Don't want to start an uproar.....but........

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My husband, Larry, and I were just discussing how many HORSE FEEDS contain wheat products..... including PURINA brands.

I think it would be fair for horse owners who use Purina Horse Feeds to inquire about WHERE THE WHEAT PRODUCTS IN THE INGREDIENTS ARE COMING FROM. Don't you????

No, people shouldn't panic, but I feel we all should be better informed!

You know I have to admit I was thinking the same thing this morning
I agree.

Due to my recent "footsore " horses, I have been reading all the ingredients in the few feeds that I feed....except for the now Banned Feed from my property, all my feeds are Purina.

What exactly is/are "wheat middlings" ?

I think Ma has a good point for us to consider.
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I think Ma has a good point for us to consider. Platform Miniature Horse and Pony Feed is one that that has both wheat middlings nad wheat flour in that wheat flour has wheat gluten in it....very scarey and hard to decide just what to do because I doubt if we will be forwarned by the feed makers of any danger. They will wait and see how many animals get sick. Is anything safe anymore?
: Mary
Boy! If this isn't a "chicken little" statement ... you know...."The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" ... I don't know what is. Rather incendiary without any basis, doncha think?

Have another pallet of Platform coming next week. No fear here!! Love it, it has proven to do well for my horses, won't change. 'Nuff said.
Jean I am glad that Platform has worked well for you and your horses and that you are pleased.

That said.. there is nothing wrong with people being concerned about what they are feeding and recent contaminations.. first off if it is in dog food and cat food is it really a far jump to think it might be in horse feed?

Does that mean throw away everything with wheat in it period of course not but nothing wrong with being concerned and trying to stay a step ahead of the game with information

And we all need to remember one feed that might be wonderful for one farm can not work well at all at another doesnt mean either is doing something wrong or right just the way the ball bounces
Wheat middlings are the small bits and pieces left over after wheat is milled. In fact they are very nutritious, since many of the seeds are in the middlings.

The contaminated feed was a specific product that was contaminated, NOT wheat in general. Yes, wheat middlings are wheat, which contains gluton, but its not the gluton that was contaminated in the manufacturing plant in China.
[SIZE=14pt]I have fed Purina for years. First with my Quarters and now with my minis. Never had a sick horse on it. Im not going to run right out and change food or stop feeding all togther because of this scare. Thats just like says EVERY cow that acts funny has MAD COW. It will soon blow over and everything will get back to normal... what that is or was...... :)[/SIZE]

Jean, To answer your question, no I don't see it the way you do. I am very concerned about what is happening to animals and what could possibly happen to more animals and even humans. I happen to have reason to believe what I do just as you may have reason to believe what you do...too bad opionions can't be given without someone lowering themseves to name calling but then it takes all kinds. And as for you promoting The Miniature Feed ...we haven't all found it to be what you claim it to be but if it works for you, fine. Just no need to put us down who have had different experiences. I hope people are cautious because manufacturers aren't always honest about their products. Enough said! Mary

I think Ma has a good point for us to consider. Platform Miniature Horse and Pony Feed is one that that has both wheat middlings nad wheat flour in that wheat flour has wheat gluten in it....very scarey and hard to decide just what to do because I doubt if we will be forwarned by the feed makers of any danger. They will wait and see how many animals get sick. Is anything safe anymore?
: Mary
Boy! If this isn't a "chicken little" statement ... you know...."The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" ... I don't know what is. Rather incendiary without any basis, doncha think?

Have another pallet of Platform coming next week. No fear here!! Love it, it has proven to do well for my horses, won't change. 'Nuff said.
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Mary... its not wheat that is the problem.

Its a paticular supplier who had a contamination in their plant. That's it. Every problem goes to that one plant in China.

Horse feeds use local grains, they don't generally import their grains. They are manufactured locally and distributed. There is very little to worry about. Horse feeds are much fresher and much more local than the importated small animal foods.
Thank you for your reply Nathan....I do understand that it is not the wheat itself that is the problem but it is the contaminated wheat gluten that is. I hope you are correct in that there isn't much to worry about....guess only time will tell.

uote name='Nathan Luszcz' date='Apr 1 2007, 07:49 PM' post='793675']

Mary... its not wheat that is the problem.

Its a paticular supplier who had a contamination in their plant. That's it. Every problem goes to that one plant in China.

Horse feeds use local grains, they don't generally import their grains. They are manufactured locally and distributed. There is very little to worry about. Horse feeds are much fresher and much more local than the importated small animal foods.
[SIZE=14pt]I have fed Purina for years. First with my Quarters and now with my minis. Never had a sick horse on it. Im not going to run right out and change food or stop feeding all togther because of this scare. Thats just like says EVERY cow that acts funny has MAD COW. It will soon blow over and everything will get back to normal... what that is or was...... :)[/SIZE]

I'm sure that some of the folks that have had their cats or dogs become ill have also been feeding the same thing for years. There is not a thing wrong with being cautious about what we are feeding any of our animals, or even ourselves. I'm not changing anything, either, with my dogs/cats/or horses - but you can bet this recent problem does have me watching things a little more carefully. Nothin' wrong with that
I don't think that there's any reason to run out and change feeds. The wheat product comes from a specific source and within a specific time frame.

Nor do I think it's a case of "Chicken Little".

