I have it in my "drug box", along with Banamine, bute, etc. I didnt get it for Spring Shots, but it's left over(and has not expired yet) from when we were giving my mare Allergy shots, incase she had a reaction to those. I've got to admit I was nervous on using it. When the vet handed it to me, it was a "only use at this time, not sooner" and "dont use it unless....". I was thankful my mare didnt have a serious reaction before it can do ALOT of harm if mis-used. So, yes, I have it on hand, but my Vet does all my shots and doesnt leave RIGHT after she gives them, so my hope is that if there is a reaction, she'll be here to catch it. But, I do have it on hand "just incase". If it was not for my mares allergy shots, I would not have it on hand and have no intentions of replacing it once it expires.