Our vet ended up doing claxamox .25mg twice a day, along with an eye ointment that I have to check the name of, a thin smear twice a day, and we have a recheck in 10 days. Kitty is a "rescue" that I'm not really financially prepared to take on, but would have died where he was. (Hes 6-7 months old, and 2.75 lb, not super skinny, just seems growth stunted, he has a nasty URI, and he was literally shivering, and there was no cat food) A family member spotted me the money for the vet today, because this little guy is sneezing and out comes green snot. I got an earful from hubby, and I called the rescues and shelters in my area just to find out that they are all over crowded (no news to me) and he would be PTS because he is so sick and they dont have room. All of the no kill shelters are full and not accepting any more animals. I'm going to do the best I can to take care of him. There's a low cost spay neuter clinic in my area that neuters for $28 (that includes the office call fee) and they will also test for FIV and Feline leukemia and give the shots for $60. So In retrospect, hubby was right, I shouldnt have brought kitty home, however I couldnt leave him there to die while we had a winter weather advisory and he was shivering and it was still supposed to get 20 degrees colder.
Right now he is in "quarantine" which means hes in my heated basement in an extra large dog kennel with a box with fleece receiving blankets for a bed, a small litter pan, food and water. Don't want to give him a big area because we don't want him using a lot of energy, and because I have to disinfect the area, and wash all bedding material daily, and I cant do that to my whole basement. We are changing clothes and washing our hands before touching any other animals. He is getting out of the cage and handled though, I didnt just throw him in a cage and walk away. On the bright side, he is very friendly.