This is the most heartening news I have heard in quite awhile(John Eberth's post). A question - John, would a complete pedigree and history, but without blood and other samples, be of any help in research? My dwarf was foaled around 10 years ago, and was euthanized at several months of age; I gave away both her parents to a program that works with youngsters; they are no longer available, to me at least, for blood sampling, etc. I *think* I might still have photos-I know I have one or two of the foal. I would be happy to compile and send the written and pictorial information and send it to you for entry into the research database, if it would be of any help.
I was not surprised to read that it was looking as if it may indeed be a gene contributed by each parent--if only because so much of genetic inheritance seems to work that exact way. Again, as I in my earlier post, and since then, others have alluded to-with a proper test, it should be entirely possible to MANAGE breeding so that actual genetic dwarves are not produced-in the manner that HYPP and CIDS are being "MANAGED" in the breeds where they occur(believe me, the QH organization drug their feet, big time, before finally dealing with it--but at least, they FINALLY did-and if memory serves, the annnouncement came at a nat'l. convention held right here in NM). KNOWLEDGE and EDUCATION, as Carol and others have pointed out, IS the key to dealing with this! It would NOT necessarily require that a high percentage of animals be totally removed from the gene pool-which is one of the 'bugaboos' often cited...
For now, and until there IS a definitive test developed, I would STILL remove from breeding, ANY stallion who has sired even a single dwarf-if only for the reason that a stallion has the potential to 'spread' the carriers much more widely through the breed than ANY mare.(When talking of stallions that sired several dwarves, , or several in one season, people should realize that this does NOT mean that horse is any more likely to produce more dwarves than the horse that has sired ONE---statistical probability ISN'T exact-it's like tossing a coin, with the statistical probability that it will land heads up, 50% of the time, and tails up, 50% of the time. The larger the sample, the more likely it is that what actually occurs will come closer to matching the statistical probability--but the fact that it doesn't does not change the probability. )I really don't think most people are aware of this.
In one of the earlier discussions on this subject, I stated that I would be donating if and when a viable research project were ever a reality. You can believe that I will do just that, to the limits I am able, when John Eberth notifies us of when and where we can send it. I must add, though, that I strongly feel that this research SHOULD BE the province of the breed registries-who might try cooperating(for ONCE!)on this VERY important subject as a service to both the horses AND the members....but, dream on, right??
BTW, tagalong-you'll notice that I didn't jump on you for your post! I agree with those who have said that the past cannot be changed; however, I think the future of the breed is better served by being able to honestly and seriously examine what was, and what went on, in the past(and for that matter, the present-but, that's for another thread!). I WAS around when the horse in question sold for the "big money"--those were what I call the 'glory days', when LOTS of horses were being sold for inflated prices,IMO. If I had HAD that kind of money to spend, I can assure you that it wouldn't have been on that particular horse! I have a LOT of years of experience in the evaluation of conformation-and that would not have suited what I want to see in a horse of ANY size.
I have to ask-how, and why, was Dr. Bowling's research on dwarfism in miniature horses, LOST? What a travesty--did NO ONE think to retrieve it?
(Edited because I also meant to include: a HUGE "YES!" to Ruff n Tuff's observation that THIS research should be up front; let AI and embryo transplant wait!! Hear, hear!!!!!!!!!!!! I have recently been seeing op/eds about how embryo transplant in QHs is having its downside(surprise, surprise, surprise!!)-and BTW, consider the potential to create CARRIERS through such technologies... For the ultimate good of the breed--FIRST THINGS FIRST, for common sense' sake!!!)