is in foreign policy we are still in deep trouble! Don't need someone in the oval office who doesn't know when to shut up & when to speak up! Bush is trying to get our economy back together and Biden says this! That is irresponsible! Talk about keeping...
  18. Cathy_H

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    Sorry I wanted to make sure I read what I was posting first so it took awhile to finalize. Rudy Guiliano sp? said that Obama has some explaining to do! Why did Biden say that? Only Biden can explain. Talk about Palin not being experienced! Who in this Country wants Biden as their president...
  19. Cathy_H

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    Someone said that the rest of the world views Obama as being weak thus an easy target. Perhaps they got world that Obama is going to change the world and is going to change our Country first! Bush was tested in his first few months (9/11) but the terrorists have not been successful since...
  20. Cathy_H

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    Bring in the cleaners! Need some more slick talking to get out of this one! Why is Biden saying this? Does he know something we don't know and what is he & Obama planning? If Biden knows this for sure then let's change the end results of the election - elect McCain! Now who is fear...