Do you think folks are spending less time here now?

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Jill, to be fair, you repeatedly made it very clear that you were not keen on anyone who did not meet your "criteria" posting on any threads you may have started or taken part in...
Tag, that's simply not the case. You repeatedly kept trying to "make" me discuss US Political issues with you and I told you why I was not interested in discussing US Politics with you (for the same reasons I went into on this thread). Then you wanted to discuss why I wasn't interested in a discussion.

If other LB members want to discuss US Politics with Non-US Citizens, that's completely up to them -- just as the fact that I'm not interested in doing so was, is and will always be completely up to me. (<--- maybe I'll make this my Back Porch Political Thread Disclaimer?!?!)

While I'm sure many people do not share my perspective on this matter, I don't know how I could make the way I feel about it any plainer or less open to being twisted into something it's not.
Please do not bring back political posts. I saw sides of people I never wanted to see. I really hope that doesnt come back. I think they did so much damage here and that is when so many left.

I do know several other people that have been warned about the whole "sell" thing and I do think that it is over moderated. For many of us this is what we do. Buy, show, train and sell horses. It can be hard to write posts when your being so careful not to ever say "sell"

Seems like lately every post has the "edited by mod" sign.

But I strongly agree with not letting posts attacking someone stay. As said the problem is you usually only get one side of the story. Its just really unfair. Once you get both sides the truth is usually in the middle.

And I think people have no idea how real the threat of lawsuits is. Even if you know you will win to defend yourself is very stressful and expensive.
Just a question here with the risk of liability -- are there ways to have insurance policies protect message board owners? I have no idea, not my line of work obviously BUT I know having held professional E&O insurance since 1995 gives me a lot of peace of mind regarding what I do do for a living. Since so many lines of work do hold E&O policies, it makes me wonder what protections are available to those who own message boards?
Jill I dont think there is such a thing? I know when you sign up as a member on pretty much any forum you hit an "agree" button that the forum owner cannot be held liable for statements made but as we know from the past that doesnt keep someone from filing. Ughh.

I think a lot of people forget they ever made that agreement when they sign up as a member on a forum.
It just has my wheels turning. I was surprised last year when a famous comedian mentioned his E&O policy so I know it covers a diverse number of situations.

Also, I wonder when there is liability in a message board situation, how far does that liability extend? I'm going to guess it extends to more than just a message board owner. Surely there's protection in place for the more commercially successful message boards but the price tag might be very steep.

I'm such a nerd. It's just got my wheels turning on "what if" scenarios and makes me appreciate even more the protection I have with my E&O policy and the incorporation of my firm -- but the flipside of wondering what can others do for protection has my wheels turning.
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I would suggest that anyone who doesn't like the political threads should just not read those topics. They are usually pretty obvious from the topic titles.

And for me, if I don't like the turn a topic takes, well, I generally don't take opposing posts personally. I don't expect my opinion to agree with the opinion of everyone else, and for those who become rude, that's their shortcoming, not mine. Walk away. When someone's mind is made up, no one else is going to change it, so there's no point in even trying. Post your view, even defend it if you feel it's necessary, but beyond a certain point when the thread is just going in circles and there's nothing more to be said--or no point in saying anything mores--just walk away and don't come back to that thread.
Reignmaker Miniatures said:
I hope then that you don't get a different job
I for one would miss the input from you on the driving forum a great deal
I very much enjoy teaching new drivers the way I was mentored and a forum like this is the best way to do that when you don't live near someone. FB is never going to replace that!

CharlesFamily said:
That said, I love reading everything and soaking up all the information - especially on the driving forum as we have plans to get our boys driving this year!

kaykay said:
Please do not bring back political posts. I saw sides of people I never wanted to see. I really hope that doesnt come back. I think they did so much damage here and that is when so many left.
So true! I was getting literally sick to my stomach sometimes and whether you read the actual threads or not, the vitriol poisoned interactions all over the forum.

kaykay said:
I do know several other people that have been warned about the whole "sell" thing and I do think that it is over moderated. For many of us this is what we do. Buy, show, train and sell horses. It can be hard to write posts when your being so careful not to ever say "sell"
I know it's very easy for things to slip over the line so they're doing their best to stop it in its tracks, but yipes. Selling is a fact of life. If the person is really trying to advertise the horse they're either going to use the saleboard or cross that line into specific details, at which point a mod can slap their wrist. Simply mentioning in the course of a non-sale-related, totally topical post that at one time or another you might have parted with a horse or are thinking of parting with a horse shouldn't be cause for a personal message from a mod. (And I have never had a horse for sale so I don't think I'm too biased on this particular issue.)

