Blood tests are in.... confused

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2003
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Blood tests just came in this morning. we tested due to his current laminitis and wanted to see if he has cushings, ir or what.

well, the vet says cushings due to the poor cortisol rhythm of .7% (normal change is around 30%). however, i've done alot of reading and have read that this alone cannot diagnosis cushings. he doesn't have other cushings symptoms.

however, his insulin is very high 39.8 am and 148.6 pm, so i can accept that he has IR and an appropriate IR diet needs to be started.

His cortisol levels were 45.9 am and 42.8 pm

His total T4 levels were 9.1 am and 8.0 pm

Now, knowing this, should i start the pergolide for the cushings? I'm just not totally convinced that he actually does have cushings just based upon the cortisol rhythm... and no real cushings signs/symptoms. especially, since i've read that the symptoms for cushings and IR can be very similar.... and i don't want him on any medications that he doesn't need to be on.

Any suggestions???

Thanks much
sorry i cant help as i know very little about cushings but im bumping this back up for you

sending good thoughts
Maybe go to the cushings site and post the info there. There are LOTS of informed people there, so I'm told. That's the "specialty" of the group. May help you decide. Best of luck and I agree that it would be sad to put him on more meds than needed. Maybe do the IR diet for 30 days and re-test for the cushings would be a prudent choice since he shows no other symptons...? Ask your vet about it.
How old is your little guy? I have a "profoundly" insulin resistant Welsh pony who is also Cushing's positive; she's 27 years old. She suffered a severe laminitis/founder (has actually had numerous episodes) and was 18 degrees rotated. I'm happy to say that her conditions are managed very well with diet and medication (Pergolide). She is completely sound and pain-free. My oldest horse who's 31 is Cushing's positive, but not IR, and he is not on medication. We tried it and he didn't do well--turns out he doesn't need it. So, not all horses need it. There is also an herbal alternative, Chasteberry.

You're right about the confusion between Cushing's and IR. Not all horses that have one condition also have the other. We just got lucky to have both.
I second the suggestion to go to the Yahoo Cushing's group. They are a very knowledgeable group of people there and very helpful. Try not to get overwhelmed. Go to the Files section and review the "Start Here" folder, then the "DDT - Diagnosis, Diet, Trim".

Good luck! Please keep us posted.

I guess I forgot to mention - he just turned 6 years old this past week, so yes, he is very young to have cushings.

I also posted this info on the cushings site and am awaiting a reply and have been reading on that site. Lots of info and you can get information overload for sure!

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