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  1. J

    What Should I Do?

    Sounds to me like another accident waiting to happening. Definitally, do something to protect the horses from the dogs.
  2. J

    another dog attack

    Your post turned me to tears. How awful and how sad. To read Tony's again yesterday and now yours, folks need to be more aware of dogs and minis.
  3. J

    Uh Oh.... Not Again Pit Bull attack

    Tony, I'm so sorry to be reading all this and a continuing nightmare of dogs and horses. What a horrible, horrible day you had and I hope the other dog is found and done away with. You had every right to shoot the dog on the spot. A speedy and complete recovery is wished for your stallion...
  4. J

    Hunt House Farms Spring 4 A Buck

    That is so sad and I'm sending you my love and sympathy. I hope you find the reason that will give you some closure. Joyce L
  5. J

    Introducing New Website -- Wisconsin

    Welcome from Little Folks Farm in Oakdale, CT. Joyce
  6. J

    Can I show you 7 of our tiny horses!

    I have 7 under 30" and 6 over 30" of which 3 are under 31". Not posting pictures because I don't know how. Tony, I love that field of " little ones." Joyce L
  7. J

    Patton's Keisha on Equusite

    Just got double dimes from me. Joyce L
  8. J

    Let's see your 'sleeping beauties' Post pics of your babies napping

    You can see my sleeping beauty in my Avatar on here. She was 11 days old here and took all her naps that summer on the family chaise lounge on the deck. Mom could always find her there if she was missing. This is a neat thread. Joyce L
  9. J

    My young mare

    It was very hard voting today on Equusite as all 4 pictures were great so I wound up voting for all 4 pictures. Joyce L
  10. J

    Just a picture

    Tony, that's a georgeous group you have there. Would be hard to pick a favorite. Joyce L
  11. J


    I have always tended to breed a smaller stallion to any mare. JMO, Joyce
  12. J

    May I see your Gruella (sp?) Horses?

    What fantastic pictures shown. I enjoyed them all as I've never owned one. Joyce L
  13. J

    Horse of the Year

    Susan, you know you got my vote a few minutes ago. I hope everyone on the Forum and Yahoo lists do give you a vote. That is an amazing picture and sure deserves to win. And while you are over there voting for Susan's April picture in Picture of the Year, go to Todays Pictures as you might...
  14. J

    Anyone here have minis with alpacas?

    Does anyone here have Alpacas in with their minis? If so, do they get along well with each other in the pasture? Would appreciate pros and cons if you have answers. Joyce L
  15. J

    Introducing Myself

    Nice to meet you Lynne, and I'm Joyce from Little Folks Farm in Connecticut with 13 miniatures and various farm animals.
  16. J

    RIP Luv 'Em Mini's Saucer Sparky

    Beautiful words for a much love horse and I'm so sorry his life came to an end for you. It's so hard to say good-bye. Joyce L
  17. J

    How many is too many?

    We started out small in the mid 80's and got to a herd of 32 counting foals. That kept me plenty busy as I worked as bookkeeper for my husband's car business as well as taking care of my horses. Now as we are both 70, we needed to cut back and the present herd is 13 with some for sale as I'd...
  18. J

    My introduction

    Welcome and I really like your horses. I am in Connecticut with 13 miniatures and various farm animals. Have been in minis since 1986. Joyce L
  19. J

    Am i the only one?

    No, you are not alone. I showed for many years on the NEMHS circuit here in New England but have not shown for a few years. In my elder years I have learned to drive and now enjoy driving thru the fields with my mini. I am also not breeding anymore but still have 13 in my herd. JOyce L
  20. J

    What a surprise!

    Congratulations and she's beautiful ! Joyce L