In both, I feel it's a case of being an animal owner wanting to be INFORMED.

Ok,,,,I believe when there is a problem, we should know. What I do NOT believe is every person who has a thought, and not facts, yacks about it until the 3rd person down the rumor chain believe it to be true.

Boy! If this isn't a "chicken little" statement ... you know...."The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
And thus making the above statement true. We need to be aware, and yes we should be told, but when there are facts present to back your statement. The 9th person to read it on this board, who tells their 3rd person not on this board, creates another set of problems as when the facts are given, it is not always spread the way the original story was given. Not as exciting to talk about, so it doesn't get corrected.

My point with this. When Sophie was at Purdue for 9 days in ICU, she was seen by 5 different vets, her case was and is being studied by their feed specialist. Along with 2 vets here at all, each and every one of them said the same thing.

Purdue released Sophie and right on her paperwork it says, "Altered Glucose Level". In other words I packed her full of carbs and HER body could not break them down. A sensative horse, an IR horse, a Diabetic Horse can not tolerate the formula making it too high in carbs for anything other than a normal horse in absolutely every way.

These people saw her one at a time,,,,none were lead in any direction, and all came to the same conclusion. How was that?

You will not know that unless you have every horse tested as a borderline horse too will have problems.

We all have been in touch with the Platform Makers. Several, several times. It has not been easy for us as there are about 7 cases where the facts were incorrect, later proven and so now they are not much on listening to anyone,,,,,,,,but we are still talking. So some who did cry wolf, have hurt others.

Sophie was very healthy, probably just sensative. 2 yearlings started to do the same and the feed was removed asap. Those yearling recoverd in a short time. Just by chance??? No one thinks so.

This feed can do good things for many horses. 100% healthy horses that is. That is why so many people do not have problems. They make a big deal as it is only has 2% sugar,,,,,,but leave out the huge amount of starch part,,,,,,,,,,converting into carbs, along with other ingredients.

I have used Platform for many years, never had any problems, so I have zero previous problems with this company. I have even praised them.

But if they are going to market it,,,,,,,,,,all,,,,,,,,ALL contents and percentages should be on that package.

Not sure how far this will make it,,,,,,but I think it should stay, I know we have to be careful,,,,,,but no one was pulling the dog food responses.

Jean, I believe you have commented on YOUR experience,,,,,,,,,it does NOT make ours wrong,,,,it makes you somewhat lucky, and me, or sophie,,,,,,,,,,,,not. I have given true facts. And can back them up with paperwork from Purdue.

Edited to say,,,,,if you are feeding this and it is working,,,,,,I am not saying take them off,,,,,,,if that were the case, what we needed to do,,,,,,,,we'd all be feeding the same thing. But all horses are different, as are people. SOME hores can not handle it, and I strongly believe we should be aware of that.

Sorry for being somewhat off topic.
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this was my first question, isnt there enough wheat in our country that we have to buy from China??? :new_shocked: give me a break I would rather pay a bit higher and feed the farmers here.
I think what the biggest problem is and the reason that people feel that they have to jump the gun when something like this happens is because the companies can not be trusted to do the right thing unless qualified veterinarians start calling about multiple cases of sick animals. It takes the animal care givers to figure that out after numerous pets are already affected. When these companies start looking for a cheaper supply of ingredients would it be so hard to have tested the source before it were used? If all it took was a simple toxin test to find out? I can't blame any concerned pet owner for worrying about it.
Hey guys!!

Firsty I must say as a pet owner when the news first came out I was alarmed. It isnt good when things like this happen and I cant blame anyone for being concerned. But I do also have to say that the problem is being blown out of proportion due to media and of course the "telephone game". I work in a pet clinic and have recieved numerous phone calls from clients hearing this or that, and have also recieved numerous letters and phone calls from feed representatives for dog and cat food. So far there is NO proof that any DRY food has been affected. It is ONLY wet food that is the cuts and gravy style and only from companies that use menu foods. I know that there has been one dry cat food that is being pulled, but not by menu foods. It is being pulled by hills as a PRECAUTION as it does contain wheat gluten but is not made by menu foods. Also lots of people are concerned that thier pets have been getting sick over time, but the problem is not a lingering one it is ACCUTE and happens quickly. This is the info that I have accumulated from reps, the veterinary governing body and the fda. So I dont think that there is anything wrong with our horse feeds. If you have a question pls call your vet or food rep as they have the most up to date truthful information about this situation. I hope this clears some things up. And i hope this scare ends soon and my thoughts are with those familys whose pets have been affected.
Just my two cents and I'm not totally informed on the reason all the dog/cat food was being pulled, but I do work in a store that carries a brand that did have us pull certain foods from our shelves.

They were only certain kinds and all caned or in pouches. None of the dry food was involved.

If this is what is causing the concern from what I understand it was the gravy that was the culpret. So I would think that anything in a dry food (dog/cat/or horse) would not be under scrutiny.

I do agree with you though MA I do not like when anything is listed as "Millings" or "Grain Products" Well what KIND of "Grain Products" am I feeding my horse???

Just my $.02
They were only certain kinds and all caned or in pouches. None of the dry food was involved
Nope, not quite accurate. Hills M/D dry dog food was also contaminated and the reps have been pulling it from the veterinarians offices.


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