@MaryFlora Well they are furry but not so darling yet! Lol, Miss Blue Eyes likes to kick you. About to post more on them.
The streamlined look is pretty different! I like it too! You are right, it is very elegant. He was not stalled and there was snow on the ground where he was, so where that coat came from, idk, but I love it!
More on the two fluffballs that I shared pictures of.....
They arrived here earlier this week and will start learning manners and showing. Our first show is in 6 weeks so here we go!
The bay is a lovely, shy and clueless yearling. All she knows is leading....barely. Has not had much handling at all, but she should come around quickly with daily handling. If she looks familiar, it is because she is full sister to my bay gelding, Trooper.
The blue eyed filly is going to be the challenge. This face says it all!
While she has had more handling than the bay, it has also only been basic and she has developed several bad habits, the biggest of which is kicking. If you ignore her, don't feed her "on time," or wait to pour her feed, she kicks you. So we are going to focus on that first and foremost, especially as she is supposed to start driving training.
I am looking forward to getting them both in shape though!