I would like to add some comments...
First- I suspect that 'Dorrie and Frank" meant to say that the B DIVISION of AMHR was formed 'out of frustration with the A group not allowing over 34'; I well remember when that occurred. The AMHR was formed in 1972, the AMHA, in 1978. The B(now 'Over')division of AMHR did not come along until around 13-16 years ago, give or take.
I did not just fall off the turnip truck; I am only too aware that this is very likely a matter of 'whose ox was being gored'...I have seen the letter writer in line to be measured at a show holding horses which in my experienced opinion were over 34"; but when the envelope has been pushed, and pushed, and PUSHED some more, and someone other than some of us small potatoes finds themself in the position many of the 'ordinary' members/exhibitors have found themselves in--that is, actually being held to the rules when others weren't, and/or finding oneself in a class with horses CLEARLY not 'legal' for the class--well, then the shoe may get moved over onto the other foot-you think?? Even so, though, this IS something that has long needed to be brought forth, by someone who significant numbers of others,including the 'powers that be', *might* actually listen to! (I would add-I believe it is equally reprehensible to mismeasure to 'fit' horses into 'desired' classes as it is to 'enable' them to compete at all when they are patently OVERSIZED by AMHA's rules for ANY class!)
To 'go back to' something resembling accurate measurement ONLY in response to the protests, so that(as someone already said), if you weren't one of 'the hunted', your TALL horse still ended up being allowed to show, while others measured out(as they should have, if they are too tall)-- made the whole situation EVEN MORE of a travesty! I believe that this really is NOT on the shoulders of the measurers; It is my opinion that they are only doing what the top eschelon of 'management' at AMHA has indicated that they wish them to do--and by this example, made clear that they would also 'tolerate' at local shows. I have refused to attend the measurement at our local show for several years now. When the measurement travesty is so blatantly being tolerated at the National(World) level, why would anyone think that there would be ANY support from the parent organization for those who try to 'buck the trend' by protest or otherwise at the local level? Believe me, there IS a LOT of pressure to 'accomodate' trainers/'important' owners, even at local shows-and if the show as a whole fears the loss of these 'important' entries--well, how far do you think one 'ordinary person' is going to get in protest??
As for mininik asking Tony if he filed a protest? I think probably one should have been filed, to be frank--BUT,I don't believe there are any CURRENT RULES against the horses being stood with their legs splayed sideways-so, how much success does anyone think such an action would have had? VERY sad to say, those who would cheat apparently stay up nights coming up with ways to circumvent the rules, in ways that those who would NOT cheat would NEVER even have conceived! In our area, we used to have to watch someone with a VERY TALL "AMHA" mare first stretch her, then the handler place the mare's head on her shoulder, and quite literally point the mare's nose to the sky,at measurements--when the rules specifically BARRING such machinations went into effect, the mare of course measured out-something the owners did not take with good grace, BTW, because they had been 'getting by with it' for so long-BUT, it does show that rules, when ENFORCED, can and do, work.
(And kaykay, I agree with you 110%; the GROSS HYPOCRISY of AMHA in their ENDLESS pronouncements about "34" and under" as the legal size, while not only allowing, but 'promoting'through National winner status, horses that PLAINLY are NOT 'legal' in size according to THEIR OWN rules, has for years now, and increasingly, just made me want to PUKE! I have lost a LOT of respect for an organization I that I have a 23 year history with because of it...I wonder if that's how they want their 'rank and file' membership to feel?
IMO, this letter may have come from a 'less than perfect' source, but it contains MUCH that needed saying right out....so I'll take it, in hopes that it will be a much-needed first step toward cleaning up AMHA's management and practices before so many members lose faith that the organization is destroyed...which I believe could VERY WELL happen. AMHA seems bent on destroying ITSELF!
Sorry I'm so long-winded(as you all already know, I'm sure!), but I just said what I felt I HAD to say.