Foaling Monitor System

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Dec 1, 2002
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Auburn, Wyoming
We have had a cheap foaling system here for years. It needs cords and a special TV to watch with. I think Mel payed $65.00 for it many years ago. What would a new or used system cost that doesn't need cords and can work with any tv?? I'd appreciate any help



I'm not sure of the cost, but a friend has a wireless to watch her cows. She has to unplug her cordless phones and can't use her wireless computer to watch the monitor because they interfere with the signal.

I bought cameras at Harbor Freight for about $30 each. They are color with night vision. I ran the wires to the house and plugged them into the TV.
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I'm not sure of the cost, but a friend has a wireless to watch her cows. She has to unplug her cordless phones and can't use her wireless computer to watch the monitor because they interfere with the signal.

I bought cameras at Harbor Freight for about $30 each. They are color with night vision. I ran the wires to the house and plugged them into the TV.

I'm with Ruffian. I have three of the Harbor Freight cameras, and they are great!! Very easy to add length to the cord, as it is just phone wire.

Our system is not fancy or elaborate, but it works for our situation. I use halter buzzers that go off when the mare lays flat out. For our mares that like to lay flat out just in general, the buzzer seems to make them choose an alternative way to lay down until they are really in labor. We also have Swann Nighthawk cameras that carry video and sound. They have worked very, very well for us over the years. The night vision on them is exceptional.

For us, I hadn't opted to get a more expensive mare monitoring system because I am able to arrange my schedule to be on site pretty much when I think I need to be during foaling season. If I'm at work, and Harvey is at work, we are 50 miles away so online cameras or a pager still makes it at least an hour before we'd be here. Because I can control my office hours w/ clients, simple buzzers and cameras with sound have worked well for us.

These cameras are also good if you have a sick horse to monitor visually. Saves trips to the barn! Plus, the real fun begins once the foals are born. I couldn't count the number of times Harvey and I have laughed out loud at watching one of our foals playing in the stall at night!!!
We have the Equipage and the Swann Nighthawk cameras that Jill mentioned. The cable runs from the barn into the barn apartment and connects to a TV.
Thanks everyone so far...Well I found out this am that we have 2.4 Ghz phone and the Internet tower on our house that runs all the neighbors internet systems as well is also 2.4 Ghz so we are trying to find a system that will be 900 Mhz or 5.8 Ghz...GEE!
...they say this will work better. We are going to try to make the wireless work before going back to wires.


I did contact Ken at Equipage and we doesn't sell anything but 2.4 Ghz, but was very helpful and I really liked that


Jill I have a halter buzzer and used it and the baby monitor for years. The baby monitor was so sensative you could hear the mice squeeking!
I know any kind of system will keep me up, can't get away from that! I would be interested in the Swann Nighthawk if the wireless system will not work for us. Sounds like the Harbor Freight cameras are a good buy or finding one on ebay too.


We have sold off most of our stock and now have a workable small group of mares(4)which we can put cameras on. Might also use them with cows in the future too.


Thanks bunches,

I tried wireless, and had way too much interference with microwave, satellite TV and internet. So its back to wired camera. Instead of burying it in the ground, we run PVC pipe on top of ground and fish the cable through it to the barn. Its a minor inconvenience during foaling season, but worth it. I personally am now looking in to the foaling alarms that go on to the halters since I am learning how difficult these mini mares are to predict labor.
We got a set of 4 cams and the gizmo to connect it to the tv at costco a couple of years ago for 150, still works great and is wireless. Not much interferes with it, it doesn't go bonkers when the microwave is on.

I also have a wired system in another barn and it works great with recycled ATM cams.


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