Well-Known Member
So the other day I went outside to collect eggs. And I see this little blue ball. For a sec I thought it was a frozen chicken turd. Nooooooooooooo!!!!! Why would chicken poo be so round.
So being me I picked it up and looked at. Turns out its a extreme bantam egg! Its about the size of my finger nail. And FYI I have small hands, but not creepy small like ceelo green. So any ways I plan on cracking it open to see whats inside.
Has anyone ever had a hen lay a tiny eggs like this before? Or is there something wrong with my hen?
From left to right extreme bantam egg, bantam egg, standard hen egg.

So being me I picked it up and looked at. Turns out its a extreme bantam egg! Its about the size of my finger nail. And FYI I have small hands, but not creepy small like ceelo green. So any ways I plan on cracking it open to see whats inside.
Has anyone ever had a hen lay a tiny eggs like this before? Or is there something wrong with my hen?
From left to right extreme bantam egg, bantam egg, standard hen egg.