tiny wee problem I have with hiring a Dog Trainer is that I
am a Dog Trainer. Well known fro solving quite bad "domestic" problems, almost in one go (it's ALWAYS the owners).
The real problem I have with this one is, this is NOT the owner- this is a DOG problem!!
I sorted out the owner, last time it happened- and made her get real tough with the brown one, so now she is on top of it.
This became obvious when I was able to manage both *******, together, immediately after the fight, without leads. They are also in the house together, no problems over dominance.
So....we wait for the next time, which will be another year, if their track record is anything to go by.
I had NO trouble when I had a Dog in the house, he just looked at them and they all settled back down.
And Yes, I did try getting another Dog but he had to go back as a) He was not a Doberman, as he had been represented to both myself and the Rescue involved, and b) he had aggression issues of his own. I am not strong enough anymore to sort out a five year old entire male who stands 30" at the shoulder!!! I did it with Sam but I was 15 years younger and still had some strength in my legs and arms.
I could not have another breed- I did look at Min Pins, but, No, not for me.
I am trying to get a Min Schnauzer, I fancy showing them, but the pups I locked at they wanted $1500.00 a pup and would not leave a tail on a pup even for a deposit so, no go.
I do believe in Karma, if there is a Dog or a pup waiting fro me somewhere, we will find each other.
NO I am NOT going to the Shelter- I will come back with 15 old mongrels!!
Funny you should mention throwing them in the swimming pool- I did think of walking down to the river and seeing if the Dog-wheel would roll on in