Just sad to think that way.I guess most must have felt the same as you, perhaps it was a little too personal and passionate. However I dissagree with it not being a disaster for us all, because we won't get to compete with some of the best. I had kind of high hopes for a horse this year. Even if he gets a ribbon this year, it won't be a win in my opinion. I feel that you are only the best if you get to compete with the best and beat them.
I know my horse can beat some, but could he beat-- the nicest best funniest kindest most honest guy's (barn name) horse?
I also agree with Dr. Taylor, and was touched by the letter about those involved. I am appalled by the majority of comments here -- but not surprised by those that made them. Deadlines are made for CONVENIENCE.... by those responsible for putting together catalogs and doing paperwork so everything looks "pretty". They were instituted for nothing else but convenience. Since the majority of paperwork was filed on time, doing 6 more envelops hurts NO ONE -- unless someone here is afraid to lose to one of the horses included in this mess. Lord knows rules are broken every day....but to err on the side of compassion is what true "justice" is about.
Compassion is not sentiment but is making justice and doing works of mercy. Compassion is not a moral commandment but a flow and overflow of the fullest human and divine energies. --Matthew Fox
Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity. It is through compassion that a person achieves the highest peak and deepest reach in his or her search... --Arthur Jersild
I won't comment here again, but I think it's sad to see the lack of compassion for those who have found themselves in this situation because of someone's error. I think many here need to look up the word "compassion" and stop worrying about "convenience rules". Amazing to see comments by those who are so vehement on this thread....making nicities on "another" thread. Certainly explains what is happening in our world today.
JMHO ~~Diane at Castle Rock.
Have to agree with this, and with Diane's/Castle Rock post. But since this is apparently a done deal now, I hope rules will be changed in the future to allow a little flexibility. No real reason not to allow late entries, with an appropriate penalty.Just my opinion, Allaboutminis. I was hoping for something thats feels like a "win/win" . Past mistakes or rigidity on the part of organizations or people, in my mind, is not a reason to not try and do a better job with decisions this time around. Again, just my humble opinion
I don't know what "they" will do, just glad I am not "them"....
Don't anyone have a heart attack but for once Jill and I agree.There will be many outstanding horses at the Nationals this year. I don't think anyone should feel their potential wins have been devalued.
Although I do not know every detail, I do think some of the aggravation is based on the misconception that Postal workers were present when the entry was delivered. This Postal Service machine is set up to take mail 24/7 without workers present. The machine wasn't working that evening.Why is the one that was at the post office on July 25th, they have two letters confirming this, why does this one bother people the most? Yes, there was a mistake made, but when you do something the same way year after year, why would you think this year there would be a problem. These entries were in the post office in time, so why shouldn't they be able to show. They complied and the post office has confirmed it was their fault. So why should they be punished for something that was out of their control? What if you made a payment by mail the same way month after month, then one month you put the envelop in the mail slot like you always do but it fell in a corner instead. It wasn't found until a day or so later but now your payment is late and your charged late fees. Whose fault would it be? Yours, you dropped it a the post office the way you always do, but say the post office gave you a letter explaining it was their fault, do you think the company should accept that and take off the late fees? Sometimes you just have to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and hope that on a day you needed it, they would too. I can understand the entries that were a week late, but the ones in the post office on time, I just don't think its fair.
And this is where confusion comes in. I have been told by 3 directors now that it is and was decided when the entries were rejected and returned and that there would be no BOD vote.Hi Angie, from what I have heard the decision has not been made.