Dogs and arthritis

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Just wondering if there is anything you can give to help out a dog.

My aunts got a 13 year old GP who has arthritis in her front shoulder.

She doesnt really work anymore, mainly sleeps in the hay, and is always up to greet new potential bad people.

She does have dog food with glucosomine in it. But curious if there was anything else?
I fed stuff with glucosemine in it and it doesn't do a thing.

We use Metacam or Rimadal (sp) from the vet. We also have some pills here that are Glyco-C-Mine double strength by vetri-science

This stuff is way expensive.

If anyone knows of any off the shelf products please share.
We do have some stuff that worked on a older camel well, that I beleive could be used on the dogs.

Thing with her is she is a very fussy eatter. She dont really like table scraps. She will NOT under any curcomstances eat infront of you. If you give her a treat she will wait until you are gone to either eat or bury it.

She does drink milk infront of you thou, only because she wont let the other GP drink until she is done. She dont like wet food either.

Just say she isnt your typical dog.
I give my older dobie an 81 mg chewable aspirin mashed into her food, it doesn't totally take away the pain, but certainly helps her get around much better. Aspirin can be hard on their stomach, but they are less harsh then the drugs the vet dispenses, this came from my vet herself, this old girl of mine is on a very special diet, but the aspirin isn't hurting her at all, for which I'm thankful.

p.s. Ashely, as you know I'm not a vet
, just sharing what we use.

Is that the girl you used to bring to shows???? Sure did like her.
Our 135# German Shepherd will be 10 years old in February.

At our vets suggestion we do give him Glucosmine, Chrondroitin with MSM.

He eats Nutro dog food that also has Glucosmine in it but the doctor thought

an additional tablet a day would not hurt him......this is in way of prevention

as he has no issues at this time.

I also take the same tablet he does, except 4 a day....I tried going off it at

one time and in about 6 weeks my joints were back not moving smoothly.

That's my experience. I'm sure like most things they work for some people

and not at all for others.
Brutus gets supplements twice a day w/glucosmine, chrondroitin. They have definately helped.

He also gets Rimadyl once a day in the summer and sometimes twice in the winter.

You can use buffered asprin, but we don't for Brutus because he has irritable bowel syndrome.
This is just an experience I know of........

Friend of mine had a 10-12 ish LGD who started acting arthritic in one front shoulder vet prescribed rymadil the dog had a massive heart attack while mid stride about 3 weeks later and was dead before she hit the ground. The vet later said it was possible the shoulder issue was actually a heart issue and the rymadil masked it........

The old chow I have right now is gimpy front and back......but for now she isn't on any pain killers.....she tends to get around too much and I am afraid if I take away all the pain she may run around way too much making it worse......

As for the supplements give them a try it usually takes up to 6 weeks to notice a difference if there is any difference........
Ashley said:
Is that the girl you used to bring to shows????  Sure did like her.


Yes, that would be her! She is my baby, all 100 lbs of her! Yes, she is a bit "fluffy", but don't tell her!

I've tried the Glucosmine, Chrondroitin and actually still give her a supplement that has that added, but honestly, have not seen a difference in her pain level with or without it.
Does anyone know anything about human Ascripton? I think that one tab a day is ok because it's easier on the tummy. Not sure though
One thing to consider is none of the food with glucosmine in it has theariputic levels. I can back this up as I work for a vet and we have had several food reps come in and give talks. Be careful with asprin like was stated before it can affect the stomach but also new red blood cells.
I have said it before on here, but it's worth mentioning again...Rimadyl can cause serious side effects in some dogs, especially those with Labrador breeding, so please research carefully before giving your dog Rimadyl. We had a Lab die from complications from the drug. There is a supplement called Cosequin that we give our current Lab, and although pricey, it works quite well.
I just started my horses and dog on ground flax. It is supposed to be good for many things, including joints, so I am anxious to see good results with my old Kodi-dog.
You've been given several products to try for your arthritic dog.......

Personally, we've used several of them and with success. HOWEVER, my suggestion is that you do NOT stick to just one over a long period. Some lose their potencey as the dog develops a sort of an immunity to it. And some are hard on a dog's stomach, so it's good to give a break on those.

In other words.....try rotating.

A very senior Golden Retriever arrived at our place (nobody was looking for her) and she had difficulty getting up. Put her on MSM (1 tsp per day) and she has been doing very well for the past 2 1/2 years. She continues to trot around the yard to be wherever I am. The vet had looked at her when she first arrived and could not believe that 2 yrs later she seemed younger than when he first guessed at her age.
I'm using "Fresh-Factors" from Springtime, Inc for my 9 year old Australian Shepherd. She hurt herself as a puppy and as long as she takes her daily Fresh-Factors she is just fine and frisky; I ran out once and it showed.

The web address is:

I've also used a couple of their equine joint products for my senior gelding, they helped him greatly.
Ask Your vet about adequan, it is an injection that is used in horses & also now in dogs & cats. I work for a vet & it makes a lot of difference in pets with health issues. I also recommend that you look at the ingredients in the products that you buy, the suppliments & foods. We recommend a product called Synovie Cre3, & also the science diet new J/D ( joint diet) Also look at your pets overall health, over weight pets tend to have more joint problems, just like humans. Try doing a search on the internet about what others are recommending, but again I would give the Adequan a try, it saved my 17 yr old cat when she became paralized. Now she back to her normal complaining self ( she is a burmese!)
Well Sheba has had a long full life. She had to go to the vet this year(she hates being off the farm and its very hard to get her loaded) as she had hot spots that we couldnt get rid of. The girl ended up haveing to be shaved and on antibiotics for it. Everybody got a kick out of seeing a dog wander the property wearing a t-shirt but she had to have it so she wouldnt sun burn.

GIveing her the pills was intresting. That girl dont like to swallow.

As much as I hate to say it, I think her time is getting down there. We also noticed in the past year a few lumps that have grown on her. ONe on her cheast and one on the underside of her belly. THey dont bother her and the vet recommended testing them, but with her age, even if it was cancer there would be no point in treating it.
Our Sheltie gets Derramex(sp?) and Cosequin DS(Double strength) daily. We got the Cosequin for dogs(chewable tablets) through the company that makes smartpaks. I believe it was $50 for a 3 month supply which I don't think is bad since it really works for her. She was limping a little even with the Derramex(sp?) and now with the Cosequin she is doing really well.
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