By the way- thank you Mary Lou for allowing this thread to go on uncensored!
It's been rather refreshing and we really do appreciate everything you and the other mods do. It's nice to be able to discuss things however.

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I believe Mary Lou already said that the political threads are allowed now............

I may not have posted much on those threads but I find Jill and many other's points of view very interesting. So, I am glad that they are back and that's why the US is so great......FREEDOM.

You have a choice to not read those type of threads or you are FREE to. I thank Marlene for starting this thread and now LB is starting to feel like it used to feel......FUN!
I never even had a FB page til last week, and from what I have seen, in my own opinion, it will NEVER compare to LB. Here, I dont have to bounce from page to page to keep up on all the different conversations, and not all the folks on FB are into horses like everyone here has a common interest. I am not into computer games and all that other stuff on FB either.

I LOVE seeing everyones new foals, new purchases and all that here and experiences with medical, training and health things that you find on here....

Yes I have also noticed the slowing of conversations, however in my opinion, this is the place to come to keep up with registration info and possible rule changes and what's going on out there in the Mini world really. FB will never take the place of this Forum.
Seems like lately every post has the "edited by mod" sign.
Kay, the reason you are seeing more mod edit signs within posts is not due to "over-moderating". We have been moderating the same for many years, but were just editing the offending portions from the posts, but were not using that icon. It addition of the icon is something we just started using more frequently because in the past, no, the average reader did not know the posts were edited, but the OP did, and they would think "something happened" to their message because portions were edited and/or deleted, so they would "fix it" and put back what we took out, so we decided rather than having to do everything twice in mnay cases, or having to send people messages every time (which we should not have to if they would read and follow the forum rules as set out on the Rules and Etiquette page) explaining what we did and why, we would just insert the icon so they knew it was a mod that edited their post and not something that mysteriously happened.

I know it's very easy for things to slip over the line so they're doing their best to stop it in its tracks, but yipes. Selling is a fact of life. If the person is really trying to advertise the horse they're either going to use the saleboard or cross that line into specific details, at which point a mod can slap their wrist. Simply mentioning in the course of a non-sale-related, totally topical post that at one time or another you might have parted with a horse or are thinking of parting with a horse shouldn't be cause for a personal message from a mod. (And I have never had a horse for sale so I don't think I'm too biased on this particular issue.)
Sorry, but not quite so! I WISH it was that simple! You say they are adults, but MANY times they act like children, just pushing and pushing the limits. Then there is a lot of the, "why did she and I can't?", acting all innocent when one was just "mentioning" a sale and the other was an all-out sales pitch but made up in a different way so as trying to make it seem as if it wasn't. Believe me, people can get pretty "creative" and WILL and DO push those limits. Give them an inch, they take a mile! This went on so much that we got to the point where enough was enough and if certain people wanted to ruin it for everyone, then so be it, and we had to shorten the leashes!
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Tag, that's simply not the case. You repeatedly kept trying to "make" me discuss US Political issues with you and I told you why I was not interested in discussing US Politics with you (for the same reasons I went into on this thread). Then you wanted to discuss why I wasn't interested in a discussion.
Jill - NO ONE ever "made" you discuss anything or even tried to "make" you discuss anything - I never even started a single thread - let alone multiple threads - to "make" anyone have any particular discussion or initiate a topic. Not once. We just posted in the same threads - as everyone is welcome to do and did - and you repeatedly told me and many others that our opinions/experiences were not appreciated/wanted. No one tried to force you to do that, no one made you do it, no one badgered you into anything as you seem to be implying. You just did not want some of us to post or have an opinion on certain threads. And when you tell people that over and over again, of course they are going to ask why.

But I hope that is in the past and we can move forward.

I do hope that will not be the case this time around... and everyone can discuss the topics and share their experiences, concerns and opinions about any political topic freely. A respectful, interesting debate/discussion helps everyone learn about both the topics and the posters - and maybe gives them a different view on a topic that they might not have considered before...

