Amazing weekend-lots of purple!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
St.Marys, Ontario
I headed out to a dog show this past weekend in Midland, MI. We got there in time for a fun match on Friday night, which I entered my 5 month old puppy, Mate-r, in. He took a Herding Group 2 in it-being beat by a really nice Pemmie puppy and beating several other herding breeds!

Saturday, Delilah (BP.ISS Can CH Esrohollow Hey There Delilah Am HT) took a 3 pt major (beating 10 other females) going Winners female then went on to pick up Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex! Having only needed 2 singles to finish her Championship, she is now an AKC Champion as well!!!
))) Moxie (AOM Can CH Finnshavn Bubble Gum Moxie Am/Can RN Am HT CGC), who is Delilah's mother, was Reserve Winners female.

Sunday, I moved Delilah up, since the 3 point major still held, and MOXIE was Winners female, and she also went on to be Best of Winners! Moxie only needed 3 singles to finish, so she ALSO finished her AKC Championship!!!

DELILAH took BEST OF BREED!!!! Beating 2 male specials (one who already has his Grand Championship)! Though we didn't place in the Group ring, she showed better than she ever has!!!!!

It was a very, VERY special weekend, and I am still pinching myself!

Moxie will now retire to play with sheep, possibly coming out for some veterans classes, we'll see.

Delilah will do a little more showing, then head to the whelping box sometime in the next year....

Moxie is my very first Cardigan, very first show dog, and I bought her with no intentions of getting into showing.

Delilah is from my very first litter....and she is my first AKC Champion!

Thanks for letting me's still sinking in.....

I had many pictures taken, and hopefully they turn out....will post when they arrive

I didn't understand half of what you wrote
but did understand all the mentions of ''winner'' and ''Champion'' so many congratulations. You must be thrilled.
Congratulations, having a friend that raises and shows goldens, I do understand how hard that was to accomplish and amazing to finish both in the same weekend. I still remember when you first started showing Moxie, just doesn't seem that long ago. Can't wait to see how the future goes with your kids. You should be very proud.
Thank you sooo much everyone! I have finally had a chance to sit down long enough for it to sink in!!!

minimom, I seems like it was just yesterday that this whole 'thing' started!!!!!

Helicopter, let me see if I can do some brief explaining

Herding Group 2- Mate-r placed second out of all the other 'best of breed' winners within the herding group (shepherds, shelties, collies and the like)

To explain Delilah's 'full' name BP.ISS Can CH 'Esrohollow Hey There Delilah' Am HT

BP.ISS- Best Puppy In Specialty Show (she won this at the Canadian Cardigan National in 2008)

Can CH - Canadian Champion - which means she has won the required points to become a Canadian Champion

Am HT - American Herding Tested - she earned the required qualifying scores at the Herding Tested level

To explain Moxie's 'full' name AOM Can CH 'Finnshavn Bubble Gum Moxie' Am/Can RN Am HT CGC

AOM - Award of Merit (she won this at the Canadian Cardigan National in 2008) basically means they were in the running for winning Best of Breed and these are usually only handed out at Nationals, or BIG regional shows

Can CH - Canadian Champion

Am/Can RN - American AND Canadian Rally Novice - which means she earned the required qualifying scores in Rally-Obedience at the Novice level in BOTH Canada and the United States

Am HT - American Herding Tested

CGC - Canine Good Citizen - which is a certificate earned through the American Kennel Club for passing a number of skills to prove that they are a well behaved dog around other people, dogs and in strange settings

To finish an American (AKC) Championship, the dog needs a total of 15 points-2 'sets' of these points need to be 'Majors' which means a total of 3 points or more and I believe points have to be earned under 3 different judges. Points are awarded according to the number of dogs per sex that are entered. When I say they only needed 'single points' that means that they already had gotten their 2 sets of Major points. When dogs finish their Championship they are 'moved up' to what is called a Special. Now there are also Grand Champions, which are another set of points available, and you can only compete for that once the dog is a finished Champion.

Winners Female means they were the best of the 'class' females (which are all the females that are not already Champions).

Best of Winners means they were the best of BOTH the 'class' females AND males.

Best of Breed means that dog was the best example of the breed in that entry.

Did that help at all??
Or did I confuse you more? LOL

I am so excited for you all!!!

Moxie is Lily's dam and Lily is Delilah's littermate. I really need to get off my bum and start showing her!!!
anoki, it was very exciting reading your post! What a wonderful story, considering you never even had intentions of showing! You must be walking on air, and rightly so! I'm so happy for you!
Thank you soooo much everyone!!! I am still pinching myself!!!! I am very VERY proud of the 'kids'!!!

And am impatiently waiting for the proofs of the photos I had taken to arrive!!!!!!!!!!


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