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  1. W

    So who's got the Swine Flu?

    I don't think I have the flu but feel pretty yucky today. As soon as I said I didn't feel good they sent me home from work. Our ER said they are seeing about 30 a night.
  2. W

    If you have purchased on AMHR reg. app

    In this economy everyone is tightening their belts just to stay alive financially. Look around, there are incentives everywhere to generate income. I think the registries need to be a little more user friendly or they are going to be the big losers. For the most part, horses are a luxury, not...
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    I really like madrone. It is a hard wood, burns without leaving much ash. Last year we went through 2-3 cords and we used it as our primary heat source. We needed another cord to really get us through the burning season.
  4. W

    World Champion/National Champion

    There are so many variables to this question it would boggle the mind to think about it. The only guarantee would be to buy the horse that already has the title. If you had unlimited financial resources then it would be a drop in the bucket to pay big bucks and speculate on an unproven horse...
  5. W

    Neverending Saga: Fall Cleaning again (sigh)

    Whatever kind of drugs you're on I want some!. I can't wait to start cleaning the house like you are. We are in the middle of putting in underground sprinklers and curtain drains and getting close to putting everything back together. The wind has been blowing and I think there may be more...
  6. W

    pasturing stallions together ?

    I have my 3 stallions in together right now and they are far away from the mares as I am set up. They scream and stomp but generally just play stallion games. In the breeding season this wouldn't work but in this time of year they are pretty quiet.
  7. W


    There is a very good thread on this under best of the forum. The big trigger is that the body thinks it is starving and starts dumping the fat stores into the bloodstream which in turn clogs up the liver. The IVs are to dilute and wash out the lipids. To turn off the dumping mechanism you...
  8. W

    Where to find electric fencing

    You mentioned that you have wood posts and board fencing. You need to get the long insulators for wood(nails into the posts) and I would put it between the boards, at least 2 strands. I have used many types of wire, rope, tape ect. and I have been happiest with wide white tape. I use only...
  9. W


    Yuck! There are several things you can buy but I use the old standby of tomato juice, especially if it is on the face.
  10. W

    Exciting News For Me

    Congratulations on your achievements. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get to the level you have achieved to earn these awards. Max is a wonderful little horse and you have done well with him. I recently had the privilege of showing Max in a natural trail course but it took a...
  11. W

    tell me about your verbal cues

    For a side pass I use "side", To get them to move the hind end I use "over". I make the clicking sound for trot but also use it to mean hurry up when doing the side pass or any other maneuver they are going a little slow on. For backing I do a sucking sound and tell them to back. I use...
  12. W


    Congrats on your new boy. For worming and vaccinations I would ask your vet to give you a schedule of what to give. Since you are in the UK you probably have different brands than we are used to in the US. As far as handling and training, just enjoy him and play with him. I like to say that...
  13. W

    Draft Style Minis

    I have always said form follows function. While the trend is to the refined arab types that are pretty to look at, how many are really tough driving horses. Even in the show ring the driving horses wouldn't necessarily win a halter class. These stockier types are what they are originally bred...
  14. W

    Humming bird people

    They are aggressive little dudes. We call their behavior Hummer wars. The fighting and territorial battles are just their nature and they really don't hurt each other and they figure out a way to get around each other.
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    Congrats, she is a beautiful mare. I would take her out and show halter with her. I also have to say halter is my thing but she would have been what I was looking for when I did paints. What is her pedigree? If you have any questions about the fit of your saddle then find a reputable tack...
  16. W

    I have empty nest syndrome

    Poor Marty. You are such an earth mother. Despite what you say, you love the messy house and kids running in all the time. I know you will be doubly sad after losing Michael but you will adjust. You have raised him right and he will be fine out in the big, bad world. Besides, he is 20 and...
  17. W

    Clothes shopping

    If you go to the Hobby Horse site they have a color wheel the shows the best color for hair coats. It might give you some ideas.
  18. W

    Hmmm..what do you guys think?

    Sonya has valid points. There was the book and movie called "He's just not that into you" and I think of it every time I hear about relationship problems and hold my own up to it as a standard to judge by. It goes back to commitment and trust. If they aren't totally committed to stay together...
  19. W

    Worried about my new mini...

    It has been my experience that these guys are born to colic. At the slightest hint that they might be colicing they get warm water, oil, banamine, peptobismol, milk of magnesia, simethicone drops,enema and a trailer ride. I find a long trailer ride is much more effective than walking and I...
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    Sids Rebel

    Sid's Reble was owned and promoted by Lucky Four and I bet Wade would answer any questions you have about him. I did business with him a few years ago and he was very honest in his answers and a wealth of information.