It addition of the icon is something we just started using more frequently because in the past, no, the average reader did not know the posts were edited, but the OP did, and they would think "something happened" to their message because portions were edited and/or deleted, so they would "fix it" and put back what we took out,
Guilty as charged! A few times I thought I was losing my mind! I just knew I had typed Something or Other about something or other and yet when I checked the thread a few minutes later - what I thought I had written was not there! HUH? So I figured I had hit the wrong key or something, and I would redo it....and still not see it.... and redo it... so for me the little edit smilie would have helped! <<< is a dork
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Mona said:

Sorry, but not quite so! I WISH it was that simple! You say they are adults, but MANY times they act like children, just pushing and pushing the limits. Then there is a lot of the, "why did she and I can't?", acting all innocent when one was just "mentioning" a sale and the other was an all-out sales pitch but made up in a different way so as trying to make it seem as if it wasn't. Believe me, people can get pretty "creative" and WILL and DO push those limits. Give them an inch, they take a mile! This went on so much that we got to the point where enough was enough and if certain people wanted to ruin it for everyone, then so be it, and we had to shorten the leashes!
If you were truly one of the "innocent" ones that posted SALES without the intent of sales, we understand how you must feel. But it just got to the point, like Mona said, that way to many people were taking advantage of the Forum. There has been a pinned topic at the top of this Forum since Sept. of 2009 about having to crack down on this! We had to moderate the same for everyone. So if you mentioned SALES you got a warning no matter what your intent. Some of the adults are like children and it was kind of comical how creative they tried to be. What is good for one is good for all, even though some might not see it that way. I have been moderating this Forum for 10 plus years or so and I don't even look at the names when I read and have to give out a warning until I send the actual Private Message. We DO NOT play favorites!

Some of my very good friends on here have been slapped by me. It's NOT PERSONAL! But the mods have got to do their jobs to keep this Forum a nice and friendly place for everyone. So if you are one of the ones feeling like you are scared to post anything, JUST READ THE RULES AND FOLLOW THEM. There are not that many! Don't let the fact that you have been warned keep you from taking part in the discussions here. We do NOT like banning anyone and ratio of people banned to the members is minute and insignificant. It takes a lot to get banned. It's just sad that a few people on this Forum that do push the limits ruin it for others! But again we have to do the same for everyone or else we get accused of playing favorites.
Nobody wants this job! We can't win for losing no matter what we do.

And to be quite honest, I am, and always have been, up for the good debates. I love them. All you have to do is look at the number of hits they get and you can see how very popular they are! Nobody make anyone read anything they don't want to. And saying you will not visit the Back Porch because of political debates or religious debates, etc, to me is kind of ridiculous. Read the topics you want and stay away from the rest. Nobody is forcing anyone to read anything! After all it says right under the Back Porch Forum

A "gathering place" for all of us to discuss almost anything "NHR". PLEASE NOTE: Some topics may be very controversial... If you can't take the heat, don't read them!!
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I've read the rules. And followed them. But when you are posting in a thread about your horses and write something like "I can't decide which foals to sell this year, if any, I want to keep them all" and then get a First Official Warning, no heads up, no editing of the post, just "two more strikes and you're out", it can be worrisome. I didn't dare post anything at all after that, for a very long time.
I've read the rules. And followed them. But when you are posting in a thread about your horses and write something like "I can't decide which foals to sell this year, if any, I want to keep them all" and then get a First Official Warning, no heads up, no editing of the post, just "two more strikes and you're out", it can be worrisome. I didn't dare post anything at all after that, for a very long time.
That and when you are talking about looking at a horse or something. Can't mention where, even though you didn't give any info on what to look for or anything. Was just saying I was looking at a horse on a certain website ( can't mention its name or initials. Not trying to sell it, not trying to show where it was at, and not saying I wanted someone to sell me one.

I was pretty mad when I saw it was deleted and had the warning, but I just kept my mouth shut an let it go. Life is to short. I just don't mention that sort of stuff anymore, even though I was never trying to sell or post a link or anything.

