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  1. Cathy_H

    Lost our foal yesterday

    I am sorry that you lost the foal. Most of us here know what you are going through and it is heartbreaking Hope the mare will be ok.
  2. Cathy_H

    Wanting to switch to more whole grains

    We like the Barilla Plus. Omega 3 is good for you. We have tried whole grain also (Kroger brand I think ) & it was also decent. Pasta isn't that expensive so keep trying until you find one you like. I keep Uncle Bens Instant whole grain rice on hand. Probably not as good as true brown rice but...
  3. Cathy_H

    Breeding small mare

    ..... How refined is the mare also? We had a 28 inch mare that was bred to small stallions (including Buck Echo) and she lost the foals between 6-10 months. This mare was not refined & vet said she had room to carry the foals.......... Under 30" mare I probably would not.
  4. Cathy_H

    young with underbite

    Years ago we had a foal that had a terrible underbite. We sold her for a few hundred dollars as a pet........ Owner said it straightened up. This foal had more of a dish head than our other foals did.......... Had a friend that paid big time money from a big time farm for a foal. That foal had...
  5. Cathy_H

    I have a grumble.

    See if a farm will let you borrow a buddy for her until you find a horse you can buy but the buddy still may consume all the food before yours gets its share.
  6. Cathy_H

    Not sure if this has been disgussed

    ..... Lee has told that to people in the show ring ( even though it was not necessary ) just to keep the exhibitor behind him off his rear. In the past some people have gotten too close to him & their antics have been very distracting to his horse.
  7. Cathy_H

    Bluegrass Sale Results?

    We could not go because of attending our granddaughters birthday party. A friend that helped with the sale told me that the $2900 was a mare & foal. There were some no sales.
  8. Cathy_H

    How Do You Buy Your Hay?

    We use to buy hay from almost anyone that had any. Thing was we got some really bad & sometimes moldy hay and some good hay - never knew about the quality...... Found someone that grew & cut their own hay so have been getting from them for the last several years. We use to get our 100- 150...
  9. Cathy_H

    With the economy the way it is

    We read the tea leaves years ago and had already reduced our herd down to 5. My two mini mares appear to be in foal but I may not breed them back this year. We sold our last mini stallion & I can't see paying for breedings for what you get out of the foals in this economy......... Over the...
  10. Cathy_H

    new at selling horses

    Honesty from the get go. Give the person looking X number of days to get the deposit to you if applicable.. If after that x number of days no deposit & they suddently dropped off the earth go to the second person. Tell each person up front what the situation is... Let each person know what the...
  11. Cathy_H

    Maiden Mare Accidentally Killed Foal

    I am sorry that you lost the foal. As stated no one can really say... If you do decide to breed her again I suggest touching her in the udder area daily to see if you can lessen her sensitivity.
  12. Cathy_H

    Utility Expenses

    We are outside of Lousiville Kentucky. Our all electric home annual average is about $140 per month. This includes heating a 100 gallon water trough and 3 buckets. We have a Trane heat pump. I do open the blinds, drapes & front door to reap the benefits of the suns heat during the winter time...
  13. Cathy_H

    DOT Laws

    We are in Kentucky. Lee called & was told the law has been on the books for 23 years but they are starting to enforce it more....If you show or haul someone elses horse even if you are not a business you need the dot #....... They are going to get our $$$'s one way or the other........... Off...
  14. Cathy_H


    Is this PLAIN flour. I'm assuming it is self rising flour???
  15. Cathy_H

    How are our 'cinnamon' horses doing?

    ? - why do some of you feel you need to feed cinnamon if you are feeding the remission? Just curious.
  16. Cathy_H

    Things to remember when buying a miniature horse

    Sorry I didn't realize that .
  17. Cathy_H

    Things to remember when buying a miniature horse

    ....... Preceeding all the paperwork and money changing hands - make sure you see the horse IN PERSON and the money paid represents the quality you are getting.
  18. Cathy_H

    Homeowners Insurance vs Owning horses

    This was what I was told last summer when I called them to ask if they would cover our new barn on our other property. They would not so I found someone else to cover that property............ If you are a current USAA customer - no problem. That is if you aren't going to move... We have been...
  19. Cathy_H

    Homeowners Insurance vs Owning horses

    We are with USAA ( for military soldiers & their families ) for like 30 + years now. We have to pay extra because we are a farm and we are limited in the number we can have plus we have an umbrella policy (horse shows - haulling etc)........ They've told us that when we sell this property &...
  20. Cathy_H

    Who plants a vegatable garden?

    This weekend I planted strawberry plants, spinach, turnips & sweet onions. Got my yukon gold potatoes ready to plant. I will be planting my usual tomato, peppers & eggplant when it is warm enough.................................Recycle tip here for you gardeners.... Set your old 100 gallon...