The Wellness Safe & Lite should be just fine for maintenance, especially with the alfalfa pellets they are getting. I'd probably try it, if they start losing toplines (which is a lack of sufficient protein), then try the Perform Safe Prot 12%. [i'm pretty sure the starch level of either of these feeds is lower than Strategy.]
I've just switched all my normal/maintenance mares to a vit/min supplement with a touch of oats to help it go down (more for me than them, I think). I chose Manna Pro's Sho Glo for my vit/min supplement. Its really too early to tell how much it is or isn't doing for them; they've only been on it a few days. They get 1-4 hours grazing per day, grass hay pellets (I'm short on baled hay, waiting on new crop) and then baled hay at night. I am liking only feeding grain once daily, that is for sure; although, my hard keepers and yearlings are still on 2x daily "grain" (low carb pellet or senior, depending on the horse). Even my very pregnant mare is getting the vit/min and oats plus hers is topped up with a little senior; she was on just more of the senior, but decided she didn't want to eat that much (or just too full of foal to eat that much), she's eating everything now. [i know oats are loaded with starch, but they are the safest grain, and they are literally getting a handful (1/2 cup to be precise, less for the donkey).