If I have certain questions I will PM or ask on another forum. That way I won't get banned for asking or letting people know what I am trying to do or see. This is still a great forum for info on mini care and all. I do love posting pics of my guy's and getting much need help that everyone gives! Just got to watch what you say and do here more then other places! Not that big of a deal though!
Been with LB since 1998 I believe.. I have enjoyed it then, enjoy it now, being in the miniature horse industry since 1992 you see folks & farms come and go, another excited newcomer who breaths alittle excitement back into the mix, a old timer stopping back to check in on US, whatever the reason, I am just happy WE have a place that we know will be here for us to learn, listen, speak opinions, make friend repair bridges and most of all share the love of these amazing little horses, whom have really no idea the impact they make on our lives.. Enjoy being a part in someway...
Hey, Tag, your recollection and mine don't come close to matching but I hope you enjoy LB as much as I do

You didn't make threads, rather you badgered me with the same questions on many if not most of the US political threads and asked me repeatedly "why" I didn't want to debate non-US citizens. That might explain why I repeatedly voiced my opinion about who *I* am willing to discuss US Politics with and why. Capiche? Hopefully you have no further questions or concerns about my prerogative because I cannot explain it any more simply than I have (repeatedly already) on this thread.
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ML, I love LB just the way it is so for me I need nothing changed
However reading your last post made me think that one advantage to having a forum location to mention sales is for anyone who may be only slightly interested (so many sellers have made it very clear they want only 'serious' buyers) there would be a place to ask those questions that might either rule out a particular horse or convince a prospective purchaser that horse was one they really wanted to try to deal on. Just a thought.
Just a question to all you out there.. If we were to have a single board on this forum that allowed SALES of horses and such, and any of the "questionable posts" on the main Mini Horse Forum got moved to the SALES Forum, would you be upset then?? I am just throwing around possibilities that may help make things smoother..

Another thing is we are going to try to get a BOARD UPDATE again for the LIKE BUTTON and other features soon..

Thank you for sharing your concerns, we do listen to you… Mary Lou
Mary Lou, I think you may have hit on something there with your question.... Its not relevant for myself but there are probably some members here on the forum that this could possibly benefit from a forum page for sales aside for the original sales board. However, you'd want to set it up so the other members could comment on the horses. As were all aware its typically of all of us to want feedback and know whether we have something of interest or not.


With other sites such as FB if any of us are posting photos of horses for sale it affords the ability for others comments where on occasions those conversation/comments have eventually lead to sales. This might be an effective tool for some sellers on here to gage what there offering and give the opportunity for more dialog that right now doesn't transpires.


The other thing is I really think that something needs to be done to distinguish when there is a member posting on the forum that is under 18 or should I say something more noticeably obvious. I realize that our profiles reflect our ages but unfortunately there are a lot of individuals that aren't computer savvy nor do they no where to look. This might help curtail some members on here from jumping the gun and slashing their throats so quickly when they post anything.

Really everyone just needs to remember if you can't say anything nice just don't say it.... But we all know how that goes. Ha!


Maybe the word YOUTH in BIG BOLD letters out by the side of there name. Just a thought....
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While I was also one to post about my horses once and mentioned I was thinking about selling a mare, I to got the "shame on you" PM. Its ok, I am an adult and while I didn't think it was an issue, I was wrong. I won't do it again. However I do not think you should make yet another spot for people to sell horses, that is what the sale board is for. But what you can do is let people post one line saying they put an ad on the sale board and their farm name, no links, no specifics. One line. I am on a big horse board that also has a sale board ( please feel blessed here, the big horse board is a sale board you have to pay for) but you can make a post about something you have for sale after you pay for the ad. Just keep in mind, there are alot of ways to say I have a horse for sale without using those exact words. Please be respectful and lets keep the board as it is.

As for the political threads, I had no issue with them, if I didn't like someones opinion, I didn't read the thread. It was my choice and is yours too. The heated threads do get pretty hot, and I have at times lost my cool with someone. I shouldn't on a public board, but not sorry either. It was how I felt at the time. I know kids feelings get hurt, but personally on a public forum, parents should be keeping up with what their children post. And last if you don't want the truth, ask for a lie.

I don't post alot, most on here don't know me and thats fine. But if you ask a question I can answer, I try to. I think posting about our daily lives keeps everyone more of a family and I know when I needed prayers, everyone here was great. I still have every post printed out when my husband passed away and for those that remember the day, Feb 26 will be six years ago. I pull those out every year and read again, it helps so much.

Anyway I think the forum is just fine the way it is, I think we need to respect what it takes to keep it going, and if we make mistakes, its ok. Thats how we learn.

Now crawling back into my shell, I hope everyone has a great week.
Good post Karen!

The youth here DO have --->
under their name to denote they are a youth.

It IS possible to say "I'm not keeping the gelding" or "I won't be keeping all of this years foals".

RATHER than saying "My gelding is on my sales list" or I'll be having my foals for sale."

It's possible to say what you're trying to say without mentioning you have a cart, horse or whatever for sale.

I'm just saying!

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